Status: HIATUS -- for who knows how long.

She Will Be Loved

What's In A Name?

I laughed once without humor and before I focused back on my notes. Paige had the type of personality where anything sounded good in theory but nothing ever worked out in reality. She was all talk and no action.

Ms. Fitz turned her young eyes towards the door after she had realized she had lost the class's attention. She placed a manicured hand on her hip and turned around, "Ah, a fresh pair of eyes."

I watched as the tall boy strolled over to the teacher with a confident swagger. She took his schedule and scanned it over. Meanwhile, he looked around the class. He didn't look at us with timid eyes or with an overly cool facade. Tall Boy looked at us with amusement like we were all here to see him. Immediately I decided I didn't like the guy.

"Welcome to American Lit, Mr. Holt. Take a seat." Ms. Fitz proceeded to turn around and continue writing on the board.

Tall Boy tucked his schedule back into the book that he was carrying and took a seat near the back with where the guys from the baseball team sat. He's a jock with an overly confident personality? Shocker. I looked away before he had the opportunity to spot me watching him. There was a nagging feeling in the bit of my stomach.

Once again I attempted to focus on the paper in front of me. I smiled when I realized what our new topic was. I scribbled 'Romeo and Juliet' at the top of my paper with a smiley face next to it. This semester would be cake.

Our young teacher of 27 glided about the classroom enthusiastically. Everyone loved Ms. Fitz. It was impossible not to. She understood where we came from and she didn't assign any ridiculous homework assignments. If you didn't pass, you were a moron.

I gathered my things at the end of class. "What do you think his name is?"

Paige's voice was loud enough for half the classroom to hear. "Who?"

"What do you mean who? We've been going to school with these yahoos for six years."

My eyes flicked over to the back of the classroom where Mr. Holt was gathering his things.

"We probably should figure out his name. Mr. Holt is way to formal." I shrugged back at Paige, "Why don't you go ask him?"

Paige's face reddened and I laughed, "Well my next class is half way across the school. I don't have time for polite chit-chat."

"I guess you'll have to wait and see then." I slid the strap of my bag over my shoulder and walked out. Paige followed after me,

"Your class is right there," She extended a tan arm towards our left. "You have plenty of time."

"I'm not going to talk to him because you want to know his name."

"Why not? Look I'd do it but my class is so far away. Please?" She begged.

"Paige, no. You're going to be late. Go to class."

"Please? Please? I never beg. Give me credit here!"

I sighed and stared at her. She looked desperate, I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'll get his name. But I'm not asking him out for you."

Paige nodded before darting off to class. I pushed a piece of light hair behind my ear and walked over to Mr. Holt.

Lucky for me, he was alone. "Hey you're new, right?"

He glanced from his locker to me. Damn, his eyes were blue. "Right."

"I'm Chance." I stated and smiled.

I raised an eyebrow when he didn't respond, instead just shut his locker and walked off. For a moment I stood there, watching after him, stunned at the audacity of his actions. The heat in my face could have fried a pancake. Naturally I sped after him, who just walked off? Jerks, I reminded myself. God, Paige owed me.

"Hey!" I tapped one of his broad shoulders, frustration was clearly written all over my face. "I know you have a name, or do people just call you Mr. Holt?"

His pink lips twisted into the smirk that I was beginning to think was the only facial expression he knew. "No, I have a name."

Apparently my blank stare was all he needed to continue, "Logan."

"I'll see you tomorrow in Lit, Logan." My lips managed a smile that was half genuine before I turned on my heel and walked towards Chemistry.


I sat at a lab table with my partner Sawyer, a senior who didn't pass it last year, and waited for the zinc to spend the specified time in the hydrochloric acid. As the mixture bubbled in the test tube, Sawyer was discussing baseball.

"Season starts up again pretty soon. Are you coming to the first game?"

Sawyer was a cute guy with his shaggy blonde hair that never seemed to be tamed properly, dark brown eyes, and plump lips that could form a mischievous grin. I smiled at him and rested my chin on my hands, "Probably. I love baseball games, but I don't know about my schedule. Work, practice, you know."

He nodded understandingly, "I hope you can make it."

I watched the red rise to his cheeks and smiled, "Me too."

"You need to add the flaming splint now," Our teacher said and handed us a piece of wood. We nodded and lit the wood on fire watching the aspects of chemistry come into play.

Paige had sat down at our usual lunch table in the courtyard for thirty seconds before casually asking the question. "So, how'd things go with the new kid today?"

The wind caught my hair and whirled it around, "Fine." I muttered as I attempted to find my face in the mass of hair.


"Things with Logan went just fine."

Paige's dark hair stayed in place due to the strength of her hairspray, she grinned. "Logan, huh? That's sexy."

I nearly choked on my burger when she said this, my laughter was muffled by food. My hand quickly flew up to my mouth to stop the particles from flying everywhere. Once I had contained myself, I let out a few small giggles.

"How is any name more attractive than the next?"

Paige threw her arms up in the air, "Are you kidding me? How are we friends?" She stated, exasperated.

"Okay, let's think of it this way. Your name practically tells your personality, Chance. When I tell someone my name is Paige they automatically start profiling me as an awesome, hilarious, attractive goddess."

"Well of course." I stated blandly and picked at my burger with a small smile.

She continued, "And when they someone says 'Logan" I see dark hair, athletic, bad boy.
Basically, my perfect match."

"And when you hear the name Chance, you think?"

"Risky, smart, my best friend who would know nothing without me."

I laughed, "Ah, my name fits me perfectly then."

"DUCK!" Someone across the yard shouted, I turned.

Big mistake.
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A special thanks to: