‹ Prequel: Sector F

Faith Is Unavailable

Chapter 19

The Killjoys argued all the way up to the moment the plan was set into motion. Some fought that they should have rallied the troops and brought the war to Korse’s door for this. The rest conceded that 12 and Girl’s kidnapping was their family’s matter and wasn’t truly a battle in the war.
Contention between the six remaining Killjoys -Dr D and Show Pony stayed out of this one- almost lead to blows on multiple occasions through the night.
Sands may have been the most vicious, but when was that a surprise?
Party Poison decided Silver Sands should hang back. He knew how she could behave if she saw something wrong with Girl. She’d try to blow up the whole city all by herself.
He knew she would get herself killed.
They knew the odds as they drove into the city. They were going to be on enemy territory, BL/ind had the advantage.
It was four against the innumerable army of Dracs -and worse- Scarecrows.
Their plan kept the rest of the rebels out of the line of fire.
This was too sudden to bring them with. No plan with that many people could be made in a time as short as this. They just had to get Girl out of the city. They hoped to rescue 12 too but Girl was top priority. They couldn’t leave the young thing in Korse’s hands. Suspect 12 had survived 3 years in the City and escaped once already, they thought she could at least hold her own.
Jet-Star’s mind was most intent on 12, worried that she’d be punished for the escape.
Their minds were all swimming with worry.
The drive was silent, their faces all kept solid as stone to show no fear.
Party Poison behind the wheel eyes narrow and pinned on the road only every so often looking in the rear-view to make sure no florescent bike came flying up behind them. They all but had to tie Sands down to keep her from storming in on this mission.
Show Pony and Dr Death Defying -out of his chair and in his leg brace with his cane- were holding her back when they left. Dr Death was actually holding her off the ground in a bear-like grip with Show Pony holding her legs so she couldn’t kick Dr D’s bad leg. Star Killa sat back not wanting to get involved in the possible scuffle knowing that Sands was no a person she wanted to be near in a fight.
Everyone always knew Sands had a colorful vocabulary but she took it to new extremes that night.
Approaching the checkpoint he glanced back the final time happy not to see the blond following then looked at Fun Ghoul and Jet in the backseat knowing the risk they were all taking. His eyes then shifted over to his kid brother next to him honestly hoping they all made it out to finish this war another day. He had some nagging doubts though.
His eyes dropped back to the road trying not to think on them. He saw the Drac and Scarecrow in front of the drop-gate aiming their ray guns at the car and knew that if there was ever a time to hit the gas it was then.
His foot hit the accelerator like a lead brick and they blew right through the gate and Korse’s exterminators.
He maintained that speed all the way through the city.
Suspect 12 had told them of the huge BL/ind building with it’s ridiculous emblem so they could navigate their way to it from any point in the city. Upon arrival to the building they’d been looking for they pulled up as close as they could to their planned point of escape and walked around to the front.
Guns in hand they blazed right through the door shooting anything in sight.
What they didn’t know was that Sands had been riding the gas the whole way to the city only minutes after they had left.
“I should have been in that mother fuckin’ Trans-Am! I should have been with them to rescue Girl!” She continued to grumble.
Show Pony and Dr D were in the back of the van just holding on for dear life. Poor Star Killa had been forced to stay behind. She didn’t like that all her friends were going out to fight for the little girl that seemed to keep everyone smiling and she had to stay back. In her heart she knew she wasn’t physically ready for fighting again, but it didn’t stop her from wanting to be right beside Fun Ghoul or even chasing after him in the Van with Sands behind the wheel -though that could have been more dangerous than a fight.
“Dr. Death Defying, it’s Suspect 12. Are you there. This is very important.” Came through the transmitter radio they had hooked up in the van.
Show Pony grabbed the extension for him and moved to the front seat next to her for the moment.
“Woah! Bitch! Did the speedometer just flip to zero?” He exclaimed as he caught sight of the speedometer at just the wrong moment.
