Status: hiatus

Midnight Can Be Dangerous

Isabella Hopkins is bad at being a good girl. She loves to race. She loves to back talk teachers. She loves to be a pain in the butt.

Sean Amery is a really bad boy. He loves to race. He loves to black mail teachers. He loves to kick butt.

Ava Johns is a slutty girl. She loves to play guitar and drums. She loves to watch races. She has weird obsessions with Showbread. She loves BELLS.

Dane Levry is good at being a jerk. He loves to pick at Isabella. He loves to get into trouble. He wants to get out of high school. He and Sean are best friends.

Ray Sherrs is a good boy. He loves being a square. He is loves hanging out with "Izzy". He loves playing bass for Ava's band. He loves "Izzy".

Ray wants Isabella.
Isabella wants Sean.
Dane wants Ava
Ava hates Dane
Sean hates Ray.
Racing is what ties them together.