No One Knows


Matt Sanders has always wanted to be a famous rock star. When his first band Successful Failure failed he got together with some friends. They formed a new band Avenged Sevenfold.

They gathered $2000 to record their first album. After the record was finished they started touring to promote it. It was titled Sounding The Seventh Trumpet.

Tonight was their first show to kick off the tour. It's at a local venue called Chain Reaction. The guys are pumped for the show. Right now they are back stage listening to the other bands playing. They patiently wait for their time to play. Once they finish their set Matt Sanders aka M Shadows thinks: We were born for this.

MATT'S POV: I can't believe we've been doing this for 10 years now. Today is January 2, 2011. Our Nightmare After Christmas tour kicks off soon. It's going to be hard doing another without Jimmy. But he would want us to continue on.

I haven't been feeling right for a few days now. I decide to go to the doctor. When I get there they run all sorts of tests. It's the afternoon of January 20. Our show is at 7:30 pm. We're sitting back stage.

My cell phone rings. I step outside to answer it. I listen intently to what is being said. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it what so ever. How do I tell Val? How do I tell the guys that I have...

It's been a few days since I got the news. The guys have noticed a change in my behavior. One night we are all lounging around on the bus. They confront me about how I've ben acting. Do you feel the pressure now?

I simply explained to the guys I was ill. I didn't tell them with what or how serious it is. Over the next few weeks I secretly receive treatment for my illness. I could feel myself get weaker and weaker everyday. The thing was my weakness is from my treatment not my illness.

As much as I tried to hide it the guys saw anyways. Val had decided to come on tour. She holds a guess you could call it an intervention. I look around the room at the four people ego have been there for me foREVer. Right now, they're the only reason, I'm not letting go.

I tried to tell them what was wrong but the words wouldn't come out.

I walk into my doctor's office. It's time for another treatment. The doctor comes out.

"All right, so you think you're ready?"

I nod my head. I head back to the bus.


Today is February 4. It's been about two weeks since my last treatment. I visited the doctor today. He gave me the bad news. The treatments had not worked.

That night I walked out on the stage. I sang like it's the last song I will ever sing. As the croud screams along I can feel the pressure.

After our encore song we walk in the back.

I tell the guys that I have cancer.