Sweet Children

The beginning.

Gerard's POV

July 15, 1985.

It's my best friend's birthday today. He turns 8, like I am. I like to tease him because he is younger than me. It really doesn't bother me or him, it just.. fun. So, my best friend is named Ray. He has funny hair and he is bigger than me. And that's why he teases me sometimes. I'm older so I should be bigger but I'm not.
We're on the beach and Ray is telling me jokes. How fun. But I want to swim. I can't because I have to look after my little brother. He is four and too quickly for me. I think he is a nice brother. But he likes to steal my toys. Everyone says we're the cutest brothers ever. Well adults say like that. Children don't like us, I don't know why. Well I don't like them, so there's no problem. Okay, Ray is a child and I like him. And I like my brother, his name is Michael but I call him Mikey. Everyone calls.
Mikey is here with his best friend, Bob. Bob is a year older than Mikey, but they are still best friends. And I think that's cool. Sometimes I play with them, but they are boring. Luckily I have Ray.

My parents and grandmother are here too, but I don't know where. Our parents should be looking after Mikey, they are his parents. I'm not and I wanna swim now. I'm watching children and they're swimming. They all are happy.. but wait a minute, there's something wrong..

"Ray? Where's Mikey?" I asked. Ray yawned and looked around.

"I don't see him," Ray answered still looking around and I got up. I was scared.

"We have to find him or mom will kill me! Last time when Mikey disappeared..." I said and Ray nodded getting up too.

We tried to find Mikey, but we didn't find him. He was nowhere. And I'm so worried that it makes me sick. Of course I know Mikey will be fine, but if my parents know I lost him... They would kill me. Well, almost.

Then we heard screams. I know that voice, it's Mikey! We ran and tried to find him.. and then we finally found. He was shouting... but he was okay. I mean, he just stood and shouted.

"Mikey? Mikey, shut up! What's wrong with you?" I asked and slapped his face because he didn't stop it.

"Frank!" Was the only thing which came from his mouth.

"Who is Frank?" Ray asked.

"I don't know... Mikey doesn't know anyone called Frank... he is insane!" I said and Mikey fell down.

"Mikey?!" I yelled and went to sit next to him. He didn't yell anymore, he just looked at me sadly.

"He is dying," Mikey finally said sobbing.

"Who? That Frank? Who is he?" I asked and hugged my baby brother.

Then we see a lot of people. They all look scared and I hear how somebody whispers 'oh my god, is he okay?'. I look at Ray who looks at those people. He noticed the same thing.

"Mikey? What did happen?" I asked and my voice was shaking. My brother looked at me.

"We were swimming and then Frank was sinking..." Mikey said quietly. He noticed all those people and stared at them.

Ray looked at me and then he went to see what happened. Mikey hugged me tight.

Then I saw Bob. He carried some boy and Bob was just five, so it was pretty amazing he could do that. Well the boy was so small and Bob is strong. Mikey saw them too. He got up and ran over to them. I went too, of course. The boy was now on the ground. He coughed and he was so wet. Then he opened his eyes. And he looked at me. And smiled. I smiled back, I don't know why. I didn't even know this boy. He was Mikey's friend, I guess. Mikey hugged him tight and smiled. I've never seen that my bro can smile like that.

"You're alive," Mikey finally said and patted Frank on the head. Bob looked tired and sat down next to that boy. Was it Frank?

Anyway, he smiled at Bob and hugged him. I guess he thanked him too, I didn't hear it well.

Ray was standing next to me and looked at those little boys.

"They have a new gang..." Ray mumbled and I saw he was a bit jealous.

Frank was now looking up Ray's hair and giggled. I didn't even know someone could giggle like that. He sounded like a girl. Well, usually boys who are like, two years old, sounds like girls. Okay, I don't know how old is he.

"What?" Ray asked and tried to look a bit angry. Frank smiled and pointed at Ray's hair.

"Touch," Frank said and stretch out for Ray's hair.

"I think he wants to touch your hair," I whispered and Ray looked at Frankie and thought.

"Okay, little one. But just this time," Ray finally answered and kneed down.

Frank giggled again and touched Ray's hair. Mikey and Bob smiled and they touched it too. Ray became a bit nervous and got up.

"I haven't eaten any ice cream today," Ray suddenly said smirking. I looked at him and he pointed at the kiosk.

"Okay, lets go then... Mikey? Come with us, now," I said and we were leaving.

Bob came with us, of course, but then I noticed Frank was coming too. I was staring at him, I don't know why. He just kept on smiling at me.

