The Lost MCR


40 years from now playing bingo @ belleville nursing home.

Amy: I29, I29
Gerard: Waht? I What? What'd ya say? *stands up*
Maggie: Gerard, sit down you old coot! You'll wake up the grandchildren!
Gerard: We don't have any grandchildren! Now what was it ya said? I need I29 to win!
Maggie: it was I29!
Gabby: stop it you two! You havn't changed since uh... since un.... When was the civil war?
Maggie: We werern't around for the vil war! We were around the uh... the uh... oh, it doesn't mattter!
Mikey: What?*snores* You can't keep my brother!
Maggie: You talkin' to me?
Mikey:*snores* Ank you won't fuck my friends!
Maggie: I am you friend!
Gabby: Me too!
Ray:*runs in* My hair! it's gone!
Gabby: Your hair has been gone forever!
Ray: But, i miss it!
Bob: Oh, boohoo!
Amy: G52
Maggie: GABBY!
Gabby: Sorry.
*cellphone ringing*
Gerard: I hear something! What is it?
Aschley:(pronounced ashley) Uh... What are those comtraptions called again? Uh... Uh... Oh, right! A cillphone!
Gerard: *answers cellphone* Hello/
Caller: Hello sir! You have just won 1 million dollars!
Gerard: Really! OMG! I just won 1 million dollars!
Lucia: Frankie! Don't prank call Gee! you know he'll believe anything you say!
Frank: I know, that's the beauty in it!
Gerard:*Victory dance* I got 1 million dollars! I got 1 million-OWWW! My back!
Amy: O69, O69
Gerard: O.... my aching back!
Maci: Gerard, what'd you do this time?
Gerard: Frank prank called me and I did my-
MAci:Victory dance?
Mikey: *snores* Teenagers scare the living shit outa me!*snores*
Ray: Ohh! Nurse Maci, Mikey said a bad word!
Maci:*rolls eyes* come on Gerard.
Gerard: No! Iwanna play bingo! iwanna play- OW!
Maci: God, im too young to be doing this! Im not even 20 yet!
Gerard: ya, you're a hott 18 year old. *snores*
Maci: I think it's time for you nap!
Gerard: But it's only 3 in th morning!
Maci: No, it's 3 in the afternoon.
Gerard: Morning!
Maci: Afternoon!
Gerard: Morning!
Maci: After- Oh why am I anguing with a 70 year old?
Gerard: 69.
Maci: Whatever!
maggie: Gerard, stop flirting!
Gabby: ya! stop flirting!
Gerard: I'm not flirting, i'm uh... what were we talking about again?
Bob: That you were tired and wanted to go to bed?
Gerard: No, that's no it.
Gabby: Where's my prize? I won bingo! I want a lollipop! i want a lollipop!
Maci: Gerard, let's go!
Gerard: No! I want to stay here with Maggie!
Maci: *drags gerard*
Gerard: Maggie!
MAggie: Gerard!
Aschley: oh, this is so emotional!
Bob:*cries* Just like Alicia and Mikey!
Lucia: I want cookeis!
Gabby: I want a lollipop!
Lucia: Cookies!
Gabby: Lollipop
Lucia: cookies!
Maggie: I want Gerard!
Ray: I want my hair!
Bob: i want my dolly!
Everyone: *stares*
Mikey: I want my mommy!
eveyone: I want my mommy!*cries*
Amy: That concludes our bingo game. Thank you and good nite.
Gabby: But where's my lollipop?
Gerard: *runs in* Michael Jackson! He's after me!
Maci: I'm not Michael Jackson!
Ray:*touches head* Michael Jackson took my hair!
Bob: It was already gone!
Gerard*runs to maggie* Promise me you'll always love me, no matter how bald i get.*takes maggie's hand*
Maggie: i promise, I won't let go! *let's go*
Gerard: you let go!
Maggie: Sorry1*screams* Michael Jackson's behind you!
Maci: Gerard, come here you need to go to sleep!
Gerard: No!*runs*
Lucia: Am i the only one who's calm here?
Gabby: Ahh! Michael Jackson. Hey wait! What if he has lollipops?
Lucia: or cookies!
Ray: or my hair!
Mikey: or my mom!
Maggie: i know he has gerard.
Bob: hey, he might have my dolly!
Everyone: *runs to maci*
Maci: What? What could you possibly want now!
Gabby: Lollipops!
Lucia: cookies!
Maggie: Gerard!
Gerard: Dude, im right here.
Maggie: oh, then i don't want anything.
Bob: My dolly!
Ray: My hair!
Aschley: I'm bringin' sexy back!
Everyone:*talks at the same time*
Maci: Shurt up everyone! uh, ineed to sit down. *sits*
Everyone: *hears a farting noise*
Frank: Ha! Ha! Whoppee cushion!
Maci: I've had it! You guys drive me nuts! I quit! * leaves the building*
Everyone: *cheers*
Gerard: 10 down. More to come!

"Gerard, Gerard! Wake up!" Maggie said.
"What? What happened! Oh my gosh! I'm not old!" Gerard said.
"Duh! What did you have a bad dream?"
"Yay, I did"
"Everything's okay. What'd you have a dream about?"