She only glanced down at the dash for a minute. “Yeah, they do that when you’re going faster then the top speed. They don’t know what else to do.”
“They know what the fuck you should do! Slow the fuck down!”
“It’s too late, Twelve. They left a little while ago. They should be getting into the city right about now. We just left too.” Dr D explained sounding grim.
“It’s fuckin’ 12. Now she’s polishing the knife for the Killjoy’s backs.” Sands blurted shamelessly.
Show Pony looked at her astounded. “You know, I’m amazed at the fact that before today you were holding back.”

Korse had showed Twelve to a room that would be monitoring the main area where the anticipated attack and subsequent fight would happen before he left to attend to preparations for the imminent struggle. There were a few other people -if you could call Dracs people- in the room working on the system’s mainframe and checking all security points at the gates to Battery City waiting for a signal of unauthorized movement.
Twelve didn’t know what to do so she sat in a vacant chair and flipped through the various surveillance screens looking for something out of the ordinary. Soon she grew tired of that and let her eyes wander. They landed on the Captive and Rebel Rehabilitation building. More and more often she felt her eyes going back to that place. It had been so long since she had been inside the building.
She could picture the gym on the inside. She remembered that the males and females were always separated but not out of sight of one another. There was always one male in the gym that caught her attention. She hadn’t seen him since she started her mission and she wondered if he was still there.
As Twelve sat and mused to herself she had no idea that Viktoria noted where Twelve was placed. Her past alliance with her sister had not worked to rid their family of this one girl. Now it was all up to her.
Twelve was alone with no one to defend her. They both had the same level of training so it would be an even match if it got physical, but Viktoria planned on striking first and dealing the final blow before Twelve knew what was happening.
She walked to the observation room in Tower One of the BLI Scarecrow Unit building where Korse had left Twelve. Twelve saw her and walked out of the room to meet her.
“What do you want? Shouldn’t you be wrangling Dracs or something?” Twelve asked letting the door shut behind her. “Don’t you know there’s a fight to be preparing for?”
A few of the Dracs inside turned to watch but most of them didn’t care.
“Just coming to congratulate you on making it into my family despite my efforts to rid this world of you.” Viktoria said extending her hand.
“Doesn’t sound too sincere.” Twelve said refusing to shake the woman’s hand.
“You know, if you are going to live here you are going to need training on how to speak properly again.” Viktoria withdrew her hand when Twelve crossed her arms over her chest.
“I can still speak in the way that has been taught to me through indoctrination. I am completely capable of acting like a Battery City citizen if I so choose.” Twelve said taking the effort to demonstrate her statement. “However, Korse likes the wild nature I have. He would never want me to change. He promised me that.”
“But it all will mean nothing soon.” Viktoria smiled and paused. “Rachel Wilson.”
For a moment Twelve stood there wondering what Viktoria was trying to do when it all hit her like a ton of bricks. That was her name. She could remember everything that was blocked from her and while she was in that struggle of finding a balance in her emotions Viktoria raised her gun to Twelve’s temple and shot her.
Viktoria walked off after Twelve fell to the floor in the hallway. One of the Dracs came out of the room and rolled Twelve onto her back and started checking her vitals. The rest of the Dracs in the room had stopped working and were staring at the two in the hallway.
This Drac pulled out a syringe of fluid and injected it into Twelve’s arm. She opened her eyes and looked around but her vision was blurry. When it cleared she saw the latex mask staring down at her. For a moment she was back in Sector F but then the knowledge of all that had transpired returned to her.
“Thank you.” Twelve said trying to stand up.
The Drac pushed her back down and held his hand up telling her she needed to lie flat for a while. He made a gesture for her to stay and then went down the hall to get help. When he came back he had Amy Smith with him. She helped Twelve up and carried her towards the other surveillance room.
“Wait, I can’t go in there.” Twelve said when she saw Girl sitting on the floor. “Girl is there.”
“What does it matter?”
