Status: Updates will be pretty slow :]

I Adore You...

Chapter Two

Drew's Point Of View

The only other human being who's seen my penis, is my mother, I'm seventeen

You would imagine a boarding school to be a civilized place, which contains students who care about their education, the way they present themselves and overall want to be a good person. I thought the very same as I turned up on my first day, my shirt as smooth as silk, tucked into my trousers, top button done, my tie hanging proudly around my neck. That cheesy, little grin was soon wiped from my face when I walked into my room to see a girl, Madison who strangely happens to now be my best friend, shagging a rather hot boy on my bed. How classy of her, the room smelt like sex for weeks. This place is for the deranged, the sexual beings, the animals which roam free in society. I stand out like a sore thumb, being a virgin kind of stamps loser on your forehead.

Right now I'm sat in the common room, my books lay scattered on the table, a cup of tea wobbles on the table as Madison slams her hand down on the table. She's getting felt up right next to me, and by the sounds of it she enjoying it. I grimace, that sense of being the only decent human being in here creeps over me again. I'm pure, innocent an nun, whatever floats your boat. But the point is, it kind of makes you lonely when the whole of your school is swapping sex positions and condom preferences. I think Madison feels sorry for me, I'm that puppy nobody wants, the once which stays in the box, scratching away at the sides hoping one day someone will love them. Madison groans again, I see a vastly widening hole in her tights, she squiggles in the boys lap, him grunting in satisfaction.

Sex sweeps around the corridors, each classroom just another place to get sucked off, give a hand job, the usual. I feel like an alien on a forbidden planet, nothing makes sense around here to me. I have never been in a relationship, never kissed anyone, never felt someone's hand fit perfectly in mine. That's why I tend to be alone most of the time, I suppose I prefer it that way, nobody can make fun of you when your locked away in your room, spilling out your heart to a diary like an hormonal teenage girl. I would talk to Madison but she doesn't understand, she just giggles and nods in all the right places. She's kind of like a living doll, tanned, thin, hair swishing down her back. People manipulate her, use her and then just throw her away when they are finished, along with her dignity too. That barbie which is ripped from the box, played with and then tucked away never to be seen again.

Turning away from her I scan my eyes around the room, that feeling a loneliness creeping up on me again, that imaginary friend which follows you everywhere. Idle chatter fills the room, the odd squeals of laughter, students shuffle past me carrying books, pushing each other. But then I notice someone, they are sat at a crowded table, headphones stuffed into their ears, clearly blanking out the others surrounding them. I feel an ugly knot twist in my stomach, it tugs when I look at them again, my whole being bursting into butterflies. I feel my cheeks turn scarlet, before rummaging through my bag, to hide the embarrassment.

He's called Luke, and he may be the most beautiful boy ever to walk the planet.

This fascination with him is unnerving, it makes me feel sick, really sick. He has eyes which could break a million teenage hearts, that smiles makes me want to rip his clothes off... But of course I would never do that, one look at a penis and I run a mile. No joke. There is just something strangely comforting about him, I like that, I like how he can make me feel all warm and fuzzy. But why would a boy like him, want anything to do with little, old me? I doubt he's even gay anyways.

Quickly I stand up when I see him walking away from his friends, that glamorous smile plastered all over his smug face. My heart jumps, a leap of faith as he comes closer to me, I carry on walking as he passes me. We both stop, my throat blocked with words I'm never going to say as he parts those beautiful lips.


Oh dear.
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Hey I'm Sian I will be writing Drew's point of view (':

Much love x