Sweet Children

The Fight

Gerard's POV

February, 1993

"..And I'm not coming back!"

"Like I would care!"

"How did I waste my time with you so many years?!"

"Well then this is the best thing ever!"

"It really is! I don't want to see your face ever again!"

"You don't have to!"


"Daddy don't go!"

"Frank, this is the best for us.."

"Daddy you can't!"

"Don't touch me!"


"Stop that, Frank!"

"Daddy, you can't..."


"Go - Ouch(/i]"

"Did you hit him?!"


I was drawing when I heard those noises. I felt so weak.. of course I knew who they were. Frank's parents. I knew their voices.. and that one, who was crying, was Frank.
I looked out of the window and saw how Frank was crying alone. His cheek was red. His dad hit him, I heard it. Why didn't I do anything?

Frank's mom came out, she was crying too. She hugged Frankie and said something to him. It wasn't nice, I think, because Frank got up and started yelling. Then he left. His mom didn't run after him, why would she? Frank wasn't a baby anymore, he was 11, turning 12 in October.

I wished Frank would come here. He didn't. I couldn't run after him, I didn't know why. And I was pretty sure that I knew where he was. Then someone opened the door.
Be Frank, be Frank, be Frank, be... Mikey.

"Hi bro... can I come in?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled shyly and closed the door. Then he sat on the chair, which was next to my bed. I sat on my bed and stared at him.

"Yes?" I asked when he didn't say anything.

"Mm... well, today was... there happened this thing..." he mumbled.

"Yeah, what?" I asked again.

"Mything.. youknowwhatactuallywasyouknowveryhardanditwas..." he mumbled and was so red. I looked at him smiling.

"Are you, my dear brother, trying to tell me that you got hard today? And it was the first time?" I asked and almost laughed. I remembered when it happened to me... I was swimming with Frank. Yeah, how embarrassing.

"Yes," he finally said and blushed even more.

"It's normal," I said and he nodded.

"I know, it's just... weird," he said and I smiled.

"Yeah, I know that feeling... but you know, you can jerk off!" I almost yelled. He looked at me shocked.

"Fuck you," he said and threw a pillow at me.

"Hey, you're a big boy now, but not that big. You can't say that to me!" I said playfully and he laughed.

"Right... anyway, I'm going now, mom is so pissed off!"

"Why?" I asked and Mikey blushed again.

"I... I broke our TV..." he whispered.

"You did what?!" I yelled and he ran away.

The fun thing is, that I didn't even watch TV. I took my coat and went out. I just needed to think..
I've been thinking about things lately.. Well, I've always been thinking, but you know.. this thing.. Frank. He's been my best friend since I was 8. I've always liked, and actually loved him. But now it.. it's different. And difficult. He is just a kid! I'm a teenager, I should go out with girls and everything like that.. and I'm always here, with Frank, who is 11. And he's a boy and I'm a boy and.. God, I sound like some pervert.. Thank God no one knows. But, I've had this feeling.. I like him. More than as a friend. It scares the shit out of me. I've never liked girls and I think being gay is alright. But Frank is so young. I shook my head. These thoughts... maybe I really should see other people. I'm losing my mind.

I walked alone, I didn't even notice where. I was sitting next to a big tree and I heard sobs. I looked up and saw Frank, who was sitting there.

"Frank?" I yelled at him. He looked down and tried to hide his face. I climbed up, next to him. He tried to dry his tears, he didn't want me to see him like this.

"I... I heard... did he... leave?" I asked. Frank nodded and looked away, still sobbing.

I've heard their fights. Sometimes Frank couldn't be there and came to sleep next to me. He was afraid of this. His cheek was still red.

"Did he hit you?" I asked and touched his cheek. He didn't say anything, just kept staring at nowhere.

"Frankie?" I asked again. He nodded slowly and then looked at me.

"I don't want to go home," he whispered sadly. I moved closer and hugged him

"You don't have to," I whispered in his ear and he stopped crying.

"Gee, can I sleep next to you?" he asked. I smiled.

"Well, you've slept next to me like always, so yes, I think you can," I answered and made him smile again.

We jumped down and left. We were walking and we didn't talk. I saw how tired Frank actually was. When we finally were at home, he went to my bed.

"Mom?" I asked. Mom looked at me tiredly. She was watching TV.

"Frank's gonna be here this night," I said and she nodded.

"Yeah, sounds nice," she said.


"Yes, honey?"

"Could you tell it to his mother?"

"She doesn't know?"

"No. Frank is feeling bad, he doesn't want to go home."


"His dad left," I said and mom was shocked.

"No... I thought... poor Frank. And poor Linda! I think I should make some cookies..." she said and went to the kitchen. I thought she was tired!

I went to my room and I thought Frank would be asleep, but no. He was crying. I went to bed.

"Gee...?" He suddenly asked.


"Don't ever leave me," he whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Never. You know it," I said and he nodded.

"I just wanted to ask..." he said and fell asleep. I was going to sleep too, but someone came in. Mikey.

"Mikey, is everything alright? This is the second time today when you come here... usually you don't. What's wrong?" I asked. Mikey sat down and sighed.

"You wanna know?" He asked.

"Yeah, I asked, so yes... tell me," I said and looked at Frank. He was still asleep. Good.

"I miss you. And Frank," Mikey said and looked so sad.

"But... we're always here..." I mumbled.

"I know you are, but I'm not. I'm always with Ray and Bob and I miss you two," he explained.

"Yeah, I miss you too. And Ray and Bob... what do you usually do when you're together?" I asked.

"Nothing special... we're just hanging out... and playing music," he said.

"Playing music? You mean, you listen to music?" I asked. Mikey blushed.

"We do that too, but... we play. You know, Bob's house is huge and there is everything... so, I play his bass when we're there... Ray has his own guitar and Bob plays drums," Mikey said and he was so red.

"You have a band?" I asked and my eyes were wide open. How cool is that? A band!

"Yeah, kind of... we just play together, nothing else," he told and sighed happily.

"That's so cool! I want to hear!" I said and I was too excited, because I woke Frank up.

"You want to hear what?" He asked tiredly. Mikey giggled at Frank and moved closer. He sat on my bed, next to Frank.

"Mikey, Ray and Bob have a band and they haven't told us!" I said and Frank threw a pillow at Mikey.

"What kind of friend are you? You should have told!" Frank said and started giggling. Mikey smiled and moved even closer.

"A friend, who wants to spend this night with his brother and friend," Mikey said and hugged Frank.

I was pretty shocked, Mikey never did anything like that. I smiled and soon we all fell asleep.