“I’m not just Suspect 12 anymore. I know I’m Rachel Wilson. I can’t face her or anyone right now.”
“Very well. You should not have found that out. Who are you loyal to?” Amy asked as she led Twelve in the other direction.
They entered a room that no one else was in but there was a camera. A sleeper cell.
“I’m loyal to Battery City still. To Korse.” Twelve said sitting on the bed.
“You will need to stay here for a while so we can monitor your condition and make sure that you are safe from Viktoria until she is dealt with.”
Amy left the room and Twelve leaned against the wall.
She tried to relax but then it hit her. Viktoria had gotten those images that she gave to Sands in an effort to get rid of Twelve from Amy. What would make Twelve think that Amy was really trying to help her? She got up from the bed and tried the door but it was locked.
For a moment she panicked and then she realized she still had her guns. From her first week in Battery City she knew that a ray gun would blast through the electrical system holding the doors shut after a few shots. She had been a very troublesome captive until they had to sedate her.
Twelve took aim and kept shooting until the door made a popping sound and she could kick it open. She was running down the hall headed out of the building when she saw that the fight had already started.

Any Scarecrows or Dracs the four Killjoys came across were dusted before they really had a chance.
They were coming out ray guns ready. They knew they’d already been made, the alert had probably been sent from the Drac and Scarecrow at the checkpoint.
They saw Girl in a room with glass walls surrounded by Dracs on computers and moved quicker seeing their main goal.
Fun Ghoul burst through the door and dusted the Dracs and Party Poison rushed right to her dropping to his knees as she hopped to her feet to pull her in for a long awaited hug.
Party Poison held the girl tight to his chest feeling relieved for the first time since Korse took her. He was happy to know she wasn’t hurt.
His eyes opened as he still clung to her and it took everything in him to keep his jaw tight and eyes dry.
He let her go and took her hand bringing her out of the room with Fun Ghoul following.
They put her in front as they knew it was safer that way and rushed her toward their planned escape exit. Each and every one of them thanking their lucky stars for Dr D’s way of getting his hands on everything they needed, even the plans to the Better Living Industries building.
Alarms were sounding. They didn’t have a doubt in their minds that they didn’t have much more time before things got much worse. They knew they couldn’t search for 12 and even hope to be sure Girl would get to the Trans-Am.
They could see the doors, they were almost out and all intact.
Elevators poured open when they passed them, they kept walking not turning back just trying to get a little bit closer to the end of the hall.
Once they were in the open lobby before the door they knew they’d be overtaken by Korse’s men from all sides if they didn’t start then.
They spun firing at will; the metaphorical shit finally hitting the fan. It had all seemed far to easy.
Girl just stood in the middle of the chaos feeling lost, helpless, and powerless. She feared this may have been all her fault, that her family was in this deep because of her.
Party Poison and Kobra Kid standing back to back shooting anything approaching or firing at them. Neither of them ever felt safer than when it was their brother at their back as either would have easily sacrificed themselves for the other.
Jet-Star was being advanced on but it didn’t matter he’d just put the gun directly to them and shot. No chance of any misses.
Fun Ghoul saw this and came out from behind his cover and started heading over to help.
The brothers’ backs separated and headed in different directions.
Party Poison caught a Drac from behind remembering what Sands had told him and took hold of the mask to yank it off.
To his horror he saw the face beneath it and recognized it. It was the man who’d helped him in the beginning, saved him, trained him. Party Poison thought he’d fallen years ago, thought he was a shadow in the desert watching over the Killjoys but here he was collapsing to the ground right before him. Meeting the true death at the hands of a former comrade.
Now he knew what Sands meant when she said this was a last resort and you never wanted to know what was under the mask.
In the time it took to watch his former friend fall, Korse’s cold hard grip caught his right shoulder and forced him to the wall. People imagine the grey man to be nothing more then the brains of the operation, assuming he was weak. Those people were wrong.
