Sweet Children


Frank's POV

April 9, 1994

It's Gerard's birthday today. He is turning 17. Can you believe it? 17! He is old. And he still wants to hang out with me. He is 17 and wants to hang out with a kid, who is 12. Well, in October I'll be 13. But you get the point?

It's almost 11 am, but I'm pretty sure that Gerard is still sleeping. I was still tired, because I woke up too early. I want to spend this day with Gerard, but I don't know if he has something else..
I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was going to close my eyes and try to sleep, but Gerard ran into my room.

"What the..." I mumbled when he fell on my bed.

"Let me sleep, let me sleep," he whispered and moved under my covers. He wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes. I was still shocked.

"What are you doing? What happened?" I asked. Gerard yawned.

"Well... you know, I have this great brother, who decided I have to wake up too early... he has made a cake, which was very delicious and then he wanted to play with me, and didn't even notice I was so fucking tired.. and when he didn't see, I came here... can I sleep here?" He explained and smiled. His smile was so cute. I nodded.

"Sure you can... just sleep," I whispered and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

He was already asleep, so he didn't notice it. I've never done it, I mean, kissed him before. Except when I was a little kid, I think I've kissed him.. many times. But now I'm.. a human. And I kissed him. He has kissed me so many times, usually he does it when I'm feeling bad or trying to sleep.

I watched how he breathed and held me tight. I just wanted to keep him here. With me. Always. I know he's not leaving me, at least not yet, but.. maybe I'm thinking too much. Mom always whines because I don't think before I do something, and dad always says I think too much.

Dad never came back when he left. He doesn't live far, and I see him every week, almost every day. He said he was sorry when he hit me, that he didn't mean to. I know that and I forgave him... except I don't really think there was anything to forgive. I was just shocked when he did that.. he never forgave himself. And he's been much better father than ever. When he lived with us, I never really spent time with him. Now, once in a week, he takes me out. We go to movies, or something like that and I really like it. Sounds like everything is better now, right? Well, I don't know. Everything is okay with Dad and I'm glad. But there's my mom. She's been so.. down. She always tells me how bad father I have and how she hates him. And still, I've heard so many times when she cries. I know, I should do that, but I've been listening to her phone calls. She misses my dad. Dad hasn't said anything about mom. Except after he left, he asked how is she. That's it.

Mom isn't happy anymore. She used to be the most happiest person ever. Now I don't even remember the last time I saw her smile. Gerard has noticed the same thing. And so is his mother. She tries to help my mom so much. She's always with her and Gerard is always with me. When dad left, I didn't know how to be. Or what to think. Gerard was with me, and I survived with him. He saved me. And Mikey, Bob and Ray helped me too. They've been hanging out with me and Gerard, just like we used to. We've heard their band, and it's great. They don't have a singer. Ray says he won't sing alone, he doesn't want to be the lead singer. Mikey is too shy, he won't do that.. and I don't know why Bob doesn't sing. Their band doesn't even have a name. They don't have shows. They don't want to. Well, Ray thinks it'd be cool, but Mikey is too shy. And once again, I don't know what Bob thinks about it. We tried to talk to Mikey, but he said he can't play in front of so many people. He said it's scary to play in front of me and Gerard and that's enough for him. He is glad than he can do that. I'd love to play in front of everyone. Dad bought a guitar to me a year ago. He taught me how to play, and I have to admit, that I'm pretty good at it, when you think that I've been playing just a year, once in a week. Nobody knows I can play. I don't know why I didn't tell anyone. Or why didn't I tell Gerard. He would like it. Maybe it's just because I play with my dad. It's our thing, you know?

"Frankie..." Gerard whispered and butted me with his head.

"Yes?" I asked and looked at his beautiful eyes.

"I'm mad at you... you don't remember anything, do you? Something about this day, and that makes me sad," he pouted. I giggled.

"I do remember. Happy birthday, Gee," I said still giggling and hugged him even tighter if possible.

"You did remember! Now I'm happy," he said smiling and rubbed his eyes.

"And old," I reminded him.

"Oh, shut up, you little baby..." he said and tickled me.

"I'm not a baby!" I whined and tried to push his hands away.

"Oh, yes you are. My little baby boy who needs to sleep... awwie, is little Frankie hungry? Does little Frank's stomach say something? I think it did... it screamed 'I'm hungry, I need a cookie', did it?" He babbled like I was a baby.

"I'm not a baby, but yes, I need a cookie. You have to give me," I grinned.

"Oh, give you what... oh, sorry little Frankie, I forgot, you're so young, I can't talk like this..." he said and took his coat. There was many cookies and he gave me one of them.

"Here you are," he said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and took the cookie. I was going to eat it, when I realized something.

"Why did you have cookies in your pocket?" I asked.

"Well, it's my birthday. That's why. Oh, and look what Ray gave me!" He said smiling and took something else... it was a CD.

"What's that?" I asked. He got up and put the CD in my CD player. Music started... and it was good.

"They're Green Day. This song is called 'Burnout', if I remember right..." he said and listened to music. Then he nodded smiling.

"It is! So, what do you think? I've listened to this CD just once, in this morning, but I already fell in love with them!" He said and jumped next to me

"Sounds really good... well, at least this song sounds," I smiled and he nodded again.

We listened to that CD twice, without saying anything.

"Gee, I fucking love this band!" I finally said happily.

"I knew you would," he answered smiling and then Mikey came in.

"What are you doing here?" Gerard asked and Mikey just slapped him playfully.

"You escaped!" He whined which made me laugh pretty hard.

