Status: Active Again (:

Two Souls Intertwined

Yuna - Chapter 5

Yuna hesitated at first but then she simply shrugged her shoulders with a surrendering smile as the thought “What’s the worst that could happen?” came to her mind.

“Alright then, let’s go to Captain Shunsui’s!” Ikkaku yelled enthusiastically.

“Actually, there’s been a change of plans ha-ha. You see with Jushiro and I so close, I can’t possibly allow his daughter to get drunk for the very first time at my own barracks. So instead the party has been moved to Rangiku’s.” Shunsui spoke up with a slightly apologetic smile on his face, Rangiku with an obviously pleased smile on her own.

“Whoo! Let’s go people!” She yelled before leading the small pack out of the room.

“Wait, Matsumoto, won’t you get in trouble with Toshiro? I mean- uh Captain Toshiro?” Yuna asked hesitantly.

“No need for formal labels, hun. You’re a noble, after all, and yes I suppose I probably will. But don’t worry it’ll all be worth it.” The older woman replied in a still very cherry tone, giving Yuna a wink at the end.

“Don’t worry about it, Yuna, we do this all the time.” Yumichika said, getting close to her face with a sly smile sliding into place on his own.

“Yeah, besides, you’re going to have a great time!” Ikkaku added.

“Yeah and don’t worry about it being your first time, we’ll make sure to keep an eye on you.” Renji said with a reassuring smile on his face.

Yuna blushed a bit at the promise, she hoped no one had heard that part. They soon arrived at the barracks and went inside, everyone bursting with excitement. Rangiku got out all the sake and cups with the help of Yuna and everyone else nice enough to help. Rangiku filled all the cups and passed them out to everyone, some taking two or even downing one before they took two more. Yuna watched in shock as the shy Kira did the latter, suddenly looking extremely happy afterwards.

“Psst, even though Kira make look very reserved, when he gets around alcohol he goes absolutely crazy!” Rangiku whispered in Yuna’s ear, she herself already drunk.

Yuna nodded in understanding as she watched him laugh happily at something a flushed, but grinning Renji said, his arm loosely around Shuhei’s who was laughing just as hard. Just then, a very tall woman came up to get a drink for herself.

Giving a little bow to Yuna, she said, “You must be Miss Shiba, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Lieutenant Isane from squad four.”

Yuna gave her a disarming smile back and said, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Suddenly Isane’s expression changed to surprise and she questioned her, “Etooo, you don’t have a drink yet?”

Yuna’s expression changed as well and a blush came on her cheeks before she shook her head no.

Isane’s expression brightened up then as she understood and replied, “That’s alright, here’s one just for you!”

Yuna stared uncertainly at the sake-filled cup before slowly reaching out to take it from Isane’s hand. She stared at the liquid for a while before gradually bringing it up to her lips and swallowing it down. She coughed as the liquid left the back of her throat, leaving a slightly burning sensation there. But was relieved when the taste of something fruity and sweet was left in her mouth.

Isane laughed a little and said, “Don’t worry everyone does that at first!”

Yuna nodded, her eyes watering a bit, and took another filled cup.

“Let’s go sit with Rukia and Ichigo, they’re with the other non-heavy drinkers.” Isane suggested.

Yuna gave her a small, thankful smile and nodded in agreement.

“Yuna! Isane!” Ichigo and Rukia exclaimed happily in unison, before glaring at each other for the other doing so.

“Hey guys!” Isane replied happily for them both.

Her expression changed suddenly again and then added, “Hanataro! What are you doing here?!”

“I- I was invited.” A short looking boy stuttered out fearfully, visibly shaking.

“Oh, of course, you were! How silly of me!” Isane exclaimed happily before plopping down on a cushion next to him.

Yuna sat at an end of the table by herself, setting the drink on top. Everyone started sharing stories then about what happened to them earlier today and Yuna joined in as well. Hanataro and Yuna were introduced to each other as well. After a while though, Yuna grew tired from the excitement of the day and decided to head home. Saying goodbye to everyone, she escorted herself out. When she outside, she decided to take a rest and just enjoy the chill night air.

Totally relaxed, Yuna suddenly jumped when she heard an obnoxiously loud tone deaf male singing. He opened the doors to the barracks and Yuna quickly got up, not wanting to strike up a conversation with an unknown drunk.