Party Poison stared into his cold dead eyes as he put his white gun to Poison’s chin.
He could read even beyond the eyes that seemed like stones that this was personal to Korse.
Korse knew about him and Sands, he could just feel it. Korse was going to enjoy being the one to blast the man his daughter was caught up with just like any father would have.
Party Poison’s look didn’t falter in the slightest, he was going to go out in a way anyone could admire and even Sands would respect.
Korse smiled at Party Poison’s bravery in the face of death. A twisted smile that chilled Party Poison to the bone.
Then it was like a moment of transcendence, something that he chalked up to being the most beautiful part of death, where he was back to the simple artist Gerard one last time -the first time since the war- before Korse pulled the trigger letting Party Poison slump to the floor.
Kobra Kid had been fighting to reach his brother since the moment Korse laid hands on him but he just couldn’t get through the exterminators.
As he saw his brother’s body fall he fired a poorly aimed shot at Korse only hitting him in the right leg.
A Scarecrow fired at Kobra Kid.
When Jet saw Kobra Kid hit the ground he and Fun Ghoul grabbed Girl and led her to the door.
Fun Ghoul knew he’d have to buy time.
His plan was already in his head and there was no going back.
He jogged behind Girl more or less covering her. Guiding her out the door and once she was out pulling it shut behind her trapping himself in there with Scarecrows and Dracs. He turned to face them fired his last few shots before he was falling just like his brothers in arms before him.
Jet-Star had to turn and pull Girl away from the door after Fun Ghoul closed it behind them then they were running toward the Trans-Am full out.
Ray blasts started filling the air around them and Jet-Star turned, returning fire.
He continued toward the car backwards. He almost made it before a blast landed straight in his chest sending him to rest against the hood of the Trans-Am.
Girl was on the verge of a break down what was she to do? She saw her friends get dusted and was stuck.
Of course as Jet-Star was hitting the hood of the Trans-Am the van was pulling up to sidewalk and Show Pony jumped out firing at the enemy.
Girl turned hearing the door fly open releasing the sound of Sands voice shouting words Girl knew to be bad.
Dr. D leaned out reaching for Girl realizing he still had his cane in his hands he tossed it out just grabbing Girl.
“Tell Pony to drive!” Sands fought, she wanted to at least go down with her friends.
“Sands now is not the time!” Dr Death Defying never really yelled but when he did it was sounded something like a bear. “We need to go back and regroup! We will save them!”
Pony jumped back in the car and Sands hit the gas before the door was even closed.
She knew they’d be chased but Fun Ghoul had kept Dr D’s van running faster than any bike and with her behind the wheel all the insanity was set to the highest rate.

The system warning was already blaring out over and over on the loud speaker, ‘BL/ind System Override. Warning. Intruders. Evacuate the premises at once. Floors one through three prepare inflammatorys. This is not a request.’ Twelve knew she had little time to spare.
Even though she knew that she was loyal to Battery City and to Korse she felt like she had to do one thing to help the Killjoys and to give them a fighting chance. But as this occurred to her she watched Korse take down Party Poison like he had been wanting to for so long.
Two out of the four Killjoys were down. By the time Twelve was on the ground floor, Fun Ghoul was down too. Jet-Star was running out the door with Girl. Twelve hopped on the nearest bike and kicked the engine over to cut the distance.
Girl was in the van and Jet-Star was flung across the hood of the Trans-Am. The van started to head down the street and Show Pony was firing shots at a Drac that was chasing them down the street on foot. Twelve grabbed Jet-Star’s body and flung him over her bike.
She headed out of the city hoping that no one was on to her, least of all Korse. She took an exit that wasn’t well known and headed towards Sector F. She knew that place better than anyone else left in the world. There was one Drac outpost that had been built but was now abandoned.
