Status: Active Again (:

Two Souls Intertwined

Yuna - Chapter 4

“Yunie! Meet Bya-kun and his lieutenant!” Yachiru’s voice suddenly sounded from behind Yuna, causing her such a fright that she jumped right into Ichigo’s arms.

Ichigo smirked at her as a deep crimson blush came on her cheeks.

“S-sorry again...” She stuttered out while he put her lightly back onto her feet before they turned around to face the new comers.

“Ichigo?! What are you doing here?!” An extremely tall guy with spiky red hair happily exclaimed.

Ichigo scratched the back of his head with a slightly confused expression on his face before replying back, “I’m not exactly sure why... Kisuke just said something big was about to happen in the Soul Society and pushed me through the senkaimon.”

“Plus I figured I could always beat you in a battle again while I’m here.” He added afterwards with a big grin on his face.

The guy got in Ichigo’s face then and exclaimed, “What makes you think you could do it again?!”

Ichigo sneered at him and arrogantly answered, “If I could do it once, then I can do it again.”

“Yeah, well we’ll just-” The guy started, but was curtly cut off by his captain.

“Renji, not right now.” Byakuya said, his eyes closed in indifference.

Then opening his eyes and locking them onto Yuna he added, “Especially in front of Miss Shiba.”

Yuna blushed lightly as he addressed her with her real title.

“Shiba?!” Ichigo and “Renji” had exclaimed at the same time in shock, making Yuna blush even more and look away with embarrassment.

“Aw, good so you’ve introduced yourselves.” An extremely familiar voice said out of no where to the right of Yuna.

Everyone looked over and saw Jushiro with his famous smile plastered on his face.

“I’ve asked Byakuya, here, to teach you all about being a noble, Yuna, and gratefully he accepted.” Jushiro added, making Yuna stare wide eyed at the stern-looking stranger.

“You will meet me at my squad’s barracks after lunch for an hour everyday, unless one of us is called to duty.” Byakuya replied with his eyes closed with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

Suddenly his eyes flashed open and pierced Yuna while he harshly added, “Do you understand?”

Yuna jumped a bit at his severe tone, but got into a saluting position and with one nod exclaimed, “Yes sir!”

And for the first time since they saw each other, Byakuya gave her a light smile before turning around to leave.

“That was very good, Yuna. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Byakuya smile before ha-ha. Only kidding, of course, Renji.” Jushiro said happily.

“Nah, now that you mention it I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile since I joined the squad.” Renji replied while looking up at the ceiling with a hand on his chin in thought.

Suddenly Yuna was being given an air tight embrace from her father while he exclaimed, “Aw, my little daughter is so sweet that she can make even Byakuya smile!”

“You’re crushing me, dad!” Yuna forced out while trying to push her father off of her.

“Aw, you’re so cute when you’re getting crushed!” Her father exclaimed.

That did it. Yuna’s eyes changed color and with all her strength and added anger she shoved her father off of her.

People flash stepped out of the way and he ended up going through the automatic sliding doors to the doom of the steps yelling, “My little girl is growing up!”

Yuna was shaking with anger while she had her hands and teeth clenched. Her eyes shut tight in frustration, stupid father!

“Okay, I’m making sure I remember that...” She heard Ichigo say next to her.

Then she heard Renji’s voice as well, “Mental Note #1: Never mess with Yuna.”

The comments made her angrier, however, and she quickly opened her eyes and threw a punch Renji’s way since he was closest to her.

He barely stopped it and said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Watch it there, sweetie, I don’t want to start a fight.”

Yuna sneered at him before roughly taking her hand out of his grip. She then closed her eyes in irritation and turned around so her back was facing towards him with her arms crossed.

“And what the hell is up with your eyes changing colors?” Ichigo asked.

Yuna clenched her teeth and forced out, “None of your business.”
“Ichigo, long time no see!” A male voice called out from behind and Yuna turned around out of curiosity.

