I'll Be Here Waiting

Too Many People To Ache Over

The entire time Danni sat at work, her mind was unfocused. A million & ten things were running wildly through her mind like people set on fire. She was almost shaking with nervousness & the feeling wasn't getting much better with time. If anything it was getting worse, much worse.

How would they react to seeing her after so much time had ceased to exist? Would they be happy, angry, sad, infuriated?

She prayed it wasn't the latter.

For a moment she even re-thank going at all.

"They're better off without me."

But at the end of the day she knew she had to go. Regret would consume her until she died if she didn't go. And that was the last thing she needed, yet another mistake to add to the list that was already long enough as it was. She was certain she could write an entire novel with every regret she had made in her short lifetime.

Danni's nervous shakes never dissipated over the course of the day. They were still there when she arrived outside the arena at 5:00 PM. She still had quite a few hours to wait. The doors weren't opening until 6:00, & the first band wouldn't begin playing until about 7:00. She figured it would be at least 9:00 before Avenged took the stage,

That came to four hours., four very long hours, quite possibly the longest, most excruciating four hours she would ever have to face in her lifetime. It was practically unbearable!

With every fading minute the nervous feeling seemed to grow like a disease inside her chest. She was almost certain it would take over her entire body completely, resulting in her death.

"Well if I'm dead," She thought, "at least I won't have to face Zacky."

Because that was what frightened her the most. She wasn't afraid to face the other. Somehow she knew they would be a little more understanding, more forgiving, like Johnny had been, Zacky's on the other hand would be bitter & cold.

"I could be entirely wrong." Said her thoughts. "But what are my odds on that."

The hours seemed to creep by. One hours, she was inside the arena. Two hours, the first band was playing. Three hours, the seconds band was playing. By the time the fourth hour had arrived, Danni was near to hyperventilation. Her stomach was twisted, chest was tight, & being inside the arena didn't make the situation much better.

The air was hot, like all the sweating bodies she was crowded between. She had managed to squeeze her thin body through the masses almost completely to the front.

Every dimly lit light inside the building went out. Danni knew they would be taking the stage at any given moment. Everyone around her cheered, but she couldn't hear them. All she could hear was the thumping of her heart.

She could slightly see the five bodies emerge onto the stage to their own specific places. Lights were still out & all was silent. All but the thumping of her heart followed shortly by a slow beating of drums. The tune were almost in tune.

And as the beating of the drums increased in speed & sound, every light on stage rose, revealing the five most amazing people Danni had ever come to know.

Of course her eyes immediately feel on Zack. She couldn't believe she was actually seeing him. It was almost like a dream, one of which she might die if she awoke from it.

Zacky didn't look much different from the day she last saw him. The most obvious difference was the ink that almost completely covered both of his arms. It wasn't much of a surprise, though, Zack had always wanted full sleeves.

Danni took note of how happy he looked on that stage with the hundreds, if not thousands, of fans there to see his band play. His eyes had gotten their vibrancy back, she was glad of this. She noticed how Happy all of them looked. It was always their dream to be this successful & they had finally gotten what they worked so long & so hard for.

Danni saw Johnny scanning each face in the crowd.

"Is he looking for me?" She thought.

Her question was answered when his eyes fell on hers, followed by a huge smile & wink. She smiled, too, maybe the first genuine smile to spread across her lips in ages.

It didn't t take long for it to fade though. If Johnny had found her that easily, would the rest of them? It was possible, but almost unlikely. Even if they did see her, they couldn't be certain it was truly her.

In the past eight years her looks had slightly altered. Her once very long hair was now a little above her shoulders & dyed a dark purple color, almost black. An eyebrow ring on her right side & snakebites adorned her face & a few tattoos were scattered on various parts of her body.

"They won't recognize me."

As the rest of the show proceeded, Danni rarely took her eyes off of Zacky. She wouldn't let herself in fear that somehow it would all be ripped away from her. She couldn't let that happen, not a second time. The first time was difficult enough.

The show was coming to an end. Matt had announced that they would be playing their last song of the evening, Unholy Confessions. That was probably;y Danni's favorite song of all time.

" 'I'll try!' She said as she walked away. 'Try not to lose you.' Two vibrant hearts could change!"

The words hit her like a bullet straight to the heart, just like they always did. They were practically her words, making her fully aware it had been written for her.

She looked from Matt to Zack. His smile had faded, leaving his face utterly serious, almost pained.

" 'I'll be here waiting.' Tested & secure!"

That was probably her favorite line int the entire song. She wished it was true, that Zack would always be waiting for her. It was a stretch, though & she was fully aware of this.

The song was reaching its end. Every person in the crowd was going insane. Matt's voice, the music, the people, it was all so intense. And as the final line rand through her ears, she could see Zacky sigh to himself, eyes closed.

"I know it's hurting you, But it's killing me."
♠ ♠ ♠
I so had to listen to Unholy while typing that last part up XD

Again, hope you enjoyed it.

Feed back is ALWAYS welcome, & GREATLY appreciated.

xoxo - Jess <3