Status: Complete. Sad...

He Who Walks Among Roses

I do not own any of the characters derived from "The Boondock Saints" I simply own the characters I build around them.
  1. Incipit - It's his Heart
    This may be short, depends on what I decide and how long I can write.
  2. Duo - Where'd you learn to Pray like that?
    Second installment. Evalin gets to find out what took so long at the hospital. We get another grim insight into her past. And the boys make themselves at home.
  3. Tribus- Dreaming
    Let's make everyone get to know each other shall we? Will Evalin overcome her past, will she be able to ask the Saints for help?
  4. Quatuor - Happy Hour
    Evie has to start making money for Doc. And when she opens up the bar will there be trouble?
  5. Quinque - Prayers
    Conner has a talk with Murph. Doc's health, Evalin's doubts & Murphy's Doubts = a kiss?
  6. Sextus - Singing
    Evalin runs into an old friend, her and Murph visit Doc. She gets an idea, and then gets punched by Connor.
  7. Septem - Too the Moon and Back.
    Drugs - Party - Sex - on the Rocks with a Twist.
  8. Octo - "Molto Buona"
    Hungover with Italian plans.
  9. Novem - Two weeks Later
    -No really two weeks later- Doc's finally getting out of the hospital, all Evalin's done is visit him, work the bar, and build her new found relationships. And then she'll find out about a relationship that she didn't even know about!
  10. Decem - Capture the Flag
    The boy's leave for home and Evalin follows soon after. Or at least she they thought she had decided to come.
  11. Undecim - Copper
    More detail with Murphy's thoughts, and Evalin's capture.
  12. Duodecim - It doesn't pay to be beautiful.
    Two weeks later.
  13. Tredecim - An Old Promise
    GRAPHIC: Beware please and thanks. The boys get back from Ireland.
  14. Quatuordecim - Three Rings
    The detective's results - and surprise calls from two women.
  15. Quindecim - Rats have something to Give
    Investigations, they pay off.
  16. Sexdecim - The Bounty
    Moving on the the action... Evalin's fever, the beginning of the blood-spill.
  17. Septemdecim - Need A Plan
    How do you get someone to the hospital when you can't be seen?
  18. Octodecim - Bloodshed.
    What sound does a pistol make?
  19. Novendecim - Hospital Visits
    The aftermath of the drugs, and nights away from Murphy.
  20. Viginti - Another Heart Beat
    progression in the hospital, and tough questions.
  21. Viginti Unus - Leaving
    Evalin finally gets to leave the hospital after an unexciting two weeks. But there is always bad news when theres good news.
  22. Viginti Duo - Initials
    Anger and passion. [sex in last paragraph]
  23. Viginti Tribus - Baseball
    Stranger pays a visit.
  24. Viginti Quatuor- Sound of a Plot
    A well determined mind gets to see the glory, and the boys think about the Plaza.
  25. Viginti Quinque - Two hookers and a Baseball Bat
    almost the end.
  26. Viginti Sextus - Ultimus
    the end.