Sweet Children

Best Friends

Frank's POV

The beginning of November, 1989.

I just turned 8 and it's awesome. I had great party and I got many presents. Daddy wasn't there and I missed him. Mommy said he was busy with his work. I won't grow up and I won't go to work. Dad is there always.

I don't want think about it now, because I'll spend this night with Gerard and Mikey. They're my best friends. And their mom is my mom's best friend. They are going to spend this night together and that's why I'm here with Gerard and Mikey.

"Honey, are you sure everything will be alright? I can call your grandma and ask if she could come here..." their mom said to Gerard, but he just shook his head.

"You don't have to. I'm not a baby anymore," Gerard declared and their mom just smiled.

"I know you're not. I love you," she said and kissed his forehead. Then she turned to Mikey and me.

"I love you two too," she said and kissed our foreheads too.
She took his cell phone and showed it to us.

"This will be with me all the time. If there's some problem, call me, right?" She said and I nodded smiling.

"Mom, I can use the phone," Gerard said and pushed their mom out. She laughed and waved to us. We waved back and she left with my mom.

I went to sit on their couch with my teddy bear. Gerard sat next to me and Mikey turned the TV on. He changed the channels.. and stopped when we saw something weird. There was a woman who was naked. There was also a naked man and they were wrestling. Mikey's mouth was wide open.

"What's that?" I asked and Gerard turned to me.

"Porn," he simply said and got up. He tried to take the remote, but Mikey kept it with himself. Gerard almost touched it and Mikey started to run around the house and screamed:

"I wanna watch porn!"

Gerard left after him and tried to catch him. I was still sitting on the couch and watching that 'porn'.
Then that man was top of the woman and pushed his penis into that woman. The woman screamed and the man pushed himself faster.

"Gerard!" I shouted and ran behind the couch. Gerard ran downstairs and found me sitting alone there.

"Are you alright Frankie?" He asked and hugged me. I like it when he called me 'Frankie'.

"That man tried to kill the woman and she was screaming," I sobbed and held him tight.

"It's alright, Frankie. It was just a show, she didn't die really," he whispered and stroked my hair.

"What's wrong?" I heard Mikey's voice.

"You idiot stole that fucking remote and Frankie saw something scary. I told you to change the channel!" Gerard said angrily and Mikey came next to me and hugged me too.

"I'm sorry," he said still hugging me.

"It's alright", I sobbed and smiled. Mikey turned the TV off and gave me his lollipop.

"I'm still sorry. Here, you can have it," he said and I took it smiling.

"Thanks," I whispered and Gerard was still hugging me.

He pulled me in his lap and we just sat there together, behind the couch. Mikey laid on the couch and ate Skittles. I licked the lollipop and noticed Gerard who was looking at it hungrily.

"Taste it," I said and gave it to him. He licked it happily and gave it back to me.

"Thanks, you really are my best friend," he whispered and hugged me again.

I hugged back like he would die if I let him go. But when I was with him, I was safe. If I'm with Mikey, Bob and Ray, it's fun, but I'm not safe. But I'm safe with Gerard.
Then I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"You're tired?" Gerard asked and I nodded and then, I yawned again.

"Frank sleeps in my room," Mikey said tiredly and got up. I saw how Gerard looked at him sadly but Mikey didn't notice.

"Frankie? Do you want me to carry you?" Gerard asked.

"I can walk," I mumbled tiredly and tried to get up. I almost fell because I was so tired.

"I carry you," he said laughing and carried me to Mikey's room.

The next thing I knew was that I was laying on Mikey's bed and Gerard sat next to me. He didn't know I was awake and I heard how someone was taking a shower. Mikey. Gerard sang some song and it was so beautiful.
Mikey came back and jumped on me.

"Mikey..." I whined and he just laughed.

"Sorry, Frank. I just had to. Okay, now we'll sleep, go away you big... big... something stupid," Mikey said to Gerard. Gerard looked at me and waved a bit.

"Good night, Frankie," he said and left. Mikey fell asleep pretty fast. But I wasn't tired anymore. Mikey was so mean to Gerard. He is always. Well, he wasn't when they were young. Now he is.

I got up and took my pillow with me. I walked to Gerard's room. He was sitting on his bed and he read something. Then he saw me.

"Frankie? Why don't you sleep?" He asked. I went to sit on his bed too.

"Why Mikey is so stupid? He is so mean to you," I said and Gerard sighed.

"I don't know. I guess it's just his age," Gerard explained.

"But... I don't want to be like him! He is just a year older than me, so I'll be like him and..." I muttered sadly.

"No, Frankie. You won't be like he is. I just know it. And I like Mikey. Sometimes he is very stupid, but he can be nice too," Gerard said and smiled. He made me feel good, again.

"I know. He is my friend," I giggled and hugged my pillow. Gerard laughed to that and took my pillow away.

"Give it back!" I pouted and jumped on him.

"No, it smells like you," he laughed and sniffed it. I took it back and stuck my tongue out.

I hid under his covers and he started tickling me. I giggled so hard.

"Frankie, everyone is going to hear that," he laughed and took the covers away. I pretended I was sleeping.

"Mm... what if I just eat all Frankie's Skittles. He is sleeping, he won't know it was me..." he said and moved a bit. I opened my eyes quickly. Nobody touches my Skittles!

"No, Gee, you can't! They're mine!" I shouted and pushed him down. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Are you gonna kill me?" He asked laughing because I was still on top of him.

"Never!" I shouted and went next to him.

"Can I sleep here with you?" I asked shyly and he nodded.

"Yeah, I wanna see Mikey's face when he wakes up and you're not there," he said laughing. I smiled and laid next to him.

"Me too," I said tiredly and everything went silent. I was falling asleep, when Gerard finally said something.

"Frankie, you're my best friend," he said.

"You're my best friend too... forever", I answered and hugged him. And I fell asleep after that, my head on his chest.

"Mommy!" I heard someone's voice.

I woke up next to Gerard. The voice woke him up too.

"Mommy, Gerard stole my Frank!" Mikey shouted again and I saw Mikey who was standing in Gerard's room. Their mom came in and hugged Mikey.

"No, he didn't. Frank can be your friend too, right?" She asked still hugging Mikey.

"Gerard gets everything, always," Mikey cried.

"Shh... no, he doesn't get everything," their mom appeased him. Mikey was still crying and Gerard looked at me sadly.

"I didn't steal you, did I?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You didn't," I answered.

"Did Mikey wake you two up? Poor you," their mom said to us and carried Mikey away.