Sequel: Yes, I Would
Status: Hiatus

Lumos, Light of My World


Abbigail's POV

I sat across from Dumbledore, sighing. It was so warm and welcoming in his office, much preferred over my living conditions that summer.

"Abbigail, how lovely to see you again. I meant to talk to you after dinner finished last night, but you see, you're much faster than I. My old legs couldn't seem to keep up with your's."

I smiled slightly, nodding.

"No, no. I understand perfectly Professor. I just needed to come and tell you that I don't have any information except that Voldemort is very much alive."

He folded his hands on his desk and leaned forward.

"Yes. Harry told me that you saved him the night of the Third Task. Quite brave of you, I must say, considering you've known him little over a year."

"I knew what would happen if Harry died. It was either him or me. What would you have done?"

"The same."

"Good. Besides, if it had been Harry instead of me, Voldemort would have killed him. He didn't kill me, which means he still sees something of value, something I can do for him. I'll have more information for the Order in the near future."

"Very good, very good. Thank you Abbigail."

I paused for a moment before speaking again.

"He'll kill me if I continue to speak to the Gryffindors. Draco will be watching me. He'll tell the Dark Lord if I befriend them again. I think it's better for everyone if I avoid them for now."

He nodded in understanding.

"I'm sad to say that I agree with you."

There was a long silence.

"I suppose I'll tell them now then."

I stood and walked over to Fawkes.

"It's been a long time buddy."

He nudged my hand with his beak, greeting me almost.

"Miss me?"

Of course he didn't respond, only looked at me intently, remembering the few times I had visited him the year before.

"Thank you again Professor" I called over my shoulder as I left the office.


I groaned inwardly as I looked at the group of Gryffindors in front of me. Hermione, Ron, and Harry sitting on a bench and Fred and George standing only a few feet to my right. I could feel the tears trying to escape, but I hurriedly pushed them back. The corridor was completely empty, I had made sure of that, so that no wandering souls would stumble upon them.

"I have to tell you all something" I began. "And it's important that you listen to me."

They waited, eyes wide.

"I can't be seen around any of you. It's too dangerous. We'll all be dead if we act so carlessly as we used to. No more meals shared in the library. No more waving in the hallways. No more passing notes during class. Nothing."

There were protests before I was finished.

"Listen to me!" I yelled.

They stopped and my eyes met those of Fred. I quickly looked away, afraid I might go into hysterics.

"Unless you want to die, unless you want me to die, you'll listen to me. It's safer this way. I've already talked to Dumbledore about it and he agrees. It's the only way."

I turned on my heel and walked quickly down the corridors. No one followed me. Before long, I found myself in a seventh floor corridor, foreign to me, a large door appearing out of nowhere down the hall. I cracked the door open, peering in to make sure no one was there.

Stepping inside and closing the door behind me, I found the room to be filled with boxes upon boxes of tissues along with about a dozen couches and chairs scattered around at random. I collapsed on the closest one, grabbing a tissue and wiping the tears away as best as I could.

The Room of Requirement. Never thought I'd find this place.

I eventually drifted off to sleep, escaping my troubles for the little time I could afford.
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Sorry this is rushed and I didn't have time to check spelling. I promise the next one will be better than this. I will be SPEEDING through this story in order to finish it before school starts again so be ready to comment!!!

Check out my new story The Redheaded Wonder! It's about Ron.

The sequel to this story should be started sometime in August!!! Go ahead and subscribe!
