Ain't Got No Time to Pretend.

My eyes widened as tears fell from them, caressing my pale face in the process. I looked up at the black transmitter he held, and became very confused. What was that? I had no clue. My brain was running so fast, trying to remember how that could have been placed on me, but I was getting nothing, drawing a blank. I was scared, shaking. Then I pulled my composure together, but kept quiet. I was, however, proud of myself for even saying something.

I looked at the transmitter in confusion, then placed a hand to my lips and looked up into Gerard's eyes. He had kissed me. Out of anger, obviously, not of passion, and I felt a pain in my chest.

"Do you know what this is!?" He shoved it in my face, and I leaned back, in pain and terror. "Your being tracked, this has been on you the hold time, hasn't it!? You knew it, too, didn't you!?" Gerard grabbed the top of my oversized tank top and pulled me up.

I whipped my head back and forth, crying, I didn't! Looking up into his eyes, I begged, I didn't know! I didn't know! He snarled at me, and threw me on his back, as he walked back to the cliff. He crawled down, with one hand holding me, the other to the wall.

When he jumped down, he looked at Girl and Frank. "Keep her here and get water. I have to get Battery, here, to Dr. Death, she's been wounded." Gerard wouldn't tell on me about the tracker in front of Girl, not wanting her to worry or have a broken heart over it, just yet.

I continued to cry, and when we were far enough into the dump site for the little girl to not be able to see us, Gerard threw me down onto the dusty ground. "Get up and come on." He was pissed, that was obvious. How was I going to get myself out of this? I pulled myself up onto my feet, and tried to hold onto Gerard for support.

He kicked me off, "I don't help the enemy."

That was a lie. If he thought I was an enemy, he wouldn't have lied back there to girl. He would have killed me, pushed me over the side of the rock wall, drowned me in the oasis, but he didn't.

I had to try and speak again, no matter how much it hurt my throat, "I... I...I'mm, naa..naawt, a traytah." I shook, holding my throat in pain. Gerard stopped and turned to look at me again.

He pierced me with dagger eyes, and stepped toward me. "All I know is, is that I found this tracker on your damn bra, you have been a gateway to us, for BL/ind. That is how they found us. That is why we lost I lost my safety, we lost our home, and trust me, if they come back, I'll throw you at them and let them have you, because I don't care about you."

That made more tears burn my eyes. "I... I... lo...loe yoo." I sniffled through my tears. Gerard hesitated for a moment, and grabbed my shoulder, dragging me through the desert toward the 'house.'


We got to the new base, and Gerard pulled me inside and threw me down on the couch. "Stay." He walked into Dr. D's room and began to speak to him about what he had discovered.

I shook, biting my nails, as I was thinking of what I was going to do. Would Dr. Death attack me with words, his ray gun, or would he be sincere and let me give my side of the story? I didn't know, but I would now.

The door opened and Gerard smirked and gestured me into the room. I walked in and when Gerard tried to come in, Dr. Death said, "Gerard, leave us alone. Go back to the oasis and help the others."

"But-" Gerard tried to argue now.

"Now!" Dr. Death yelled. Gerard yelped and ran out of the room and shut the door.

I turned to look at Dr. Death, shaking, fear in my eyes. "I know you're not a traitor," He told me. "I can just tell. You wouldn't do that. I know, but that fact is, this was on you, and the guys back at BL/ind obviously know where we are, here in the dump site, by now. I don't think it would be fair to punish you, but I just don't know what I'm going to do yet, besides this..." He threw the tracker down on the floor and shot it with his gun.

He turned to look at me, "Did you know about the tracker? It was on your bra, how could you miss it when you were changing? Or not feel it when you were running in the desert, or whatever?" He whispered.

I shrugged, and rubbed my nose with my arm, and then my eyes to wipe away the tears.

"Well, the guys are really going to be giving you Hell now, I imagine Gerard is telling Frank now, and then Frank will tell the others, so, whatever you do, just don't get too torn up over this." He sighed and picked his ray gun up off the ground, "Oh, and BM, if I found you are tricking us..." He pointed the ray gun, "It isn't going to be pretty. Don't be upset. I took you in, when you were on the side of the road. Without me you would have died...."

I looked at him, eyes wide, and shook my head no as in a, 'I would never do that!'

He nodded, "I hope so. It's been a rough day for you, go sleep."

Standing, I turned and walked out of the room, more tears coming down. Even Dr. Death had doubts about me. I just hope Gerard wouldn't tell Girl anything. She was the only friend I had left in this messed up world.
♠ ♠ ♠
xo, Gerard Arthur Way;;