Status: Hmm keep?

Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Indiana Jones And The Video Game Adventures

"uh yeah the first half was's still a bit confusing this whole school thing but I think I'm getting it!" they laughed but it was nice so I laughed too. We ate and departed to go to the second half. This school thing is really long!

Even though I said it was long it went by super fast probably because Mikey was in 2 of my classes so we could talk our way out of boredom. The last bell rang and Mikey took me to His locker which was next to Gerards.
"hey do you wanna come over?" Gerard asked.
"over where?" I was confused.
"to our house of course!" Mikey said.
"oh. Um I would have to tell my dad..."
"hey no problem use my cell!" Gerard handed me his phone. I assume it's like my home phone. Oh no uh shoot I've never had to dial my house before. I desperately tried to remember the number when I remembered that it was on my schedule with the rest of my info. I took out the paper that was shoved in my pocket and dialed the number. It started ringing.yay!
"hello?" my dad sounded confused.
"hey dad it's avery can I go to a friends house?"
"um wow I didn't think you would make friends so soon...I don't know honey they could be dangerous people out to rob your innocence."
"um no dad I don't think they're going to do that."
"well I guess but be safe and call 911 okay?!" his behavior struck me as a bit odd.
"okay um thanks dad!" I hung up and gave the phone back to Gerard.
"let's go then!" Mikey said leading the way out the double doors.

We arrived and walked in. It smelled like food. Good food.
"hey ma were home!" Gerard shouted.
"okay honey!" a woman shouted back. We walked into the kitchen where she was.
"mom this is Avery our new friend!" Mikey introduced me excitedly.
"oh hi sears! You can call me Donna!" I nodded and the guys led me to the basement.

"So do you wanna watch a movie or play video games or listen to music?" Gerard asked as Mikey told me to sit on a 'bean bag' was it really full of beans?.
"um I've never done any of those things besides music today." i stated shyly.
"oh um well we can watch a movie that's simple enough." he put a movie in the little box and sat down next to me. Mikey was on the other side of me.

When the movie was done I asked what it was.
"oh that was Indiana Jones and The Raiders Of The Lost Ark" I nodded. I liked that movie!
"let's play some video games! We shall teach you the awesomeness!"Mikey declared. I laughed.
"sure!" Gerard handed me a controller thing.
"ok now for this game it's really simple for beginners since you can pretty much just press all the button at once and win." he said.
"what is it?" I asked.
"DC vs DC" Mikey answered as he chose me a character. She had a pink dress on I wasn't much for pink but ok.
"whats her name?"
"princess peach." they answered in unison.
"ok it's starting just press random buttons!" I did and surprisingly I won! Eventually after dinner which was spaghetti, they taught me what each button does for a different game that we started playing. I wasn't bad but I wasn't amazing at video games. I looked at the clock on the dresser and realized it was already 8pm.
"I gotta go home now. But um I don't really know how to get there." that was kind of embarrassing to admit.
"it's cool we shall walk you there's!" Mikey stood up and we walked upstairs and outnof the house.

We arrived back at the wooded gate that led to my house.
"thanks that was fun! We should do it again sometime!" I said.
"yeah. We should! And we will see you tomorrow!" Mikey said.
"your still walking with us right?" Gerard asked.
"of course! Bye guys!" they said there good byes and I made my way up the driveway to my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kind of a filler but it is needed for the next part!
Well it's like 2am so no updates till later! Blah sorry! ZzzZzzZ
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