Sweet Children

Back To School

Frank's POV

The end of the summer, 1994.

I had to go to a new school. I wasn't so happy for leaving my old school, but Mikey and Bob will be there with me. And Gerard and Ray are in high school, which is next to our school, so we can hang out together. It just.. they're older than me! And this vacation has been.. perfect. Different.

Mikey, Ray and Bob had played in front of some people and they loved it. They're thinking about the name of their band. They decided to let Ray sing, he just has to. I was watching every show with Gerard. He was all the time with me, the others didn't have time. They had to practice, but I don't want to whine. This summer has been the best.

I don't even have to do anything with Gee. Sometimes we just lay on the grass together and watched the sky. Sometimes he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.. it was nice, I have to admit. Yes, I still think I like him. More than I should. And being without him makes me insane.

"Frankie, come here! We're leaving now!" Mikey yelled to me and I rolled my eyes. He was so excited about going school.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back and too my schoolbag.

I ran out as fast as I could. Mikey was standing there and he looked a bit angry. Gerard was smiling next to him and waved. I waved back happily and hugged him.

"God, you're like so gay..." Mikey mumbled, but forgot he was mad at me.

Gerard laughed.

"I don't think God is gay... then he would accept them," Gerard answered to Mikey and made me giggle.

"I don't want to go to school, I want to have fun with my Gee," I said and now it was Mikey's turn to roll his eyes.

"And that 'fun' is what?" He asked and I blushed.

"I didn't mean that," I said and Gerard faked a sad face.

"That's so mean, I've always wanted to have that kind of fun with you..." he said and Mikey looked like he could throw up.

"Guys, I don't have anything against gays, but please, don't talk like that!" Mikey whined.

"Well, did we say we're gays?" Gerard asked. Mikey thought for a while and shook his head.

"You didn't say 'we're gays', but damn, you sound like them!"

So, here it is. My new school. It didn't look so bad. Actually it looked nice. Mikey sighed.

"And here I am, again..." he mumbled and looked at me.

I knew he was asking am I ready to go in and I nodded.

"Bye Mikey, bye Frankie," Gerard said I was going in, when I realized I didn't want to.

"No. This isn't right. I want you here with me," I said and took his hand.

Gerard laughed and tried to push me away, but he couldn't. Actually he didn't even try, because I know he could push me away if he really wanted to.

"I would love to be with you, but I have to go to my school now... we'll see after school, right?" He asked and I couldn't say no.

I smiled a bit and he hugged me... he also kissed my cheek, but Mikey didn't notice that. Gerard hugged Mikey too, and then he left.

We walked inside. Mikey looked at me nervously.

"Are you nervous?" I asked and laughed a bit.

"Well.. yes, I am," he answered and I smiled to him.

"It'll be okay," I said and he smiled to me.

"This feels so stupid... I've been here before, and this is your first time and you're telling that to me," he laughed and I agreed.

The bell rang and everyone was walking to their classes.

"I think I have to go... damn, the fourth floor?! Who the hell wants to go there.. damn, I'm gonna be so late," Mikey mumbled and I laughed.

"You should run... we'll see at lunch, right?" I asked.

"Sure.. See you!" He yelled and left running.

I sighed and looked at the door... Go in, Frank. I sighed again and walked in.

There were something like 15 teenagers. They looked exactly like each other. And I didn't like how they looked like. They all looked at me like I was some kind of freak. I went to sit behind everyone. I really didn't want to talk with them.
The teacher came in and asked our names. How boring. We had to tell something about ourselves. I told I play guitar and my best friend is the best ever. I heard how someone whispered to someone something like "does he have friends? I think he's lying".

Someone knocked the door and the teacher let that person in. There was a girl, who actually looked cool. I'd say she was beautiful.

"And you must be Lyyti?" The teacher asked and the girl nodded. She sat next to me.

"Do you know you're late?" The teacher asked.

"Do you know I don't care?" The girl, Lyyti, asked.

The teacher shook her head and continued her speech about mushrooms. Very interesting subject, don't you think?