When Suspect 12 was far enough away from the city she slowed down knowing that the Zones had all been emptied out of Dracs in preparation for the fight to take down the Killjoys. She found the Draculoid outpost easy enough and hid the motorcycle in the first room. She pulled Jet-Star further into the outpost and then went to check if it still inactive. There was no running water and a layer of dust and dirt covered everything. She knew they would be safe there for a while.
Having more knowledge of Battery City than she had before she had started working for Korse she knew that there were first aid kits in the motorcycles and in those kits were medications to help after having been shot by someone with the intention to dust you. She pulled the kit out of the top compartment and went to Jet-Star. She checked his pulse in his neck and he had one that seemed much to strong for having been shot by a gun set to dust. The dust blast must not have been that strong for some reason. That gave her hope for the rest of the guys.
She wasn’t even sure what she was feeling anymore. She knew she wanted to get back to Battery City as soon as possible. At the same time she wanted the Killjoy’s to be alright, to make it back and live to fight another day. It was to difficult for her to figure out everything going on in her mind. She wondered if she could ever go back to being just Rachel.
Twelve opened up the kit from the motorcycle and began picking through it looking for the same things that had been left in her room. It was hard to figure out what was what when all the labels were just white with that smiling face on them and BLI Brand Medication printed underneath. She found some water in the motorcycle that she tasted to see if it was clean of any mind altering drugs. Much to her satisfaction it tasted clean so she used it to wipe down Jet-Star’s face.
She peeled his jacket off him and folded it under his head for a pillow. Then Twelve lifted his shirt to look at the wound from the dust blast. For some reason it looked more like an electrical burn than a dust blast. She knew after examining the wound they had been using the new setting that was under development to fight with. The Drac Prep Shot. It was a step above being ghosted but it didn’t kill the one who was at the receiving end of the blast.
Twelve quickly opened up the healing salve and rubbed it into the wound. Jet-Star twitched a bit but she didn’t know if it was from the pain or something else. She hoped she hadn’t waited too long and his mind was gone.
The sun went down and the temperature plummeted. Twelve found that the Battery City uniform was equipped to keep her warm in the cold even without a jacket. Jet-Star started to shiver. A good sign that he was still alive and his body responsive but she needed to find something to keep him warm.
Not wanting to risk a fire she searched the outpost for a blanket or old clothes. She came back with a few tattered rags and some old clothes that she layered on top of Jet-Star and waited out the night keeping watch over him.
A few times during the night Jet-Star started to move and she thought he might wake up but then he was immobile again. Midway through the morning he opened his eyes and looked around not knowing where he was. Suspect 12 was out searching the motorcycle for anything else that might help them but she found nothing.
Jet-Star saw the water bottle and grabbed it. He didn’t care if it was full of drugs or poison. He was thirsty and didn’t know where he was.
Suspect 12 walked back into the room and the only thing he saw was her uniform. Jet-Star went for his gun but she had taken that from him in case this kind of thing happened.
“It’s me, Twelve.” She said sitting next to him on the ground.
“What happened? Where am I?”
“You were shot with a DPC. I apparently saved you before your mind was melted.”
“What’s a DPC?”
“Drac Prep Shot. New setting that BL/ind is developing. It’s either faulty or the other three are about to get new masks. I’ll know soon enough.”
“Why are you dressed like them?”
“Because I am them. I always have been Jet.” She sighed knowing this was the time to tell him.
“Sands was never lying?”
“She would never lie to you guys. Never.”
“I wish I would have listened.” Jet-Star moaned as everything hit him.
“There’s a bike in the front room. Take it and get back to the diner when you feel ready. There’s healing meds in the top compartment that will be of great value to Dr. D and will help him to develop a shot to reverse Draculoidism. I just made that term up by the way.” She said standing up. “I have to get back to my city now.”
“Why are you telling this to me?”
“Because I don’t know who I am now.”
“You don’t know how you’ve betrayed me. How you betrayed all of us.” Jet-Star said finally able to be angry with Twelve as he sat up.
“I know exactly how I’ve betrayed you all.” Twelve said kicking his gun back to him.