"I needed to know what does Frankie think about this band," he explained. Mikey shook his head.

"I like this band, was it Green Day? I'm not enough for you? Oh God, my brother doesn't care about me..." Mikey started and Gerard kicked him. I laughed and Mikey jumped to my bed.

"And now he's gonna kill me..." he sobbed. Well, not really sobbed, it was just a joke.

"Take a cookie," I said and gave him one of Gerard's cookies.

"Oh, that's so sweet!" Mikey said happily and ate the cookie.

Then Bob and Ray came in.

"Guess what? Ray ate your cake," Bob said sadly and Ray licked his lips.

"What? I made the cake and we ate it," Mikey said confused.

"We made another cake. And he ate it," Bob said sadly while Ray looked at my CD player.

"They're listening to this!" He said happily and started to sing 'Basket Case'.

"Now he is singing that song and soon he'll try to do something stupid..." Bob muttered and after that Ray tried to eat my covers.

"Ray, calm down," Mikey whispered and took another cookie.

Soon we decided to watch some movie. I didn't know what movie it was, but there was too much blood. Mikey drank too much Coke and giggled all the time.

"Hih, he died! He fucking died, hihi," he giggled. Ray tried to keep Mikey quiet, so he gave chocolate to him, which wasn't good. Too much sugar. And usually they say I'm the one who is like that!

"Mikey, shut up or I'll kill you," Gerard said and that made Mikey giggle even harder.

"Kill, kill... you bite my neck and there will be so much blood and Bob will drink it and then he tries to drink everyone's blood, because he's a vampire," Mikey giggled. Ray hit Mikey with an empty bottle.

"I'm not a vampire, Gerard is," Bob said and Gerard showed his teeth.

"Hell yeah I am. And I'm gonna bite our little baby," he said and bit my neck. I whined, but laughed. Gerard laughed too.

"That's pretty gay," Mikey said giggling and then Ray got up.

"That's it, Mikey, you come with me!" He said and they left. Ten minutes later Ray came back smiling.

"He is in the bathroom and he can't come back, because he's locked," Ray laughed.

"That's good, except he is gonna do something very stupid. Didn't you think? Bathroom and Mikey... no no no. There will be too much water. Too much. We're gonna sink," Gerard said. Ray looked shocked.

"Mikey I'm gonna save you!" He yelled opened the door. Mikey was there, without his pants.

"Eeww.. Mikey doesn't have his pants!" Ray yelled. Bob went to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I found them..." We heard Bob's voice. Then they all came back.

"What the hell did just happen?" I asked.

"I went pee..." Mikey said and stared at Ray angrily.

Soon the movie ended and we ate more cake. I wasn't even sure where did they get that cake, but it was good. Then Bob and Ray left. Mikey was trying to be angry, but he couldn't. He left with Bob and Ray, because he thought we're gonna fuck. Or then he just thinks that we're boring.

"Happy birthday," I whispered to Gerard when we we're alone. He smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks. This day was awesome," he said.

"I know," I agreed. He kept smiling at me.

"What?" I asked and he moved closer.

"Nothing. You're just my very special friend," he said smiling.

"Hey, I needed to ask about that... why do you want to be with me? I mean, you're 17 and I'm just a kid?" I asked. Gerard laughed.

"Does it bother you?" He asked.

"It doesn't, I just want to know.. don't you think I'm childish?" I asked again.

"No, Mikey is more childish than you, and I still love him and want to be with him," he said smiling.

"Well... you didn't answer that question, but whatever. Thanks," I whispered.

"You're welcome," he answered and started to sing something.

I've never heard that song before, but it sounded so beautiful. Especially when Gerard sang it. I was sitting in his lap and my eyes were getting heavier. He kept singing.

I closed my eyes, and I flew. I flew far away from this place.
I was flying with him. With Gerard. His voice was there with us, but he didn't sing anymore. The whole world was full of his beautiful voice. He took my hand and helped me down. It was the beach, where I met him. We were alone there and it was so warm. He didn't let go of my hand, he just pulled me closer. I felt something wet and looked down. Water. I've been scared of it since I almost sank. But this time, I wasn't scared. He was here and he didn't speak, but I knew it was safe. I was safe. I heard something familiar and saw Mikey, Bob and Ray. They were swimming and laughing. They waved to us and we waved back.
There was my dad, with my guitar and my mom. They smiled at us. The whole place smiled at us. Then Gerard kissed me.

"I love you," Gerard whispered and I looked at him.

"I'd give anything to you," he whispered. This was amazing. I couldn't say anything. I looked at his eyes and I tried to open my mouth. Then I finally did..

"I love you too..." I said.

Gerard's POV

I was singing and Frank was sleeping in my lap. It wasn't a song really. I made it. Well, I didn't even made it, but this melody and these lyrics were on my mind, so I sang it. When I stopped singing, I kissed Frank. I kissed his lips, but he didn't wake up. Thank God, he would never forgive me. Well, he would, but I'd lose him. And I wouldn't forgive myself.

"I love you," I whispered to him. Then I realized it. I really did love him. I've always known it, but this time it's different. I love him.

"I'd give anything to you," I said and played with his dark hair. I felt like I was going to cry.
I carried him to his bed. I lay next to him and closed my eyes. This is where I want to be. I need to me here.

"I love you too..." I heard.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was sleeping. He didn't say anything, right? Gerard, you're pathetic. You think he said it back to you? He doesn't even know you told him. But if he did.

He didn't. I hit myself. Great, now I have a headache. I looked at Frank again. He looked so happy. And cute.