Birthday Present


“I’m home!” Sarah called opening the front door and hearing the excited yapping of the puppy, Ojama
“Well at least someone’s happy to see me!” She laughed kneeling down to make a fuss of the dog. “Rhian not back yet then,” She stated more than asked, shutting the front door and pulling her suit case in. She’d been visiting friends in Canada for Christmas with Taylor and Taylor‘s boyfriend Kris, they’d only just got back.

Sarah’s eyes flickered down to the pile of envelopes she’d brought in from the mail box, and a few tiny parcels. Then she looked back to the flashing red light on the answer machine.

“Let’s see who loves us then,” She muttered pressing the button and took the parcels and envelopes into the living room, then waiting for the messages to start playing.

“Hey Sarah! Happy birthday! Hope you are having a wonderful day and I can’t wait for tomorrow night! I’ll try phoning again when your in! Love you! Oh and Michael wishes you a brilliant birthday as well! We went up to his parents boxing day, nightmare I tell you! Anyway catch up later! Happy birthday sweetie!

”Sarah I think you took one of my bags, cause Kris has one of yours, god knows what the boy was thinking! IT has flowers all over it! We’ll bring it over before tomorrows sensitivities! Enjoy your night!”

Sarah chuckled gazing across to her pile of bags before sighing. “He has my freaking clothes bag! Great what am I meant to wear to bed now he has my sushi pajamas!” Ojama looked up a little scared, while the next message started to play.

“Ahem, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Sarah! Happy birthday to you!” She could pick out Niki’s voice from the rabble of shouting and singing in the message. “Happy birthday sug, we‘re getting ready to get it on tomorrow night! Can‘t wait, the guys are all coming! Have a good day and we‘ll see you tomorrow! Happy birthday!”

“So won’t be seeing you and the guys today either,” Sarah huffed. Niki was a tour manager, and had worked with numerous bands, though the ones who had had a lasting affect on her were Hollywood Undead.

Sarah heard the beep and waited for the next message to play, none of them had been from the one person she wanted to hear from…

“My friends are inside,”

“Shh,” He whispered kissing her softly on the lips, and pulling her up to sit on the table. “Just enjoy,”

“I barely know you,” She smirked pulling away.

“My names Zacky Baker, I’m 25, I play guitar, left handed, in a band Avenged Sevenfold. I’m the hot one,” Sarah laughed pulling him closer and resting her forehead against his.

“Well yes I-”

“Your turn?” He interrupted kissing her lips again. “Go on,”

“I’m Sarah Clarke, 24, 25 on the 28th of this month,”

“That’s soon, I better start shopping!” He chuckled kissing her nose lightly. “Is there something you particularly wanted?”


“Well yes, who wouldn’t?” Zack laughed kissing her softly again, and trailing his kisses down her neck. “But is there anything else?” Sarah shock her head and leant in closer to Zack. Her hands trailed up his back and towards his neck, her finger tips twisting around his hair. “Well I guess I’ll have to come up with something,”

“You won’t remember,”

“I will,”

“Won’t,” Sarah smiled, moving back slightly but stumbling on her heel. “Oo!”

“You forget, I’m not quite as drunk as you,”

“I’m not!” She defended herself, pouting at the man in front of her. Zack just shock his head and pulled her closer again. “I’m not!” She repeated indignantly feeling his hands rest on her lower back, keeping her pressed against his chest. Sarah cold hear his heart beating as she pressed up against him, her head resting in the crock of his neck so she could smell the comforting sent of cologne and smoke. She closed her eyes for just a second, letting the sounds around them, the sent of cologne, and warmth of Zack’s body wash over her.
She could feel his hands slowly rubbing up and down her back, every so often stopping at the top of her back on her bare skin, his finger tips drawing faint patterns.

“Sarah?” Zack muttered feeling her weight slump against his body. “Sarah?”


“You asleep,” she jumped back quickly, her eyes shooting open.


“You were!” He laughed out loud doubling over. Sarah groaned running her face in her hands and trying to stop the blood rushing to her cheeks. Zack couldn’t stop laughing, leaving her standing there feeling like the biggest idiot around.

