I'll Be Here Waiting

Let's Make A New Start

Three long days had passed. Three days of lying in the painfully uncomfortable Hospital bed. Three days of waiting to be released. And three days of starting over with Zacky.

He had barely left her side in those three days. Only did he leave when she had forced him in order for them both to get much needed sleep. She was glad he was there though. Finally they had patched things up. And everyone seemed to be happier than ever before. There was no more uncomfortable tensions when they all were in a room together. Only laughter & complaints from Danni about wanting to leave.

But she was home now. Basking in the warmth & joy of Life & Love.

She sat upon the edge of her four poster bed. Running her hands along the sheets, lost in happiness of the softness. Tonight she would get a good nights sleep. No more back pain from the near torture she endured laying for days upon the stiff hospital mattress.

Her mind was so deep in a thoughtless state of wonder that she was entirely unaware of the presence standing in her doorway. Gazing upon her smiling face as he, too, smiled just from her radiant happiness.

"Good to be home?" Came the gentle, caring voice.

She looked to see the two Hazel/Green eyes she adored more than anything staring upon her. Instantly her eyes, entire face actually, appeared to light up.

"You have no idea." She said with a vibrant smile.

He shared in the smile & walked towards her after shutting the bedroom door.

"You've always been my best friend, Danni. You know that right?" He asked, sitting beside her.

"Of course, Zacky. You've always been my best friend too." She answered genuinely.

"I never meant any of those terrible things I said to you." His head was down, staring at his toes. Hands beneath his legs as he regretted every ungrateful word he had ever spoken to her.

She carefully lifted his head with her hand. "I forgive you, Zacky. Truth is, I don't care about what happened back then. It was a long time ago. And you had every right to say that after what I did to you."

He grinned joyfully. "I wanna make it up to you. I wanna start over. I want it to be like it was before. I wanna tell you everything I never got the chance to say."

She gave him a sideways look. "Then say it. I'm not going anywhere, not again. Tell me everything."

There was a long pause as he pondered for the right words. How was he going to explain it all? There was so much to say! But as he sat there, contemplating, the words floated to him. He didn't need a long speech. All he needed was three simple words.

"I love you, Danni. I've always loved you."

The words seemed to roll right off his tongue. So naturally he had said it as if it'd been said a million times before. And she repeated it in the exact same manner & tone as he had. Though neither of them really needed to say it. It was just one of those things you could just sense when you walked into the room. You could almost see it, that's how real & strong it was. But they said it despite the fact, just to be positive the other understood.

A kiss followed as anyone would expect. But it wasn't a little friendly peck. Nor was it a drunken kiss of no meaning. No, it was neither of these. It was a tender touch of soft pierced lips meeting one another in a single moment of love & passion that lingered in the air even after they had both parted

But even the strongest of all forces couldn't keep the two separated for more than a second. The lips were connected again. More fiercefully this time as both bodies fell purposely backwards toward the head of the bed.

Zacky had his love pinned below him, hands graciously touching every inch of soft bare skin that he had so longed to feel. How mad he was with himself for being so stubborn that it had prolonged this moment for so many years. But now it didn't matter. Because now he was mad with love & the chance to finally have his love in his arms. The chance to feel his flesh upon hers. This was a moment well overdue & by the way they touched & kissed one another, it proved they both agreed.

More & more bare skin was being revealed as the floor became littered with the garments that had once adorned each of the two lovers bodies. But they didn't care. It was a moment in time that nothing & no one could tear away from them. And as each article of clothing disappeared from Danni's body, Zacky's soft kisses replaced where they once had been.

Everything was a blur now. The past, non-existent. The future, it didn't matter. The present, a haze of passion & love mixed with the pleasures of new & lost love.

With each kiss of his tender lips on her sensitive skin all perceptions of time & space disintegrated. And as he let himself fill her insides in the moment they both had anticipated for years, the room seemed to spin around them. The feeling was overwhelming as each sense became amazingly amplified.

It was synthetic ecstasy as each moment passed, building the intensity to near dramatic levels. Both were close, they knew this. Each sweet kiss of pierced lips. Each thrust of hips meeting together in unison. Each gasp of breathlessness brought them both another step closer to exploding.

On more thrust. One more passionate kiss. And that was all it took. Muscles contracted. Nails dug deep into porcelain flesh. And it was all over. The release they both had needed for so long had passed. Leaving them both in a haze of near intoxication & clouded eyes.

They sat in silence for a while. Re-evaluating what had just taken place. But no words were spoken. There was no need for it. Both had known what was running through the others dazed mind. Love. That was all there was to it.

Zacky held her close to his exposed, sweat drenched skin as he softly kissed her head before letting the exhaustion take hold.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow....that was intense.


I will gratefully return the favor & be in debt to yer soul forever!

I really hope you all liked this part as much as I did!

xoxoxoxox - BLAZE <3