Jet-Star took his gun from the dusty floor and put it back into his holster.
“Babe, when they knock you down and out it’s where you oughta stay.” Twelve smiled.
“You just saved me from that.” Jet-Star reminded her as he stood up from the floor.
“No, I saved you from becoming a Drac. Next time they get you, you won’t even have that option.”
Jet-Star grabbed Twelve and forced her against a wall. In his anger he stared her down. She was actually a little frightened because he had caught her off guard. She knew he wouldn’t ever hurt her, but she was still a little scared of the taller figure of a man looming over her having the upper hand and looking aboslutly livid.
“You won’t live forever.” He seethed
“You don’t know that, I’ve got BLI on my side.” Twelve said finally regaining her confidence as she managed to force him off of her and head for the door. “The sun is rising over three miles of broken glass and I’m leaving you with a message from our finest motor army. Don’t forget about those meds if you want to live long enough to see us in action.” Twelve smiled taking a step towards Jet-Star.
She put her arms around him and gave him one last kiss. Despite all the Jet-Star wanted to do, he caved and kissed Twelve back hoping that somehow this was all a dream and he would wake up next to her in the attic. Something else in him knew this was real and that part of him raised his gun to the back of her head.
She pulled away from him and smiled. Her hand trailed across his cheek and he reached up to take it in his. She lowered his gun with her free hand and stepped back. Jet-Star let go of her as he felt the anger build back up inside him. Twelve exited through the front of the house.
There was a Drac off in the distance. She walked towards him and hailed him. He came seeing the BLI uniform and let her climb on the back of his bike.
“Take me back to the city. I’ve got a report to give.”
The sun was climbing in the sky and Twelve could see the unmistakable shape of Silver Sands on her bike. She was on the way out of the city and had what looked like Twelve’s old clothes with her. Twelve laughed and looked off to the east where the electric backdrops had finally been installed and the digital sun was rising. Of course the real sun was rising right behind those backdrops but in those times there was no way to look at the real rising or setting sun without nearly loosing your sight.
When Twelve had made it back to BLI she got on a bike of her own and headed to the Scarecrow Unit. Korse was in his office waiting for her. The only downside was that Viktoria was there.
“Twelve.” Korse said as she passed through the open glass doors.
Viktoria’s face was pure anger.
“Sorry. I had a message to send. And I think I might prefer Rachel now.”
“So it is true, you did find out your real name.” Korse said trying to hide the worry.
“More like I was told what my real name was and then shot down in the hall so I couldn’t do anything. Thanks Tori, I’ve got a headache.”
“We have a pill for that.” She said raising an eyebrow.
“I’m a human. I don’t need the pills. You don’t even take them.”
“Tori, I need you to leave us. I can never speak to Twelve and get a straight answer when you are here causing tension.”
“Fine.” She said rolling her eyes. “Keep your hands to yourself.”
“I’ll keep that in the back of my mind.” Twelve said as Viktoria left.
Korse waited and then looked up to Twelve. “Forgive me for not standing when you entered. I suffered an injury during the little skirmish. One of the rats got in me in the right leg. However, my Dracs took good care of him. My leg will take some time to heal.”
“I don’t mind.” Twelve smiled sitting on Korse’s desk in front of him and placed her right boot on the lip of the chair visible between his legs.
“You know it is a little harder to trust you now that you fully understand everything.” He said running a hand up her leg.
“I know. But I’m loyal to you. I’m done with the Killjoys.” She stopped his hand just as he got to her thigh and smiled.
“How could you still want this with what has happened?” Korse asked astonished.
Twelve had to stop and think for a moment. Her past life in Sector F welled up in her memories. She saw the fight happen again like she was there. She saw the man she may or may not have loved become seriously injured. She saw her sister lying dead on the desert floor. People she knew were strewn about the Sector and the entire area was reduced to rubble.
