Can't Walk Away

Heartbreak and Happiness

Linnea sat cross-legged on her cot staring at the concrete floor. She picked at the gross food that they brought her and sighed. She refused to show it, but inside she was getting nervous. In just a few hours the guards would be in to transport her to federal prison, and if Danny couldn’t trick Carmen, Linnea’s life would suddenly become a lot more complicated than she had planned.

She looked up when she heard someone coming, and stood when she saw Zane standing there. “Zane.”

He sighed. “Are you okay? They haven’t…hurt you or anything?”

She shook her head. “No. I am okay…for now. They are supposed to be moving me in a few hours.”

He nodded and looked down. “Why?”


“Why did you do it? Why would you do that to me?” he asked quietly.

“Zane, I didn’t…it isn’t like that. You don’t know everything about this. Please, just…believe me. It isn’t what you think.” she pleaded.

He sighed and looked back up at her. “What are you saying, Nea? Are you saying that you didn’t try to kill my dad?”

She shook her head. “I have to tell you something, but you can’t say anything yet.”

“Fine. What is it? Tell me whatever it is you think will fix this.” he snapped at her.

“Zane…I would never hurt anyone in your family. None of my family would do that. My dad…his family used to be in the mob but her turned that around. We aren’t anymore. Carmen set us up because of what I said to her. But I didn’t have the proof. My dad is trying to figure it out. Please believe me.”

He looked at her for a moment before responding. “So you’re telling me that because of your family, my dad almost died? My dad saw someone that looked like you or your father, Linnea! You can’t try to tell me anything because it is too late. I loved you! I trusted you and out of nowhere you go and try to take my father from me.”

She shook her head. “Zane I am telling you the truth! Please…you have to believe me! My dad will be here soon I know he will. Please…I would never hurt you like that! Never! I can’t believe that you think I would! You know me, Zane Parker. You know that I am not a killer. Tell me that in your heart you don’t believe me.”

He looked her in the eye. “I want to…but I can’t, Linnea. I’m sorry.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “What are you saying?”

He took a deep breath. “Linnea…I can’t do this. I can’t handle being with you right now. I can’t date you anymore.”

She knew it was coming eventually, but it didn’t stifle the pain at all. Her heart felt like it was being ripped in two as she watched him walk away. Falling into a seated position on her bed, she stared ahead of her. The tears hadn’t come yet, but she knew that they would come in good time.

She continued to sit there for a while, curled into a ball against the bars, and waited for something to happen. At this point she just wanted to know something, and she was getting nervous every minute that her dad didn’t show up.

Suddenly the door to her cell was opened but she didn’t look up, knowing that it was coming closer to the time she would be moved. However, she felt two arms pull her into a hug and she buried her head in her father’s chest.

“It’s over baby. We caught her on tape. They know we were framed.” he held her closely and wouldn’t let go. “Did you tell Zane…?” he trailed off when she started sobbing and he knew what had happened. “It’s okay. I know.”

A few minutes later they stood and he led her out to the car. Her eyes were rimmed red and she had tear stains on her cheeks. When they got to the car, neither Ray nor Tony had said anything. After seeing Zane leave and seeing Linnea’s face, they also figured out what had happened. Danny climbed into the backseat with his daughter and Ray sat up front as Tony drove away from the police station. Linnea laid her head on her dad’s shoulder and held tightly to his arm.

She may have been free…but inside her whole world had still fallen apart.