Highways I Called Home.

Lying in the back of Dr. Death's van, barely alive and alone with him, was probably the most peaceful time I've had yet while being with the killjoys. Scratches and deep cuts from rocks and the blow littered my body, and dried blood and dirt caked them. Some of my skin was charred from the fire, but luckily, for the time being, I was numb and could not feel a thing.

"I'm sorry for the way Gerard there has been treating you." Dr. Death whispered in a hush tone as Show Pony drove. He grabbed a wet cloth and wiped the dirt and blood from my face. I meekly nodded, breathing with short gasps of air. "It takes him a while to get comfortable around new people, so just, give him some time. He'll come around. Plus, he's a little upset since I usually give him all my attention, but he knew that would have to come to an end at some point. He doesn't need any more help, and it's my job to recruit new killjoys."

My heart pounded at the thought of Gerard. I listened to Dr. Death's speech go on and on, but kept Gerard's face in my mind. I really wanted to make him proud, show him I could be a real killjoy, and not the traitor he thought I was. Ridiculous. I would never be on their side. The bad side. Not after I lost my parents to them.

"... So don't let any of his words get to you, okay?" Dr. Death gave me a warm smile. I nodded, but it hurt, so I just gave him a smile back, in return. "Does anything else hurt?" I shook my head, and Dr. Death picked me up off the floor and laid me on the small mattress next to Girl. "Sleep, we will wake you guys up when we find the new base."

I rolled over on my side, toward Girl and hugged her to me, and she hugged back. I really needed the hug.


"Show, they're pulling in down there, where the land sort of drop's off, do they see something?" Dr. Death said as Show shrugged and turned the van off the dirt road, following the muscle cars. Dr. Death gaped at what he saw.

It was like a huge crater in the middle of the desert, and in the crater was like a junk yard, littered with toys, clothes, cars, etc. In the center was a shack: a pretty good sized shack. Nothing spectacular, but it was hidden nicely in this crater, better than the Gas Station.
"This is perfect." Dr. Death said as he looked over his shoulder, "Battery! Girl! Wake up and come look at our new home! Girl, there's tons of toys scattered around, if Battery is up for it she can take you for a walk around to see if you can find something you like."

Girl squealed with delight at the sound of this as she pulled me up. I gasped, in pain, and pulled myself up on shaky legs. "Battery, can we, please?" Girl smiled up wide at me.
I nodded with a small shrug and looked out the window at our new 'home', not really considering it my home. Girl agreed and I slowly exited the van, carefully. Girl kept a hold of my hand and pulled me out into the desert and toward the shack where Gerard and the other killjoys already stood.

"This will have to do." Gerard called to Dr. Death. "I doubt there is anything else for miles and miles." Girl ran up to him and hugged him, telling him how much she loved it. I walked inside the shack.

Well, I guess it wasn't really a shack because it had separate rooms: four. It was more like a very run-down house, dirty and disgusting. Walking inside, I realized this was house. There were broken TV's, broken kitchen appliances, tables, chairs, rotten down beds.... I gasped and ran back out.

It had hit me. This crater probably had other run-down houses hidden in its depths somewhere along the "trash" that was stowed away here. This crater was the works of BL\ind.

Everyone looked at me. I looked around and dropped my bag off my shoulders, which carried my notebook from home. I took it out and began to write. "This is a Battery City Dump Site." I wrote down for them to read, "This is where they dumped all the stuff they took from Battery City people after they issued out the pills..." I turned around and picked up a Raggedy Ann Doll. "All the stuff that promoted imagination and creativity..." I frowned, and handed the doll to Girl and then the notepad to Gerard. She smiled, sadly and hugged it close.

I looked up and Gerard was glaring me. He looked back down and read the rest of what he had left of what I had written.

"Well, either way, we have to stay here, because of --" He cut himself off, threw my notebook down on the ground, glared and stormed into the house, followed by the other killjoys. I frowned and looked back at Girl.

I whimpered and picked up my notepad, and turning the page to a clean one and writing something down for Girl, "Ready for that toy hunt now?" I handed her the notepad and she nodded. I took her hand as we walked deeper into the dump site.

"I really like this doll, I'm glad you picked it up." Girl smiled up at me.

I nodded, spacing out.

A Few Hours Later.

"You're letting Girl go alone with her! You just met her!" Frank yelled at Dr. Death. Dr. remained quiet as he sat in his wheelchair by a table. He blinked. "She could very well be a traitor, we know nothing about her!"

"I know she isn't a traitor! I can tell! I will not have this sort of behavior in my killjoy team. Lose it or leave! This is ridiculous. Frank, Gerard, go find us food, and water, we are going to need it."

Right at the moment, Girl and I burst into the room, with huge smiles on our faces. "BATTERY HAS DISCOVERED AN OASIS, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS CRATER! You have to crawl up and out of the crater, and walk about one hundred feet, but it's there! Surrounded by rocks, and it's beautiful!" Girl squealed.

Dr. Death smiled. "See? She's already contributing, good job Battery; take Frank and Gerard to it so they can get us a water supply?"

I nodded, turned and left the room, the two men glaring me as they followed behind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the way!
{previously batterymonster.}