I noticed that Lyyti wore The Misfits -shirt. I smiled, at least someone here would be nice.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked and looked at me, maybe a bit angrily?

"Sorry, I just noticed your shirt. You're the first here, who has ever heard about The Misfits," I said and she looked at me weirdly.

"I-I mean... I like them, and I think you like them too and..." I babbled and she looked at me even more weirdly.

"Shit", I thought and I was going to write something about those fucking mushrooms, when I noticed she was actually smiling.

"Yeah, I like them... what's your name?" She asked.

"Frank," I answered and she smiled.

"Well, I'm Lyyti," she said and wrote her name.

"I know, I heard it... why did you write it?" I asked. She giggled.

"Well, I don't know are you stupid or not, I don't know can you write it, so I showed how to write it..." she explained.

"Frank and Lyyti! Please, be quiet!" The teacher yelled and I shut my mouth.

Lyyti didn't.

"Well can you be quit? I want to make friends and I think here's someone who could actually be my friend," she yelled back and the teacher looked at her angrily.

"Do you want some troubles?" The teacher asked.

"No, not really," Lyyti answered.

"Come with me," the teacher said and Lyyti stood up.

They walked out and 10 minutes later the teacher came back without Lyyti.

"Where did Lyyti go?" I asked.

The teacher was very angry.

"That's not your business, Iero," she said and I was silent the rest of the two lessons.

We had the lunch after that and I met Lyyti. She was drinking Coke and read something.

"Hi, what are you reading?" I asked.

"Just some boysex," she said and smirked.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Did I hear it right?

"You know, two boys, they're fucking... damn, this is so hot," she answered and I just nodded.

I bet I looked like an idiot.

"So, what did the teacher do to you?" I asked again.

She giggled.

"You have many questions? Well, I had to read that fucking text about those mushrooms and write something about them... I think she won't like my text, but I don't care," Lyyti said and I laughed.

She's so cool!

"Frank!" Mikey yelled and I saw him walking with some girl.

"Ooh, is that your girlfriend? I thought you were gay!" Mikey asked and pointed at Lyyti.

"No, I'm not his girlfriend... Is he gay?!" She asked, and I can tell, she was excited about it.

"Well, I guess so. You should see him with my brother..." Mikey said and Lyyti started to write something.

"What are you writing?" I asked.

"Boysex," was her answer.

Mikey and that girl were giggling to that.

"She's so unique... anyway, this unique girl is Lyyti and she likes boysex and The Misfits. And this who looks so nerd, is my friend Mikey," I said and Lyyti waved to Mikey.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Boysex. Here's Minttu, she's so awesome! Oh, anyway, that little guy, or gay, is my best friend, Frank," Mikey said and I shook hand with Minttu.

"Nice to meet you," Minttu said smiling and turned to Lyyti.

"What kind of boysex are you reading?" She asked.

"Well, right now... two teenagers, they're gays and they have some sextoys and they play with them..." Lyyti explained.

"Cool, can I read it too?" Minttu asked and Lyyti nodded.

"These girls are so weirdos..." Mikey whispered to me and I giggled.

"Hi guys, I want you to meet my new best friend! Her name is Hanna and, oh God, she's the best!" Bob said and introduced his new friend to us.

"Hi Hanna!" We all answered.

"Hi," she said shyly, but smiled when Bob smiled to her.

"Oh, I almost forgot... This little baby is Frank, and this nerd with glasses is Mikey.. and I have no idea who are their friends and what are they reading," Bob said. I started giggling.

"Well... they are Minttu and Lyyti, and they love boysex. They're reading it right now. Hanna, do you like boysex too?" Mikey asked.

"Usually I don't talk about boysex with boys, but now when you asked.. yes, I like it," she answered.

Bob looked like a big question mark.

"I'm hungry," I told everyone.

"I think I'm hungry too," Bob said and touched his stomach.

"Is he touching himself?!" Lyyti asked happily. Everyone, except Bob and Lyyti, were laughing like some maniacs.

