I'll Be Here Waiting

Regretting The Time We Lost

The show itself had ended, but for Danni the evening was just beginning. She was on her way to the alley in-search of Mr. Johnny Christ. That is, if she could ever get out of the arena.

People were taking their jolly-old time, making it nearly impossible to move. She did finally manage to escape the masses, though almost 10 minutes later.

She rushed as quickly as she could to the alley where she assumed Johnny would already be waiting. She was disappointed when she found that he wasn't there yet. Figuring he was probably out signing autographs, she lit up a cigarette before leaning against the brick wall of the arena.

She inhaled deeply, before letting the toxic smoke escape her lips. It seemed to calm her anxious nerves. Though, only mildly.

Danni had been waiting in the same spot for a good 25 minutes, smoking cigarette after cigarette. She was beginning to think Johnny was even coming at all. But then two hands firmly grasped her shoulders from behind, followed by the yelling of the word "BOO!"

She must have jumped 4 feet in the air, literally, before turning to find a near hysterical Johnny.

"Jesus Christ!" she yelled as she place a hand to her pounding chest.

"Actually, it's Johnny Christ, but I could see how you were mistaken."

Danni rolled her eyes. Yup, that was definitely the old Johnny she knew. Same old little shit as always.

"Come on," Johnny said. "You ready to go?"

"As ready as I'm going to be." She mumbled incoherently as she followed Johnny in through the side door.

"Come on, it'll be fine." He said.

"I hope you're right." Danni whispered softly to herself.

Johnny led her up a short set of stairs, then down a narrow hallway, her heart rate increasing again as it had so many previous time that evening. They eventually reached a door at the far end of the hallway.

"Wait right here." Johnny spoke lowly. "I'll let you know when to come in."

Understanding, she nodded as she watched Johnny Christ retreat through the door.

Inside the room, the after-show party was just beginning to take shape.

"Another AMAZING show, boys." Matt said from a chair on the right side of the room. His beer held high above his head.

"Glad ya finally decided to join us, Christ. Where's ya run off to?" Brian asked, finally noticing Johnny had returned. He was on the right side of a couch directly across the room from the door. Zacky was sitting contently on the other side, sipping from the beer bottle in hand.

"Well, I actually have a surprise for you boys." Johnny stated, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Matt asked with a slight chuckle.

"COME ON IN!" Johnny yelled to the door.

"Oh Jesus, John, you didn't buy us all Male Strippers again, did ya?" Zacky said laughing hysterically.

But no one else laughed. The room become completely silent. Zacky turned to see everyone staring wide-eyed at the doorway. He didn't realize why until he, too, looked toward the door. & there standing in the door frame was the girl who broke his heart 8 years earlier.

"Oh my God." He whispered so silently that he himself barely heard it.

"D-Danni...?" Brian asked still in a state of shock.

She felt uneasy with all eyes on her, but nodded none the less.

"Yea, Bri, it's me."

"Oh my fucking Christ! Get your skinny ass over here!" Jimmy screamed, popping up from his seat on the floor against the couch.

They all ran to engulf her in a group hug. All, that is, but Zacky. He just stared, unable to move, as if paralyzed in shock. Why was she here? That & so many other questions worked there way into his shocked brain.

"We thought you were dead!" Matt cried out, his voice muffled between his friends various faces & arms.

Tears were beginning to form in the corners of Danni's eyes, not out of sadness, but of pure joy. She wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment forever.

A crash was heard from the oater end of the room. Everyone parted to find Zacky still sitting where he had been, broken glass & beer at his feet. His state of shock had caused the bottle to slip from his hand, crashing.

The remaining four boys were now simultaneously looking between Zacky & Danni. Not a word was spoken. I was an awkward silence. For all of them

Danni finally worked up enough courage to break the awful tension in the room.

"He-Hey Zacky..." She stuttered almost inaudibly, not fully looking him in the eye.

There was a slight pause before Zacky said anything.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." He mumbled before rushing out the door.

"Zacky wait!" Johnny called after him, his body halfway out the door before being stopped by Danni's voice.

"Let him go, Johnny." She was still facing he couch. "I can't blame him for leaving."

Her head was hung low in shame. This was exactly the reaction she had been expecting all along. She really couldn't blame him for it, though. It was nearly the same thing she had done to him & he had every right in doing so.
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Comments are what drive me & are EXTREMELY appreciated!!!

Thank you ALL for reading!

xoxoxo - Jay<3