I'll Be Here Waiting

Tomorrow Might Not Make It

They say as one life ends, another begins. But what if someone is fighting for their life? Could it have the same sort of effect?

Brian was hoping so. In fact, they all had been desperately praying. Not only for Danni's life, but for Zachary's as well.

Hours had gone by just sitting in the treacherous Hospital waiting room. Night turned into morning, fear was building & yet there was no sign of hope. No sign of Zacky either. He had fallen off the face of the earth as usual. He wasn't even aware of the current situation, & that was what bothered Brian the most.

Here they all were, waiting to know whether their best friend was going to survive or not while Zacky was God knows where without a single clue as to what he had just caused. Brian couldn't handle it anymore.

"I'm going to look for him. Call me if they tell you anything."

He was on his last nerve, & it was all because of Zacky.

Dialing Zacky's number again, Brian prayed for him to pick up this time. But there was no such luck as one might guess, causing him to sigh tiredly. His brain was running on empty & not being able to get a hold of Zack only made it worse.

He pulled out of the Emergency Room parking lot, heading in the direction of the house. Good place to start his search. But as he pulled the car into the driveway a wave of anger flooded his already nervous & agitated prone soul. Zacky's car wasn't there.

He was very tempted to just turn the car around & say screw it to Zack, but as he was backing the car out, Zacky's came pulling up behind his.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" Brian exclaimed as each man stepped out of their own car.

"Does it really matter, Syn?" Zacky asked, tiredly pinching the bride of his nose.

In a matter of seconds Zacky was pinned against his car under the weight of Brian who was furiously screaming in his face.

"Yes it fucking matters! Danni's in the fucking hospital right now fighting for her life. And if I'm not mistaken you have something to do with this!"

Zacky's face had now gone from exhaustion to fully awake in shock.

"I-I." He was stuttering, almost speechless. Not knowing what to say.

"Save it, Zack. Just get in the car."

Brian's voice was calmer now. He didn't need this already terrible situation to be any worse.

They were in Zacky's car now. Brian driving to the hospital as they sat in silence.

"I love her, Syn. Please believe me when I say I never meant for any of this to happen." Zacky spoke, breaking the uneasy tension of silence. Tears of shame & fear were building in the corners of his Hazel/Green eyes.

"I know, Z, I know."

Not another word was spoken until hey arrived at the immense building.

"How is she?" Zacky asked frantically as he ran into the waiting room.

They all had been startled by his unexpected presence.

"They still haven't told us anything." Matt spoke from his seat next to the window. His arms in a comforting manner around Val's shoulders.

Zacky sighed. Fear was all that possessed him now.

"Are you all here for Danielle Harring?" Came a deep voice from the door. Immediately it had awakened the senses of each person seated within the room.

"Yes. How is she? Is she going to be okay?" Zacky's voice was rushed.

"We aren't 100% sure yet. She's still in critical condition in ICU. But we did manage to get her heart beating once again."

I think everyone let out a great sigh of relief. Danni was alive.

"I'm a bit concerned, though. We found large races of Heroin in her system which we believe is what caused her heart to stop in the first place."

Every muscle in Zacky's body had now tensed. Heroin. That's why she was here, in this dreadful place that reeked of death & sorrow. And it also meant another thing.

It didn't take long for the muscles to loosen as he bolted for his car at full force & speed. There was only one thing on his mind now. Vengeance.

He barely had the car parked before he was out & storming into the building that sat on the corner of PCH & Warner, causing every soul within to stare in puzzlement as he loudly & obnoxiously entered.

"Well, if it isn't out little Rock Star here paying us a visit." Came the cocky voice of none other than the sleazy scum known to many as Casey.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you, Casey!" Zacky snarled as he grabbed hold of Casey's collar, slamming his thin body against the wall.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! What seems to be the problem here Mr. Vengeance?" Casey's arms were raised, despite the fact that Zacky's hands still gripped his collar.

"My problem, fuck bag, is you! And I'm this fucking close to living up to my name!" His voice was full of venomous malice.

"Hey man, I never did shit to you!"

"You didn't do shit to me? Danni's in the fucking ICU right now because of Heroin you fucking sold her!"

Casey gave sadistic-like smile. One which he was so known for. "Not my fault the dumb bitch doesn't know how to handle her shit."

Zacky had now entirely lost all his senses.

"You fucking cunt!"

In less than a second Casey was pinned to the floor under Zacky's weight as blow after blow of Mr. Vengeance's fist shattered the fragile bones of Casey's nose. It took three full grown security guards to break the contact between the two.

"I swear to fucking God!", Zacky shouted as they dragged him out of the door. "If she dies, you die!"

And the last thing he saw before they tossed him on the street was the blood that was seeping down Casey's face. The same blood that now saturated his hands & small sporadic patches of his clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such a long wait.
I was grounded from my comp so therefore couldn't post =\

But here's the long awaited Chapter.
Look for the next one in the next few days.
The stories coming to an end guy!!!

Please comment if you like it....seriosuly.
Can't stress that enough.

But thank you all for reading. I love each of you very much <3

xoxoxox, BLAZE <3