Status: On Hiatus

Untangle Me


“A concert?” Zoey asks skeptically as she applies the blood to her face.

Behind her, her best friends Aubree and Danielle are themselves getting ready for the annual Zombie Walk in Seattle. Danielle laughs at Zoey’s hesitance about the concert tonight.

“You’re doing a fucking zombie walk yet you’re scared about a concert?” Aubree asks, laughing at her friend.

“I’m not scared!” Zoey exclaims, attempting to lie about her fear of the sweaty bodies the concert promised.

“It’ll be fine,” Danielle reassures her, turning around and placing an arm around her friend’s shoulders.

“Besides we’re seeing The Maine, and that means will get to meet John’s sexy ass,” Aubree says smirking at her other two friends.

Zoey looks at her zombie comrades in the mirror. Zoey, in comparison to the other two looks, quite plain. She was in a pretty sun dress stained from the blood dripping from the gash on her neck. Her ashen faced shows her hesitance for the concert.

Aubree, being one for dramatics, is in a wedding dress bloodied and torn from fighting off an unwilling husband. Her dark black eyes shone with excitement which mirrors that of her friend Danielle’s, who wears bloodied scrubs and facemask to match. Her stethoscope, sharp at one end, hung from her neck.

All three girls are painted unnaturally pale and smile at their appearance. “Shall we go?” Danielle asks, turning to head out of their apartment.


“C’mon guys! It’s not every day that our tour brings us to a zombie walk!” Garrett yells throughout the tour bus, gathering his older bandmates as Pat finishes his zombie rat boy ensemble.

“Why don’t you just go with Pat?”Jared asks, shoving a spoonful of peanut butter in his mouth. Max walks by grabbing the spoon, huffing that they already didn’t have enough food.

“You really think that I want to go a fucking zombie walk?” John asks, annoyance showing plain on his face.

Kennedy is the only one who shows excitement that wasn’t in costume for the walk and tries to get John to agree to go. “John, Jared, what else are you guys gonna do before the concert tonight?”

“Sit around and eat peanut butter,” Jared says, resorting to using his finger as a spoon.

Max glares at Jared before swiping the jar from his hand. “You guys are going, because you aren’t staying on the bus and eating everything in sight. I need a break from you all.”

“Moose you can’t be serious. He wants us to go to a zombie walk. A goddamned zombie walk.” John whines, throwing himself down on the couch.

Jared sighs and gets up. “Well, I’m in. Do you think we can find some food somewhere?”

“So now I’m the only one who’s not going? Figures,” John mutters.

“You’re going, John,” Moose says glaring at John.

John groans and gets up grabbing his sunglasses. “Fine, but I’m not changing.”


After meeting up with another friend Emma, the girls all saunter around Seattle, meeting up with other zombies alike. Aubree finds a zombie groom that looks at her creepily. She turns the other way quickly.

In the midst of all the commotion, Aubree overhears a familiar voice whining a ways behind her. “I swear to God, if I get one drop of blood on me, I’m killing you two.” A tall, lanky boy threatens a pair of younger looking zombies.

“Do you hear that? I’ve heard that voice before… But I’ve never heard it fucking whine like that!” Aubree exclaims, turning around to look at the group behind them.

The tall and lanky boy turns to the other normally dressed brunette, “Don’t these people have anything better to do other than walk around like a bunch of Pat and Garretts?”

“If he fucking complains one more time…” Aubree seethes.

“Calm down, Aub. We don’t even know them.” Zoey attempts to calm down the gory bride.

“Is this all Seattle is good for?” tall and lanky insults all of the Washingtonian’s surrounding them.

“Get off your period John,” the red head next to him mumbles.

“I’m not on my period, I’m just stating the truth. I mean who takes the time to dress up as a fucking bride and nurse! That just screams I have no life!”

“Why are you here if you don’t even fucking want to be? At least we aren’t bitching about everything!” Aubree yells at the tall lanky boy as she stalks toward the group of boys leaving her friends behind. Her temper always got the best of her, and Zoey and Danielle try their best to balance her out, most of the time failing.

Her friends rolled their eyes attempting to act like they didn’t know their friend. The boy Aubree was currently yelling at was at least a foot taller than her and he glared down at the short bride.

“Well what else do you do in this rainy-ass city?!” He shoots back, venom filling his voice.

“How about not whine and bitch about everything?” Aubree didn’t miss a beat in replying.

Danielle and Zoey deciding now was the time to do damage control, walked up to the group of boys. Zoey, as she approaches the tux-clad zombie, attempts to smooth the situation over. “I’m so sorry about her.”

“I’m not fucking sorry!” Aubree yells, not breaking her glare at the tall lanky boy in sunglasses.

Danielle looks to the stocky red head and attempts to turn the conversation to a positive beat. “Well, the music scene in Seattle is pretty great?” She offers.

“Yeah!” Aubree exclaims, “You could wait a few hours and go see a fucking awesome band, but obviously you don’t even want to be here!”

“Yeah! We’re going to NeverShoutNever!” Emma smiles.

“Fuck Christofer Drew!” Danielle and Aubree exclaimed, Aubree finally breaking her glare to give it to Emma.

“Most people are going to see The Maine anyway,” Danielle says to the ginger in front of her.

“Well obviously you ju…” Aubree trails off as the tall, lanky boy in front of her removes his glasses to show her his glaring green irises. “John, from The Maine… Shit.” She turns red and her eyes grow wide. “I think I’m needed that way…” Aubree grabs Emma and stalks off in a random direction, hoping it led her to the car.

Zoey looks around confused. “What?” she turns back to the tux-clad zombie. He smirks.

Danielle stares at the group her eyes lingering on the stocky redhead. “Coming Aubree!” she rushes after the other two.

“Danielle! Aubree… Emma?” Zoey’s voice softens after each name. None of them turn back. “Well there goes my ride…”
♠ ♠ ♠
No offence to any Christofer Drew fans out there. Your authors just don't like him...

And this is a co-write. We just wanna let you know that both authors have hectic school schedules (and attend different schools) and will try to update as frequently as possible.

Anyway, comments and such are much appreciated :) <3