I'll Be Here Waiting

Don't Wanna Die Alone Without You Here

Blood still stained Zachary's hands as he weakly walked back into the waiting room. Anger, hatred, regret, depression. All of it clouded his brain in an almost deadly mixture. He himself looked like death, like something straight out of a Horror flick.

"Jesus, Zacky. What the Hell happened to you?" Rose Johnny's voice from the silent square room.

"I'm fine." He said exhaustedly. "Casey's not."

Nods of understanding could be seen, but nothing was said. It was completely understood that no one needed to say a single word. What could be said, anyway? They all had known who Casey was & how he had corrupted Danni so long ago. Guess some things never changed. It broke each of their hearts. But as far as they were concerned, whatever state Zacky had left him in was exactly what he deserved .

"They moved her from ICU. We haven't gone to see her yet. Figured you would wanna be the first." Matt said.

"What room?"

Zacky was leading the pack now, though very slowly as each of his best friends; Matt, Val, Jimmy, Brian & Johnny; all followed from a slight distance away. All was silent. A dreadfully thick silence. The air was thick as well. So thick that Zacky felt as though he was suffocating.

The thud of his black & white Chuck Taylors was the only sound filling the long white-walled hallways. The sound was almost deafening to his ears due to the silence that saturated every other part of the hallway. The white walls seemed to stretch on forever, making the trip seem intolerably long.

Yet the pace of his foot steps never once increased. He was almost frightened to the very depths of his soul to witness the state Danni would be left in.

Finally he was approaching her room. The door was closed. He just stood there staring at it, contemplating if it was the right time to see her. Though he knew he had to go in. No matter how painful it would be to see her in her current condition.

A thin hand gripped his tense shoulder.

"Go be with her. She needs you."

Jimmy's voice was soft as he gave a nod & turned to join the others. Zacky flashed a quick, nervous half-smile before turning back to the painted metal door. This was it, he couldn't wait another instant. The suspense was eating him alive from the inside out. Giving a sigh, he finally pushed the light door open with little ease.

Inside the room was very dark. The blinds shut tight, shielding away the bright California sun. All was quite but the low beeping of Danni's heart monitor. His gaze was instantly upon her still form. How could she be here? She looked fine! At first glance you wouldn't believe anything had ever happened to her. But then there was the IV's filled with God knows what hooked into her frail arms.

That was the only sign that her life had been dangling by a thread just mere hours before. A thread Zacky may have well cut himself, sending her almost crashing into oblivion forever. Of course he blamed himself. It was only human to do so. Someone had to take the blame, & he wasn't going to let Danni be the one to do so. But if she couldn't blame him for it, then they both could blame Casey together. That seemed to make the most sense.

Yet here she was, looking flawless as ever. She was like a sleeping Goddess to him, & he was her guard. There to watch & protect her. To make sure nothing would ever touch her again.

He was sitting beside her now. Chair pulled as close to the bed frame as possible. Eyes fixed on her radiant form, watching her chest rise & fall in slow, long breaths. He wished she would just open her gorgeous Reddish Brown eyes to him. Let him know she would be alright & ready to live out a long & joyful life with him.

He couldn't lose her again/ Eight years was ling enough. Try going an entire lifetime. He knew it would near impossible. He couldn't die alone without her by his side. He would not allow it. And so he waited. Waited for the moment t come when she would open those eyes. The moment he could tell her how much he loved & needed her. And how sorry he was. For everything.

He gently took her cold, soft hands into his. Rubbing his thumb across the top as he silently prayed to God. His eyes were swelling slowly & he allowed the few tears to fall as he laid his head down, softly sobbing. The tears were beginning to soak the sheets. And even Danni's hand was slightly moist with Zacky's salty sorrowful tears. He was bot even aware of this until the fingers he held between his began to move. His head was instantly alert, staring at the wriggling fingers.

"Zacky?" Came a soft, dry voice.

His gaze met Danni's & his heart nearly jumped for joy at the sight of those opened eyes.

"Yes, Danni. I'm here." He spoke, choking back the now tears of joy.

"Took you long enough." She said tiredly with a small, breathless laugh.

"I know, sweetheart, I know." He said, also laughing silently

"Zacky?" She asked again.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I'm sorry." She said meekly, eyes lowered. " I'm sorry I left you. And I'm sorry I started using again."

Her voice was full of shame, but he smiled despite the fact.

"Don't be. It doesn't matter. All that matter's is that you're here now & you're okay. And that I'm not going anywhere."

And she, too, smiled as he brought her hand to his soft pierced lips as the rest of he world faded away.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOOT! Two ina row!

Are you all happy that Danni's alive & Zacky's done being a prick? XD

Comments are greatly appreciated. Any kind of feedback is welcome.
I love to hear your opinions.


Well much love for reading!!

xoxoxoxo - BLAZE <3