Status: Migth be more, depends on response.

W and Vamp


It had been a grey morning and by noon rain was falling, drops the size of crocodile tears splashing against the roof.

Taika could hear every drop that hit the roof, going in a steady yet solemn rhythm. She was lying on her bed, staring at ceiling. The drops could not reach her there. But yet she heard them even when she did her best to block the sound from her mind.

Taika had not gone to school this day, and when her cell phone suddenly started buzzing on her bedside table she knew what it was before she even answered.

“I’m so sorry sweet hearth, she didn’t make it…”

“I know.”

Her father didn’t answer and they both reminded silent for a time.

“I can come home, if you like.” He suddenly offered.

“No, I’m fine…”


“No dad. I’m okay, really.” Taika wasn’t sure that she even convinced herself.

“Okay, bye then. Call if there is anything, okay? And I really mean anything.”

Her father finally hung up and Taika went back to staring at the ceiling.

Nothing was okay. Taika had known from the moment she opened her eyes that her grandmother had died. She had not known why or how she knew. She just did, and that was the very reason she was still in bed.

You just didn’t know when someone died.

Taika had not known her grandmother very well either, when her mother died her father had broken all contact with that side of the family.

An hour or so had soon passed, and Taika finally got out of bed. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was a mess. Being short cropped right under her ears it tangled like a birds nest at night.

Not bothering to put on some socks she walked towards the kitchen, but when she rounded the corner she froze.

There was a man inside the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm just testing out an idea I got on a bus ride. But it is developing and expanding in my mind so I might do more if I get positive rewives.
And that sounds quizillawhineish but I'm not going to pretend like this isn't like any other mediocre vampire story out there.
So as long as someone are reading, I will try to keep writing on this.