Next she thought of her time as a captive. She knew now that the man that had always caught here eye in the gym used to be the man the had watched become seriously injured. It wasn’t a surprise that BLI had found a way to fix him. She felt almost no attachment to him now knowing that he didn’t know who she was at all.
Then it was all the things she had done with the Killjoys. It had been a wonderful life but it was tainted with the things she had to do against them. In the Killjoys she had found real human beings, real colorful people that danced in the bright flame of the greatest danger called life. She thought of Jet-Star but felt no attachment to him any longer. It had only been a feeling devised by BLI. They could remove the feeling of love, the desire for it, and they could create it with a few simple substances or words.
The reconstruction her mind had gone through during her life as a captive was quite extensive. Better Living Industries treated human beings like circuit boards that could be reconfigured to run in different ways. She knew that her initial feelings of doing things that weren’t her were correct.
Korse himself came to mind next. She had spent significant time with him. Enough time to see him as a human being. Despite knowing that all the things that happened to her were of his commands, she still felt a love for him she couldn’t explain. This was a love that was not created through drugs and words. He was the reason she was in such an unstable state of mind but she knew he was her only hope for sanity again.
“Because I saw you as a human being and I fell in love with that man. I know you’re not just a cold bastard out to destroy imperfect life. If that were so I would have been dead a long time ago.” Twelve said pulling his chair closer.
“You speak the truth.” Korse said taking her hands in his.
“I want to ask you just one thing.” Twelve said cautiously.
She knew this would put her into his hands completely again. Twelve knew that he could change her entirely and use her to whatever purpose he needed carried out. But she had faith that he wouldn’t do that to her.
“What is it?” He asked looking into her eyes trying to fathom the emotions playing in them.
“Erase me. Erase everything about me. When this is all over make me forget about it. Make me a simple human being again. I don’t want to remember that I’m three different people. I want to be one and whole. I can’t keep living like this for much longer before I go insane.”
“As soon as our work is finished I will do as you wish, even if it means you have to forget me.”
“I have confidence that you will get back into my life."
“We have work to do.” Korse said ending the conversation.
He didn’t want to have to think about what Twelve had asked. He was worried he didn’t have enough time left to get her back as they were now but he knew it was better for her health to do as she had asked.
“Just one moment.” Twelve said reaching to grab the lapels on Korse’s jacket and pull him into a kiss.
For a moment he forgot about the pain in his leg and stood pulling Twelve up with him. He forgot what he needed to be doing and what he needed to be strategizing. All that mattered in the world was the woman he was crushing to him in a kiss.
“I’ll come back another time.” Amy Smith said as she looked up after entering the room.
Korse pulled back from the kiss and Twelve hid her face in his neck to suppress a laugh.
“What is it Amy?” Korse asked with unusual kindness in his voice and a smile on his face.
“Just the reports from the surveillance and how we lost one of the Killjoys.” She said pointedly looking at Twelve.
“Leave them on my desk please.”
“As you wish.” She said taking the extra step and placing the file on the desk.
She left the office and shut the door behind her. Having the door closed wasn’t going to do much because the whole wall was glass and anyone that passed could see that Korse had quickly taken Twelve back up and was kissing her again.
“There’s one thing I should tell you before you look at that report.” Twelve said pulling back to get air.
“What?” Korse asked resting his forehead against hers.
“I let the little Zone Rat out. After what Viktoria did to me I felt a lot of guilt and he was the only one I could save. I felt the need to do something kind for all the hurt I’ve caused him. He shouldn’t be too much of a threat though.”
“I already know, Rachel.”
“No punishment for that?”
“No. It’s understandable what you did.” Korse said sifting through paperwork on his desk. “I have really got to get to work though. I had a plan before you let the little rat out. Even if they do find a way to reverse the Draculoid Mask, they have no chance. They are three men -one in a wheelchair- two women and a little girl. I’m not worried.”
“I’m not either.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Twelve saved Jet-Star's ass. So you better give her some brownie points for that.
What are your thoughts kids?