Ray grabbed my hand and I had to look away from Frank. Ray, Mikey and Bob ran to the kiosk and I walked with Frank. It was a bit awkward, because we didn't talk. I wanted to say something nice, like ask his name. I already knew it, but he didn't know my name and he didn't know that I knew his name. I looked at Frank again and he was still smiling. I felt so stupid. No, I wasn't stupid. He was! He was smiling and staring at me like some idiot. I know, he isn't an idiot... but still.

Finally we were buying our ice creams. I had to pay everything. It didn't bother me, it was nice to know that adults trusted me. We went to sit some bench and I saw how Frank was looking at Mikey, who was now eating his ice cream happily. My stomach hurt a bit and I didn't want to eat my ice cream anymore.

"Frank?" I finally asked and Frank turned his head.

"I was just wondering... my stomach hurts, do you want my ice cream?" I asked and he nodded. I gave it to him and it made me feel good. Frank was happily licking my, or his, ice cream.

Mikey ate his own ice cream fast, like always. He was bored and stole Bob's ice cream too.

"Mikey! Give it back to Bob!" I shouted, but Mikey just laughed and was eating it.

Bob was getting angry and tried to take his ice cream back. Mikey didn't let him. He dumped the ice cream to Bob's head. Ray started laughing and Bob stole his ice cream and threw it at Mikey's head.

Sometimes they're so childish, I thought. Frank was looking at them and giggled. He still tried to eat his ice cream, but it was kinda hard when he was giggling so much. Ray, Mikey and Bob were wrestling now and I sat on the bench with Frank. Frank finally ate the ice cream and hugged me.

"Thank you," he whispered smiling. That made me feel so good.

"You're welcome," I answered and then I saw my parents and grandmother.

"Who's this?" Granny asked and sat next to Frank. Frank looked at her with his eyes wide open.

"He is Frank. And Frank, this is my grandmother, she is really nice, don't be scared," I said and Frank stretched his hand out to Granny. Granny took his hand and they shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you," Frank said quietly and granny smiled at him.

"You seem to be a very nice boy, Frank. Where are your parents?" Granny asked and Frank looked around.

"I don't know," he finally answered and his smile disappeared. Granny looked at me a bit worriedly.

"Honey, you should find his parents, right?" She said and I nodded. I took Frank's hand and we were running on the beach.

"What's your name?" Frank suddenly asked. Funny, I already introduced him to Granny and he didn't know my name.

"My name is Gerard," I answered.

"Gerard... I like it," Frank said and I was going to say that I like his name too, but he ran away.

He was hugging some woman, I guess she was his mother.

I went closer, I just wanted to make sure she really was here with Frank.

"Mommy, this is my best friend, Gerard," Frank said and pointed at me. His mom smiled at me.

"Hi Gerard, nice to meet you," she said and I nodded.

I'm Frank's best friend? But I already have one best friend, Ray. And he is... Where he actually is?

That's how we met our little Frankie. And what happened after that?
Three days after the day I first met him, I noticed he moved next to my house.

"Gerard!" Mikey shouted and ran inside. He had been playing outside and now he came in and jumped around.

"Calm down, Mikey!" Mom shouted laughing from the kitchen, but Mikey didn't calm down.

"What?" I asked and put my comic book away.

"Guess who is living in that white house next to ours?!" He said and still didn't stop jumping.

"Mikey, this house will collapse if you don't stop jumping!" Mom shouted again. Now Mikey stopped.

"I don't know... Batman?" I tried. Mikey shook his head.

"No, guess!" He said again.





"The president?"

"Mm... Mommy, can Frank be the president?" Mikey shouted and mom came out from the kitchen.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Well... Gerard doesn't know who is living in that white house and he said that the president lives there and I don't know can Frank... Oops, now he knows," Mikey said sadly and mom just laughed.

"Honey, maybe he is someday, I don't know that.. But please, be quit, your Grandma is trying to sleep," mom hissed and left.

"Does Frank live here?" I asked and Mikey nodded.

"He had to go home, but he promised he will come outside and he said he wants to play with you, so come!" Mikey said and pulled me off my bed.

That summer was the best summer so far. Frank, Mikey, Ray, Bob and me were always together. Frank kind of bring us together. Before we met Frank, I was always hanging out with Ray. Now we all were hanging out but I liked Frank more. He was funniest and nicest.
I'll never forget how we taught him to ride a bike. It was a really funny and hot day. Frank spent many nights with me and Mikey. And our mom became friends too. His parents were so nice and they liked us. And my parents just loved Frank.
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I'd like to know what do you think, so comments = love. :)