I'll Be Here Waiting

"I'll Try, Try Not To Lose You."

Dusk was settling in upon Huntington Beach, California. The sky was a mix of dreary Grey clouds. No signs of perfect blue skies were evident on the chilly November evening. Probably because the day was anything but perfect. In fact, it very well may have been the worst day thus far for a group of young adults.

Quick & uneven paces were the only form of life on the lonely back round. They belonged to a girl of no more than 18 years of age. She stared at her feet as she walked, eyes clouded from a mix of tears & the days choice of narcotics. She was leaving Orange County, knowing very well that it would be a mistake to stay any longer. She couldn't cause the ones she loved anymore pain. It was a mistake to leave, she knew this, but to her it would be an even bigger mistake to stay.

What she didn't know was that someone was chasing after her. Someone who couldn't bare to see her depart.

The person called out to her, "Danni!", forcing her muscles to freeze on the spot.

She knew that voice better than any other.

"Zacky." She whispered to herself.

She wanted more than ever to run away, but her legs were locked, almost in fear. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe, & sure as Hell couldn't bare to face him.

She stared intently at a leaf near her left foot. Night had almost completely settled in around them.

His voice once again echoed through her ears, making her heart sting.


It was closer this time, much closer.

His hand reached out to touch her thing shoulder. She shivered at the touch, not wanting him anywhere near her. It wasn't out of hate, not at all, but out of love. It pained her to much to be this close to him, convincing herself this would be the last time she would ever see his face again.

"Danni...why are you doing this?" His voice was crackly & dry.

She didn't answer, didn't move. Her eyes merely stayed focus on the leaf.

"Leaves at my feet,
Blow to the ground,
Their echoes are reaching my ears!
Night's coming fast,
Sun's going down,
But keep away from me!"

Zacky was beginning to lose his patience.

"At least fucking look at me!"

The loudness of his voice startled her, causing her to jump a little. Even Zack was slightly startled by his tone. He hadn't intended to yell, he just needed to speak with her, convince her to stay. If not for herself, then for him.

Slowly she turned to face him, eyes stilled glued to the ground in shame & nervousness.

"Please Danni," he said softly, gently lifting her chin with his fingers. "Please look at me."

Very slowly her eyes averted to his. She could see the pain hidden behind the hazel-green color of his eyes, the pain she had caused. Seeing him like this only made the malice for herself a little stronger. His eyes used to be so vibrant, so full of life & joy. Now they were dull & dead, & it was entirely her fault.

"Why are you doing this Danielle?"

He used her full name. He only did that when he was angry or upset with her, & that wasn't very often. It almost scared her to hear him say it.

Her heart rate had increased in the passing moments. She didn't know what to say to him. His eyes furiously scanned hers, searching deeply for any sign of an answer, any reason for why she had been acting so strangely.

It wasn't just today either. Zack had noticed a change in her for almost a week. He couldn't seem to understand why she was acting in such an odd manner. It wasn't until he realized she was gone that things somehow seemed to fall in place. Her loss of appetite, uninterest in any activities, always sleeping, & maybe the oddest part, her ignorance toward him. All of it, especially the leaving, was so unlike her & Zack just had to get to the bottom of it.

"Danni, please tell me what's going on. Why are you doing this? Why are you leaving? What the fuck is happening!?"

His hands were on her shoulder's, eyes still fighting for some truth.

Danni looked away.

"I just can't stay." She said quietly.

"Why not? Why won't you give me a straight answer?"

Danni broke away from his grip.

"You just wouldn't understand, Zack!"

A shot of pain ran straight to Zacky's heart as he stared wide-eyed, mouth agape.

"I wouldn't understand?" He said in a low & angry tone, finger pointed at himself as he took a step back.

"Me of all fucking people should understand! But no, I get it, you're just going to run away like you always do when things get 'too hard' for you. Well don't let me stop you, since I obviously mean shit to you!"

Zack was almost shaking in anger & pain.

"It's not like that Zack!" She tried to retaliate.

"Then what is it Danielle! Ya know what, just leave if you're going to, save us both the trouble of a huge tear-jerking scene!" He was almost laughing as he spoke.

There was nothing else Danni could say, she knew he was right as always so she turned to leave.

"I'll try," She said quietly to herself as she walked away. "Try not to lose you."

Tears were forming, she tried to stop them but there was no use, She gave into the fight & let them fall freely, not bothering to wipe them away as she made her way onto Pacific Coast Highway. From there she caught a ab to take her as far away from Orange County as possible. There was no going back this time. She screwed up & there was no way things could ever be the same.

Back at the lonesome road, Zacky still stood replaying the last few minutes over & over again in his mind. Reality of what he had said hit him like a concrete block. He hadn't meant what he said, not one word of it. Deep down he hoped she knew that.

He waited for almost 20 minutes hoping she would come running back to him. But as more & more time faded away he knew she wasn't going to return. The one person who he could always count on had vanished, leaving him feeling more alone than ever. His heart was shattered into thousands of unmendable pieces. He would never be able to tell her how much she meant to him.

Taking one final glance at the road ahead, Zacky turned his back, finally deciding to head home. A single tear slid down his pale, cold cheek as he whispered to himself "I'll be here waiting."
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This is my first story posted on here. Comments would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks =]