“It was the alcohol!” Sarah tried to defend herself. “Oh god, I’m so sorry, you must think I’m-”

“I think your amazing actually,”

“I guess he’s not phoning, not that I blame him, what kinda girls falls asleep on a guy at a club?” Sarah muttered rubbing Ojama between the ears. “Me you and a bottle of wine, well the wines for me, you ducky may have some doggy chocolate that’s about the limit of your excitement tonight,” She carried on chatting to the dog, slowly standing up and wondering into the kitchen.

She bit her lip gazing into the half empty fridge, her and Rhian had not been shopping in ages and it was starting to show. Two bottles of wine, half a tub of butter and some yoghurts.

“Gonna starve as well then!” She sighed grabbing one of the bottles and a wine glass off the side. “Ojama!” The puppy came running up and skidded to a halt at her feet, screwed up into a little bundle of black fur before jumping up and yapping. “And this if for you,” Sarah sighed handing Ojama the treats and then wondering back into the living room.

“Do we fancy season four of how I met your mother or season 2 of the Big bang theory?” She asked herself, as Ojama jumped onto the sofa and Sarah crashed down next to him. “Cause it’s gonna be one long-” She paused hearing something bang outside, almost like a car door. “Nosey neighbours,” She huffed pushing herself down onto the sofa and flicking through the tv channels. “God really nosey,” She huffed going to turn the volume on the tv up but stopping when she heard knocking. “Maybe it wasn’t the neighbours,” Sarah bit her lip and muted the tv. “Come on boy,” She muttered, Ojama jumping off the sofa and following behind her to the front door.

The person knocked again, just as she opened the door a fraction.


“I heard you were all alone tonight and that just can’t happen on your birthday,”


“Hey,” He smirked, as Sarah opened the door wider to see him standing there with bags in hand.

“What are you doing here?”

“Rhian said you’d be home alone, and without food, so I thought I’d bring food and me,” He chuckled, his bright eyes falling to the floor when Ojama pushed out from behind Sarah and started yapping at him. “And this is?”

“Ojama, meet Zacky, Zacky meet my puppy Ojama,” Sarah explained stepping aside to let Zacky in. “Come in ducky,”

“Happy birthday beautiful,” He smiled shutting the door and then turning round to place a kiss on Sarah’s cheek. “Now I have pizza, wine, birhtday cake and this-” He held up a brightly coloured gift bag. “All for the birhtday girl,”

“You didn’t have to do this,”

“I said I would, and anyway I brought you a present,” He laughed walking through the house and into the kitchen.

“Ooo what?”


“Perfect,” He smirked placing all the stuff on the counter and turning round to see Sarah standing behind him.

“Very in fact,” Zack muttered running his hands around her back and pulling her closer. Sarah smiled feeling his hands creep up her back, while his face edged closer to hers, there hips pressed against each other. “You look beautiful, have I mentioned that?”

“I believe you hinted at it when you came in,” Sarah smiled looking up into his eyes. “I thought you’d forgot,”


“Yeah,” She admitted a little embarrassment, and biting her lip.

“Never, I always remember the chance to spend time with a pretty girl,”

“Too cheesy,”

“Stop complaining,” Zack laughed, one hand wondering up her back and stroking the back of her neck. “And just stay quiet for a few seconds,”


“Shh,” Zack chuckled leaning in and pressing his lips against hers.

That was worth shutting up for.

Sarah leant into him, her arms wrapping round his shoulders, and her finger tips curling around strands of hair.

Zacky turning up on her doorstep, may just be the best birthday present ever.

Though having Zack in bed would probably be even better present.

“Shall we leave the pizza, I mean it tastes good cold,” Sarah suggested her hands wondering down his t-shirt and pulling at it slightly.

“And what Miss Clarke do you suggest we do instead?” Sarah smiled and shrugged turning on her heel.

“Well it is my birthday, I think I deserve-”

“Birthday sex,” Zack smirked grabbing her waist and pulling her into him, covering her neck with kisses. “Just don’t you dare fall asleep on me!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its not the best writing in the world, but its the thoguht that counts right?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH....for a goood few days ago =/
