I'll Be Here Waiting

I Won't Lose My Will To Stay

Brian had been passing uncontrollably around the back patio for at least 20 minutes, a discontent Jimmy wanting to help in any way possible.

"Should I go look for her? Oh my God! What if she left for good again!" Brian was about ready to rip his hair out with the anxiety of everything.

"Syn! Calm yourself down! She wouldn't leave, not again." Jimmy yelled hoping to calm Brain before he gave himself a hernia.

"But what if something happened to her? This is all Zacky's fault! I swear if anything happened to her, he's fucking dead!"

The anger was once again showing itself on Brains hate enraged face.

"I think one black eye is good enough for now, Brian." Jimmy said, shaking his head slightly.

"That's it, I'm going to find her." Brian said grabbing his car keys from the table.

But, before he could get very far, his phone began ringing. Looking at the name on the screen he let a small sigh escape his lips before answering.

"Danni, sweetheart, I am so sorry! Are you alright?" He spoke in a rushed, breathless voice as if afraid she wouldn't realize just how sorry he was.

"Don't worry about it Bri, I'm fine."

Another sigh escaped his lips. That was all he needed to hear.

"Where are you, Hun, I'll come pick you up."

"No, it's fine. I'm on my way to Matt & Val's. I'll just meet you there." Her voice spoke trough the speakers of Brian's cell phone.

"You sure?" Brian asked.

"Yea, I'll be there in like 10 minutes, 15 at most."

"OK, be careful. We'll see you in a little bit." Brain said before shutting his phone.

"Told you, she'd be fine." Jimmy's words came from behind where he had been listening.

"She's gonna meet us at Matt's, let's go." Synyster said as he began walking towards the door.

"Whatta 'bout those two." Jimmy asked, motioning his thumb upstairs where Zacky & Taylor were doing God only knows what.

"Fuck 'em, they can fucking drive." And with that, they left.

Danni was walking in the direction of Matt's, her anger & hurt now completely disintegrated. In fact, she couldn't feel anything. Her entire body was now tingly with numbness, the familiar effect of one of the drugs she had come to know very well in her past. God, how she had missed that feeling. Somehow, no matter how bad it was for her, she loved it. The way it made her feel, or actually, not feel. It was perfect. Nothing could touch her, nothing could hurt her & that was probably the best part of it.

Almost 10 minutes later, she had arrived outside of Matt & Val's. Cars were lined up halfway down the block, leading her to believe everyone had already arrived. She placed her thick rimmed sunglasses in front of her eyes, in hopes that no one would know that state she was currently in. But if she had been able to hide it so well all those years ago, then now should be no problem.

"Yay! Danni's here!" Came the voice of an intoxicated Johnny Christ upon seeing her join the party.

Sure enough, everyone had already arrived, everyone that is but Zacky. She kind of hoped he wouldn't show up. But of course she was never that lucky because right behind her came Zachary & his new lover strolling in, hand-in-hand.

Questioning looks were being shot in his direction by almost everyone. None of them knew who this girl was, or better yet, why the side of Zacky's face was all swollen & purple. Danni of course took notice of the nice shiner that adorned his precious face, knowing full well it hadn't been there when she left.

"Who the fuck is she?" Matt mumbled to Danni & Valary.

"Zack's new slut." Danni said, sending death glares in their direction.

"She's dressed like some kind of cheap hooker." Val said disgustedly, noticing Taylor's attire which consisted of a black mini skirt, red halter top that barely covered anything & matching red stilettos.

"Tell me about it! Ugh! I need a beer!" Danni said, adjusting her sunglasses & walking over to join Johnny Christ & Mr. Jason Berry at the beer coolers.

"HEY! IT'S DANNI!" Both Johnny & JB yelled together upon seeing her once again.

Danni just laughed. "You guys are fucking wasted." She said while popping the cap off of a bottle of Coors before downing half of it in one gulp.

"Dammmn, Dan! I never knew you could chug it!" JB said, staring in drunken amazement at Danni.

"I can do alot more than that, JB." She said wiping her at her mouth, glare still fixated on Zacky & his slut who were having a furious battle with their tongues.

"Come on, lovah, time for shots Danni Boy! I mean- fuck man, what do I mean?" Johnny said scratching at the back of his head while staring into space.

Danni just laughed before taking both JB & Johnny's by the arm & leading the off to where the many bottles of liquor were awaiting.

7 beers & 11 shots of Jack Daniel's later, a now entirely wasted Danni was singing "99 Bottles" while skipping (or at least attempting to) across the yard, each arm linked between Johnny & Jason.

They finally decided to sit, or shall I say fall, into some lawn chairs that were set directly across from Zacky & Taylor. Johnny was half sitting on the chair, half laying on Danni who was sitting on JB's lap.

Almost everyone was smashed to the point of not knowing what in the Hell was reality or imagination anymore. The Rev was running around like a lunatic screaming something about the killer Seagulls from Uranus. Synyster & Shadz were taking shots of tequila, and Zacky & Taylor, who were probably the most sober of the group, were sitting contently in front of Johnny, JB, & Danni.

"I fucking love you guys man! Seriously, I've never been happier in all of my pathetic fucking life!" Danni rambled in a slur.

That got Zacky's attention. He was no longer comprehending a single;e thing his girlfriend was saying. Instead his focus was the on three people seated in front of him. Johnny Christ, who had his head in Danni's lap as she ran her fingers through his black & blonde hair. Jason Berry, whose arms were securely fastened around Danni's waist as she sat on his lap. And Danielle, who openly expressed her love for Johnny & JB by giving each a slight peck on the lips.

But her quick little peck for JB soon turned into a full-blown make-out session, tongues flying in every way imaginable. Zacky was disgusted! Here was the girl, whom he had loved for so long, now furiously kissing his techie in a passionate, almost X-rated, blaze. He was beyond appalled.

"Let's get outta here, this party is lame." He spoke in monotone, shooting despicable looks in Danni's direction before leading Taylor & himself out the front without a single goodbye. The only trace of his farewell, now, was the tires of his car peeling thunderously down the street.
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I know I say this every time, but seriously, if you like my story..TELL ME!
I'm not an asshole & won't comment back.
So lemme know what ya think.

Thanks for reading =]
xoxox, Jay <3