"I... I didn't touch myself like that," Bob told.

"Damn," Lyyti answered and looked sad.

"Do you think I should do that?" Bob whispered to Hanna. Except we all heard it. Hanna thought for a while and nodded then.

Finally we found an empty table and some food and we were eating. Suddenly, Bob just hugged Hanna. Everyone was staring at them.

"What?" Bob asked and we smiled.

"Aww, Bob has a crush on her," I said smiling.

"A big crush on her," Mikey agreed and Hanna blushed.

Minttu and Lyyti didn't even hear that anymore, they were reading something again. Can I guess? I think it was boysex. I can help it, but.. boysex. I'd love to have sex with Gee. Oh my God, I'm some old sick pervert! Except I'm not old. Bob was blushing too and he was saying something, when we heard familiar voices.

"Food! I need food. It's Ray's food time!" Ray yelled.

Gerard and Ray were walking and singing. I stood up and ran there. I hugged them both and smiled.

"Ray loves lunch," Gerard explained smiling.

"I love you guys!" I almost yelled. Ray looked at Gerard, who looked at me weirdly.

"Was this day so bad?" He asked.

"Nope. Just... weird, but awesome," I answered. Then they saw our little 'group'.

"Are Mikey and Bob there with... girls?!" Ray asked and his mouth was wide open.

"I didn't even know Mikey can talk to girls..." Gerard mumbled and I laughed.

"You have to meet them, they're awesome!" I said and walked back. Ray and Gee walked behind me.

"So, here are Lyyti, Minttu and Bob's new girlfriend Hanna," I said and pointed at the girls.

"Do you have a girlfriend?!" Ray asked shocked.

"She'snotmygirlfriend," Bob mumbled and he was so read. Mikey laughed at him.

"And girls, this afroguy is Ray and this is Mikey's brother, Gerard," I said and pointed at the boys.

Girls waved to them and they waved back. Ray sat between Minttu and Lyyti and they tried to teach something about boysex to him, but he felt sick and they stopped.

They sat with us and we were having so much fun, until we had more lessons.

"I think we should go to our own school now," Ray said and Gerard agreed.

"We should. But hey, we'll come back when school ends. Frank, remember what we're gonna do today," he said and winked at me.

"Yeah, how could I forget? See you!" I said and they left. Bob left with Hanna, and Mikey told he was sure that they didn't go to their lesson.

Then Minttu and Mikey had to leave.
Lyyti was staring at Mikey's ass.

"Lyyti, don't do that," I laughed.

"Do what?" She asked.

"Stare at Mikey's ass," I answered and now it was her turn to blush. I giggled and then our lesson started.

After school we were standing outside. I was waiting for Gerard, and the others were waiting for Ray.

"I really like Ray's hair," Minttu suddenly said smiling.

"I really like Mikey's ass," Lyyti said and Mikey blushed, which made me, Minttu, Hanna and Bob giggle.

"I really like.. umm.. I.. I like Bob," Hanna said and Bob blushed.

"I knew it," Mikey said and hugged them happily.

"So, what do you boys like?" Hanna asked.

"I like Lyyti's weird thoughts," Mikey said and Lyyti hit him.

"They're so not weird!" She yelled and Mikey ran away. Lyyti followed him, and I guess we all thought they were doing something else there...

"I like Hanna," Bob said quietly.

"I... I like... Gee!" I said when I saw Gerard and Ray coming.

"Where's Mikey and this... umm... boysex-girl?" Gerard asked. Minttu looked at Ray's 'fro and she looked like she was so in love.

"I don't want to know," Bob answered and soon we heard Mikey's screams.

"She's killing me!" He yelled and then we saw how Lyyti was riding on him. We just had to laugh to that.

So, I left with Gee.

"Are you scared?" He asked and I shook my head. He smiled to me.

"You are," he laughed.

"Okay, maybe a bit..." I agreed and touched my lip with my tongue.

I bet it looked funny.

"What are you doing?" He asked laughing.

"I want to feel my lip without the ring..." I explained and now I touched it with my hands.