Two guys walked up to them with smiles all on their faces.

“Oh and you’re with the new lieutenant. Yuna, isn’t it?” The blonde one asked.

Yuna sighed and her eyes changed back to normal causing her to get comments from the guys. So of course the comments made her angry and she shot a look at them telling them to shut up with her eyes an aqua green again. They became quiet then and she took another deep breath to restore her original eye color.

“My eyes change color whenever I feel either a strong emotion or a mix of emotions. I don’t know why it happens I just know that it’s done it since I was born.” Yuna explained her eyes almost changing again from irritation.

Renji decided to speak up then, “Well, you’re really Kaien and Miyako Shiba’s daughter right?”

Yuna nodded hesitantly before Renji continued talking, “Well, Kaien has the same eye color that you do when your eyes change color and he was really extroverted so that’s probably why they change when they do. And then Miyako has the same eye color as you when your eyes are normal and she kind of has the same personality as you. So you see with genetics and science, it all fits together really.”

Renji smirked at her at the end because he knew he was right and the two guys she didn’t know stayed quiet. Ichigo, however, was staring at Renji like he was absolutely nuts.

“That’s all just a load of absolute- Ow!” Ichigo started saying but was suddenly punched in the shoulder by Rukia, who just appeared from the side of him.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming, you idiot?!” Rukia yelled, glaring at Ichigo, who gave her a malicious look back.

“Don’t yell at me! I didn’t even know I was coming! And why’d you hit me?!” Ichigo yelled back.

“Hmph, idiots need to be hit from time to time.” Rukia only answered while crossing her arms.

Ichigo was gaping at her with fury at her statement and looked like he wanted to kill her right at that moment. The two started arguing like crazy then and everyone averted their attention away from them.

“Well, I’m Lieutenant Kira from squad three and this is Lieutenant Shuhei from squad nine. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Yuna.” The blonde one said with a warm smile on his face.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m so glad I get to meet all my fellow lieutenants before I start working, it’s so much easier!” Yuna replied with a delighted smile on her own face.

“Yeah, well, not all of the lieutenants unfortunately...” Kira said sadly while looking away from her.

Yuna gave him questioning look and Shuhei answered her unspoken question, “Momo, the lieutenant of squad five, has been having a bit of trouble getting around recently...”

Yuna wanted to ask why but decided not to from the upset look Kira had on his face.

“Hey, Kira, cheer up, you’re scaring the new girl! Ha-ha.” Renji suddenly said, wrapping an arm around the blonde shinigami’s shoulder.

Kira gave him a startled look at first but then smiled and nodded in understanding.

“Yes, we should be having fun. Pardon me, Miss Yuna, for my rudeness.” He said then with a disarming smile.

Yuna smiled back and replied, “No problem, Kira. Though I just want to say that I’m sure this Momo girl will be fine before you know it so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. And that whatever she’s going through I’m sure it’s not your fault so don’t act like it is anymore, okay?”

Shuhei and Renji both gave her smiles from her added comment and Kira just started at her in surprise for a second. Then he let out a little laugh and gave her a blissful smile.

“Thanks, Yuna, and I just want to say that you’re going to fit in just great with us lieutenants.” He said, still with a big smile on his face.

“You can say that again!” Renji added with a smirk.

“Definitely.” Shuhei said with a small smile.

Yuna was the one to get caught off guard this time and it took her a second before she could react to the statements with a smile on her face she said, “You know what, so do I.”

Just then Ikkaku and Yumichika, searching for Yuna once they saw Yachiru was with their Captain, both put an arm around Yuna’s shoulders with identical smirks.

“Ready to cut loose?” Ikkaku asked with a grin.

“There you are, Yuna!” Rangiku’s voice drifted over and everyone turned their heads to see her and Shunsui heading toward them.

Once they got there, everyone asked Yuna the same question in unison, “So, are you ready to go?”