Describe Your Band Mates


Synyster about Zacky:

If I had to describe my friend Zacky in one word it would be devious. Do you want to know why? One time we were all staying at Matt's house during the City Of Evil recording and unfortunately Matt didn't have enough rooms for everyone so I had to share one with Jimmy. I love Jimmy to death but he takes too damn long in the bathroom, people call me a diva but damn, I think Jimmy is worse. Anyway, we had to be in the studio within a hour and Jimmy was taking his good 'ol sweet time in the bathroom getting ready, so I asked Zacky if I could use his shower, he let me use it, being the good friend everyone thinks he is. During the shower Zacky would randomly walk into the room for eyeliner, Matt's hairspray, a comb etc. etc. I was doing my lather, rinse, repeat cycle and during my rinse the little shit climbed on the side of the shower and threw flour on me, mid rinse. I ended up getting soap in my eyes and you can probably figure out what happened from there. I was an hour behind, and had to take a cab there. Trust me that is one place that you don't want to take a cab to. That little fuck.He can be as annoying as Johnny. Don't trust a guy with green eyes.

Zacky about Synyster:

Describe Synyster Gates in one word? Is that even possible? I would say diva. He takes too long to get ready, every fucking little hair has to be a certain way, or he wont do shit! He asked me if he could use MY shower so HE could get ready, I still had to get ready, that little ass! So I threw flour on him, don't criticize me, he deserved it. That fucktard can go through a can of hairspray like it's nothing! Letting him stay in your house is dangerous too because he likes to smoke when he is spraying his hair. ICKY STILL HAS A BALD SPOT BECAUSE OF HIM! Not to forget the fact he killed my hamster! He found it creepy because he said it looked like a rat, so he sat it outside and it 'over heated'. I can't trust him to live in my house with out killing my pets! He wears eyeliner and forgets to take it off before he falls asleep and then there are huge black blotches on my pillows! Don't trust a guy wearing eyeliner.

Matt about Jimmy:

Jimmy described in one word is crazy. He chases ducks, names frogs, eat's king cobra, flushes the toilet when Brian is doing his lather, rinse, repeat that he doesn't think anyone knows about, just so he can get a reaction. He yells at random things. and is totally out of his mind. I have also lost many pieces of furniture because of him throwing them in the pool. He cracks up for no reason what-so-ever, he does handstands in subways, he says the weirdest shit, he always manages to make everyone crack up when it's a stressful day, he is the easiest person to talk to about music, he plays music, we used to get in so much trouble when we were younger and he is just my best friend in the entire world. I love him like the I always wanted brother.

Jimmy about Johnny:

How do I describe Johnny in one word? SHORT! Yep that's the word. He can't reach things in the cabinet, he has to stand on his toes to reach something on the top shelf of the refrigerator. The most stuff the little shit can hold in his hands is 4, anything after that is considered broken. He gets pissed when someone tries to help him with anything. He has butterfingers and in the studio he can't hold onto his bass. And god forbid anyone telling him he needs stilts because he is so fucking short! He bites too, you know? He can't cook either! He almost burned down my house and did burn my kitchen trying to make a burrito! Try explaining that to the fire department without looking like a idiot. I had to stay with Matt during his home renovation. Trust me neither of us were happy about it. I was sleeping in his room while he was working in the room I was staying in. Oh and he pees on people's dad's. Damn short shit.

Johnny about Shadows:

Matt in one word would be, moody, simply because his mode changes like no other. To his lovers he is all cuddly and cute, wait did I just call him cute? Yeah I did. He's all cool and everything when we are just hanging out in his back yard around the pool. Pissy when he wakes up in the morning, enjoys renovating, and hates when people get in the way of said renovation. He get's violent when people talk shit on his friends and band. I remember when we were in Dallas, playing a show and when we went to do a meet and greet and some A7X hater spat on his face but instead of killing that asshole he walked away that was when I think he became more mature. But then i think of times when he has thrown beer all over me for no reason what so fucking ever and think 'Dude, grow up.' He is one of the strangest dudes ever with the oddest mode swings!
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Tell me what you think this is the first thing I have written since my computer crashed. This is a bit of an experiment to see if I can still write, I don't know when I can get the other stories back on track, my uncle is currently dieing and we are all so worried and trying to spend as much time as possible.