"Can I touch it too?" He asked, still laughing and I nodded.

He touched my lip with his finger... That fucking turned me on! Luckily he didn't notice anything..

Then we were there. Gerard had some friend, who can make piercings. Now I was getting two of them. I wanted a nose ring and a lip ring. And my dad promised I could take them now when school started. It didn't even cost anything, thanks to Gerard. Mom didn't like the idea, but who cares? It's my fucking face.
We walked in and before I noticed anything, Gerard was hugging with some girl, who had really cool green hair!

"Hi Essi, how have you been?" Gee asked and Essi asked something.

I didn't heat their conversation, I was more interested in those pictures on the walls. There were piercings and tattoos. I want a tattoo too! I'm just too young.

"So, you're Frank?" Essi asked and I nodded nervously.

"This can hurt a bit, but you can take Gee's hand... destroy it if this hurts too much," she said and I smiled.

"I will," I promised. Gerard tried to look sad and he was saying goodbye to his hand, but then he saw the needle.

"Oh fuck, I can't watch this..." he whined and took my hand. I bet he was more nervous than I was.

He closed his eyes and so did I.

First, I felt something cold and then it hurt. It felt like my nose had exploded or something. My felt tears in my right eye.

"That's just normal," Essi said smiling and I smiled back.

Then it was my lip's turn. I felt the same pain again, this time in my lip.

"Okay, here they are... do you like them?" Essi asked and give me a mirror. They looked really nice.

"They're awesome! You're awesome, thank you!" I smiled and hugged Essi. Gerard opened his eyes and wanted to see me.

"Oh, Frank, you're hot..." Gerard said quietly and I hugged him too.

"He really is," Essi agreed.

"And I'm not?" I heard someone's voice.

Some man came in and kissed Essi.

"Oh yes you are," Essi said happily and kissed that man again.

"Hi Gerard! And hi... you little hottie," man said and smiled.

He looked nice... well, not as nice as my Gee, of course. Damn, why I keep on calling him mine?

"Hi Quinn! How are you?" Gee asked.

"Just fine, a bit tired, I just came back from Chicago," he explained and he talked with Gee for a while.

I was drinking Coke with Essi and we were watching TV.

"You know... Gerard really thinks you're a great guy," Essi suddenly said.

"Well I think he's great too," I answered. 'And mine', I wanted to add.

"Okay, Frankie, now we have to go," Gerard said and helped me up.

"But it's not even late yet!" Essi whined.

"But we have to," Gerard said and Essi looked sad.

"Okay, you can go, but promise, you'll bring Frank here again?" Essi said and Gee promised.

We were at Way's and they had some kind of party there, I think. Everyone were dancing and having fun.. and with 'everyone' I mean Mikey, Bob, Ray, Minttu, Hanna and Lyyti.

"Are you drunk?" Gerard asked when Mikey danced with Ray and Bob tried to hide under the couch.

"No, we're a happy family!" Mikey yelled and then Ray broke some glass.

"Thank God our parents won't come home until Sunday..." Gerard said and I laughed.

We had so much fun with the girls. They're awesome! Really. They left and so did Bob and Ray. I was spending this night with Gerard and Mikey. Mikey was so tired, he fell asleep pretty soon.

Gerard said he has to go to the bathroom and while he was there, I found some book. I started to read it, and it was nice. Then I noticed Gee, who was staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing, you just look so.. good. Keep on reading, I want to paint this..." he said and went to sit on his bed.

I read and he painted. I noticed he had paint on his forehead and cheek. That looked so cute. He didn't notice I was staring at him, he just painted. He looked so hot!

Then he finally noticed I was staring at him. He took his paper and sat next to me. He leaned against the wall and his rested his head on my shoulder. He gave the painting to me. It was so beautiful! It looked exactly like me with my new piercings.

"Wow... Gee, you're amazing," I whispered and he smiled.

"Thank you... that means so much to me when you say it," he answered. I didn't know what to say anymore. We were just staring at each other.

And I had this funny, but nice feeling on my stomach...