The Only Hope for Me...

Dr. Death Defying held me and Girl in his arms, tightly, as we stood on either side of his wheelchair, leaning over so he could hold us close to his chest. His heartbeat was steady, and loud with my ear pressed close to him. I smiled, feeling alive. But, there was something missing here. Gerard, Party Poison. He was just so blind, thinking I was a traitor. What evil could I possibly want to do to such loving people, who took me in, even if I was reluctant to join them when they first found me.

He should be here.

I pulled away, and yawned, pretending to leave outside to where Girl's tent was set up. I found Gerard, his knuckles bleeding and bruised from him hitting a rock. I gasped, silently, and pretended to not see, running into Girl's tent, and grabbed some bandage wrap. Maybe if I did something nice....

Coming back, I sat down on my knees, and grabbed his hand, cleaning the blood off with a napkin, not looking up at him. I held his hand tightly, and worked fast, so he couldn't object. "What are you doing, Battery?" He hissed the word Battery out like I was a traitor, like I didn't have a real name. Like I was one of those drones from Battery City who answered with numbers when you asked what their names were. I frowned. He knew I didn't have my notebook out here so I couldn't answer.

I just lifted his hand up, and opened it up, but kept his fingers together, and wrapped the bandage around his knuckles and hand, trying not to cover his fingers as much as I could, seeing as this was the hand he held his ray gun with, he'd need to be able to move his fingers. When I was done, I bit my lip, and tucked the end piece of gauze, into the top, so it would stay.

Biting my lip, I ran my fingers over his and remembered the kiss. That wonderful few seconds of my lip when my lips met with someone else's for the first time in my life. It was just as people would speak of, in movies, or at school, before BL/ind took over. Wonderful, spectacular, that sick feeling off nerves swelling up in your stomach, as he would grabbed your hips and hold you close.

I let a smile break out over my face, and my eyes lit up a little, just thinking about it. I let his hand go and dropped the smile, remembering he didn't like me. He kissed me out of anger, a mistake on his part, something he would want to forget. A memory I would like to cherish. I'm sure I could get him to accept me somehow.

"What are you smiling at?" He lifted his bandaged hand up, "This? This isn't something to smile about. You didn't do a saintly act. I could have done this ten times better than you." Gerard growled and I frowned more and looked up at him in the darkness. Why did he have to be so mean?

Did he think I was taking his place here? How could I do that? I didn't have the skill or the heart. I frowned, stood up and just walked back into the gas station and gave Dr. D a note, asking if I could speak to him alone, in another room.

He agreed and we walked into his room.

'I was wondering if I could maybe borrow your van. Gerard really doesn't like me and I was wanting to try to do something of good value, to maybe make him believe I'm not a traitor.' I slid the note toward him and he picked it up and read it thoroughly.

"Where are you trying to go, and what are you trying to do?" Dr. Death asked.

I took the note back and marked out what I had written and wrote, 'I was going to sneak back into Battery City and get some real food for you guys. Their food isn't tainted with any drugs, it's regular food, and it would be a nice change for you guys. I bet that Puppy Chow is getting pretty disgusting....'

Dr. Death smiled and slid me the keys slowly. "But, listen. This is your first mission, Battery Monster. It's dangerous, you're going to need a gun." My way wouldn't need a gun. I've snuck in through that tunnel and I can do it again. After I get through the tunnel I can take a pedestrians dull clothes and I.D. Card.

Dr. opened a drawer of the dresser and pulled out a purple ray gun with a black stripe down one side. There was a black circle on the side, with a battery in the middle. "I made it for you, I guess right now is the time to give it to you." He gave it to me along with the keys and I smiled.

I ran behind the desk and hugged Dr. Death's frame, tightly, and kissed his head. My eyes thanked him as I ran out.

Now, I had to do this quickly, or else Gerard would try to stop me, and question me about what I was doing. I slid into the van, quietly, and put the keys in the ignition. I took a deep breath and turned the cold metal. Vroom! The engine roared, and I saw Gerard's red hair as he jumped up and ran toward me.

I backed the car up quickly, and out of the dump site. Gerard stood there, I saw him in the rear view, his mouth gaped and his eyes wide. He probably thought I stole the van and was off to BL/ind to tell them about the Killjoys whereabouts. Well, he would be surprised when I got back.


The tunnel was dark, damp and cold. I slid my gun into the back of my pants, seeing as I didn't have a holster. I got down on my hands and knees, and crawled farther away from the van, which was hidden behind a few bushes about a mile away, and into the tunnel.

I heard the dripping of water, and saw the bright flashing BL/ind posters on the walls. I gagged, and saw the Dracs at the guard booth were asleep. Wonderful. This was so easy-peasy-pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie.

Crawling by them, one of the Dracs stirred, the magazine following off their masked face. I clapped a hand over my mouth to keep me from gasping, loudly, in fear. I felt my heart race and I sighed mentally, when his eyes remained closed and I kept going.

The city had changed in no way. It was still gray, all the buildings, the sky, the clouds- gray. It was like that tunnel was the gateway into a colorless world. I hid in the shadows, where the cameras couldn't get me. I saw an elderly woman walking down the sidewalk.

"Hey- you, come here!" I psst, my voice croaking at the strain, and since she was a drone, she was forced to follow my order. I took her into the alley way and knocked her out, dressing in her gray clothes, and hiding mine in the trash can. I probably wouldn't even come back for them, unless I could. I hid my gun under my shirt, and grabbed the old lady's I.D. Card. Her name, or number, was 67254. I had to keep that number in my head, in case I was asked.

I probably wouldn't be though. I knew his city like the back of my hand.

Walking out of the dark alley, I walked down the sidewalk, toward the grocery store.

So easy.


Coming back into the gas station, I was dressed back in my colored clothes, my ray gun in the side of my jeans, carrying like four bags of food. I walked in and Girl gasped, "Battery! You're back! I knew you didn't leave!" Dr. Death kept my plan a secret, I liked that. "What's in the bags?"

I smiled down at her, "Food."


"Yes. Food. As in, not Power Pup Dog Food." I giggled, and sat the bags down. I walked over to the stove and saw it was workable. Yes. I cleaned it off, and heard footsteps and a squeaking wheel. I turned around with a smile, to see a smiling Dr. Death, four smiling killjoys, but.... A very pissed off looking Gerard.

Dr. Death wheeled himself over, "Good job, Battery, I knew you could do it. Now how about you make us a wonderful dinner for a celebration." He hugged me.

I smiled, "Sounds like a plan."

My heart was crushed, behind my smile. I was hoping this would win Gerard over, at least a little bit. So I asked him a question, using the frail pages of my note book, along with an moot attempt with my voice, "What would you want, Gerard?"
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long update! =D