The Playground.




Johnson's High. A place with losers, geeks, jocks, cheerleaders, wannabes, emos, skaters, and, 'the coolest people you'll ever meet'. I was part of that group, although, it really was the group that people wanted to be in. It consisted of me, Jack, Bryson, Paul, Jennifer, Tamara, and Melissa.
It was only four o'clock and I couldn't wait to fall asleep in bed, but Melissa had other plans. She wanted me to 'be a romantic boyfriend'. To be honest, I don't know how, or why, she always hung out in our group, when she really belonged to the cheerleaders. Maybe because she was my girlfriend she thought we had to hang out during school, since I ditched her any weekend I could to party, and get some. It was horrible, but it was how I lived my life. Call it a mess, I'll call it heaven.
Mondays weren't that bad. I was still chirpy from yesterday's events, and I had the evening to look forward to. The rest of the week was ahead of me, with early weekend parties starting Wednesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday was the worst day. I never had anything to look forward to, but I still enjoyed it like it was my last day. That's how I lived, pretending nothing was wrong, and living every day like it was my last. Many envied that.
"Hunny, let's go to to the movies!" gushed Melissa, while I was putting away my books into my locker. I didn't need any of it, the only home work I actually had to do, was English, since that was the only subject I promised my mother I would do good on. And I kept my promises.
"Melissa, I don't think I can, I promised my mom I would help her out with dinner today." I lied. I said I kept my promises, but I never said anything about lying.
"Oh. Well, how about tomorrow?" she asked, on the verge of starting a fit that I never made enough time for her. I had plenty of time, I just never used it on her.
"Can't. My mom and Trip are going somewhere and I have to watch Penn."
"She's thirteen.." said Melissa, almost begging.
"So? If I'm not there she'll probably have guys over and have a party." I told her, not lying. I actually had to mind Penn.
"Let her! I'll come over, we can go upstairs, and we'll be able to hear if anythings going on.." she told me, now literally begging.
Sighing, I agreed, then let her jump off happily. See what having a girl friend does? Prevents you from getting stoned in your room. This was buzzing my mood. Checking my phone it was already 4:15, and I had to get home and do this English home work so I could leave by eight.


Before leaving, I checked myself out in the mirror. I didn't need to, Charlotte wasn't one to care. My black hair fell loosely on my fore head, my fringe framing my face. It was short at the back, I didn't like it long. My layers were grown out, from my last hair cut, when Penn made me go. I remember one day last summer, when Charlotte tried to dye my hair a different shade of black, and it turned out bright purple. Everyone made fun of me for days when my mother said I couldn't dye it back until the next weekend. When she asked who did it, I told her I tried to do it myself, I didn't want anyone to know. It was a secret. Ours.
Slipping on my black and white Vans sneakers, I pulled on a thick black jumper over my plain blue t-shirt. It normally got chilly around this time. I climbed out my window when the clock hit eight thirty, today we had missed the sunset we normally enjoyed watching because Charlotte insisted we had to meet up later because people were becoming suspicious as to why she was always out during the day, so we resorted to sneaking out. It made it much more fun,though.
Just as I made it to our place, I could see her silhouette. Her long hair swayed in the wind that had picked up, and the artificial light that came from the lamp post near by lit the side of her face I could see from where I was standing.
Walking up to her, she didn't turn around, she knew I was here. We didn't have to say anything. It was so comfortable. I sat down, and she turned to look at me. Sighing, I embraced her with a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the fourth chapter, every body! I would like to say thank you to my subscribers, which I am too stupid to figure out how to check who subscribed? :L
And I would also like to thank my two commenters, KrissParadise and GaskarthBabeey!
Of course, I have to thank everyone who is reading this measly story I am writing, I really appreciate your taking the time! Oh! And just so you know, I am also taking the time to read stories as well as update since I have the time, so let me know if you want me to read your stories!
Thank you(: