At the Crossroad

This is a story about a girl and her best friends find that they're roads have been crossed with their favourite band, Allstar Weekend

Credit goes out to my amazing friend Paige for coming up with a name for the story! :D thanks so much! :) and she's also one of the main characters of the story :)
  1. Introduction
  2. The Unexpected
  3. Well Hi There!
  4. What To Do?
  5. Is She Worth It?
  6. The Date...I Mean...Hanging Out
    Just a little note,in the beginning of this chapter,there's a story about me messing up with a guy,it actually did happen to me :/ lol
  7. Did He Just Say That...
  8. First Date
  9. Memories?
    So pretty much this chapter is very, very long. At the end of it is the explination to why it is.
  10. BUSTED! Maybe...
  11. I Am A Klutz!
  12. Why Does This Always Happen To Me...
    I felt sooo bad writing this chapter! You will see why.....
  13. I Gotta Fix This!
  14. Am I Too Late?
  15. I'm Gonna Make This Work
  16. Okay Then...
  17. Is That Really You?
  18. Things Will Never Be The Same
  19. New Friends
    Adding a new main character :)
  20. Directions
  21. Well...That Was A Bit Odd
  22. Let The Tour Begin!
  23. Surprise
  24. On The Road
  25. You Have Two Sides
  26. Both At The Same Place
  27. First Date...Again?
  28. Complications
  29. Leaving Me...Again
  30. Movie Nights and Dresses