As she passed by, the unknown man made a comment, “Hey, where are you going? Aren’t you going to party with the rest?”

He slurred his words together and it sounded like a bunch of rambling to Yuna so she kept walking on with a now annoyed look on her face. Feeling movement behind her, Yuna turned slightly just in time to see the man grab her wrist forcefully. She let out a tiny yelp from the surprise and pain the sudden movement caused her. Suddenly, Miyako appeared next to them and grabbed the man’s own wrist to a breaking point. The man let go of Yuna and she took her hand away from him quickly, withdrawing from the scene a bit to get a hold of herself.

She watched with shock as Miyako flipped him over her back before grabbing his face and smashing him into the wall, a huge hole made from the force.

Miyako seemed to pause for a moment before letting go of him and saying, “You’re not even worth it.”

Yuna watched as Miyako walked towards her and felt like a child about to be scolded by her mother.

“I’m fine, it’s just a bruise.” Yuna explained with tears in her eyes that threatened to spill over any minute from the pain.

Miyako ignored her, however, and started to bend the wrist backwards causing Yuna to wince and the tears fall.

“Bruise my ass, it’s sprained.” Miyako growled while ripping off a piece of her uniform and wrapping it around the so-called “bruise” until it was completely covered.

When she was finished, they both heard the man try to get up and surprisingly he did.

“How dare you *hiccup* insult the *hiccup* 2nd squad *hiccup* lieutenant!” He yelled at the top of his lungs as he placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword.

Yuna couldn’t believe what he just said. He was a lieutenant?!

Miyako voiced their thoughts saying cynically, “You expect me to believe that you, a gigantic oaf, are the lieutenant of the 2nd squad?”

“That’s right *hiccup*! I bet you’re *hiccup* regretting it now!” The idiot replied with a foolish grin on his face.

“…No, not really.” Miyako said, voicing both of their thoughts once again.

“That’s it *hiccup*!” The drunk lieutenant unsheathed his sword and ran forward.

Miyako pushed Yuna aside a bit so she wouldn’t get harmed as she prepared herself. When he got close he swung his sword into an uppercut and paused. Miyako had used her flash step and disappeared from sight. A sound of amusement came from his right and he looked at his sword. Miyako was perched at the end and smiling. Her fangs shining in the moonlight that shone upon them as Yuna flash stepped to the right of the man.

The stupid man looked slowly down, but it was too late and all he could see was foot before it collided hard into his face. Miyako then jumped up in the air and brought her own foot down on his head, sending him literally about a foot into the ground from the combined impact. Then walking calmly around him, Miyako took his sword that laid next to him. She dangled the sword threateningly over his head. When she brought it down, the man closed his eyes in fear and waited for death to take him.

A few seconds passed and he realized he was still alive. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw her face only inches away from his with a deadly glare, his sword wedged in the ground next to his head.

“If I ever see you touch, or even look at Yuna again, you’ll wish you were dead. Got it!”

The man looked as though he was going to burst into tears but nodded. Miyako stood up and removed the sword from the ground, throwing it to the side.

She turned back around and began walking toward Yuna. Yuna gave her a huge grin that is until she felt herself being lifted into someone’s arms, her father’s. Her arms flailed as she struggled against him but he gave her one of his signature hugs and the breath was taken out of her.

“I can’t believe you got hurt, honey!” Jushiro exclaimed, as he walked away from the scene with her in his arms.

“I’m fine, damn it *cough cough*!” Yuna yelled in frustration, still struggling.

“Miyako! Hurry up and save me from him!”

“I’m never letting you out of my sight again!” He added, ignoring her comment.

Yuna suddenly stopped dead in her tracks to give her father a deathly glare. Jushiro stopped to, noticing the change. He dropped her and let out a yelp from seeing her expression, while scurrying away.

“Now, sweetie, I was just kidding. Of course, you need your alone time. Every girl does, right?” Jushiro added as Yuna slowly got to her feet, her hair covering her face.

Suddenly she threw her head back so she was looking at him and it was like her eyes were glowing with fury.

“If you ever, hug me again, I’m going to disown myself from you!” Yuna yelled and Jushiro went sprawling backwards from the level of her uproar.

“I love you, sweetie!” He yelled before disappearing from sight.

Miyako just stood frozen on the spot at the horrors of what she had just witnessed.