Status: Complete

Sister of Syn

Merry A7Xmas

I peeked out from under my covers and saw the big red numbers on my alarm clock glowing in the gray light of dawn. Six-thirty a.m. I didn't know what woke me, but I knew sleep wouldn't come back easily. I had a knot of excitement in my stomach, like I used to get on Christmas mornings when I was a kid. This excitement wasn't caused by an eagerness for presents, as those in the past had been. This was caused by anticipation for midnight, the moment I'd get to see Zacky again. It was another A7X tradition: getting together at midnight on Christmas to exchange gifts. The day was reserved strictly for family, but once Christmas was technically over, friends could invade the homestead.

Now that I was thinking about Zacky, I was wide awake. I got up and opened my bedroom door, listening. Total silence had its grip on the house. I crept past Dad's room and down the stairs. I was only mildly surprised to find Brian sleeping on the couch. I hesitated a split second before racing into the living room and pouncing on him. He jerked awake with a startled grunt. "You're getting fat," he mumbled sleepily.

"Am not," I argued.

He yawned. "Are, too. What time is it?"

"Six-thirty," I answered brightly.

"Six-thirty?" he repeated. I nodded, and he muttered, "I hate you."

I grinned. "I love you, too."

"Can't you bug someone else? Isn't Brent here?"

"Nope. Brent actually uses his house, unlike some people I know."

"Damn." Brian frowned, running his hands down his face. "Hey." He paused, struck with an idea. "Get my phone."

"Where is it?" I asked.

"The table." He pointed across the room, to the table in front of the picture window. I disconnected his cell from its charger and tossed it to him. He flipped it open and punched in a number. He listened for a few seconds, then said, "I'm bringing you an early gift." Snapping his cell shut, he kicked off his blanket.

"Who was that?" I questioned, though I was pretty sure I knew.

Brian pulled on his jeans. "Your boyfriend." He put on his shirt and shoes. "C'mon. I'm going to my house for some sleep and you are staying at Zacky's." He led the way out to his car, still explaining his plan. "I'll set my alarm for eight-thirty. I'll pick you up, we'll get breakfast for the family, and we'll be back by the time Dad is conscious."

"Brilliant," I said happily.

At my cheerful tone, Brian shook his head. "I can't believe I'm taking my baby sister to get laid on Christmas morning."

"We could stay home and I can annoy you for two more hours," I proposed innocently.

We reached Zacky's and I scrambled out of the car. "If you don't hear from me by eight forty-five, call and make sure I'm awake," Brian instructed as I slammed my door. I nodded. With a wave, I turned and ran to the front door. It opened before I could knock. Zacky's hair was messy. Stubble covered his jaw and chin. He wore pajama pants and nothing else. He looked perfect.

"God." He ran his eyes over my version of pajamas—a Marilyn Manson tanktop and tight sweats that rode low on my hips. "I love your brother."

I giggled. "You don't mind being woken up at six-thirty a.m.?"

He smirked. "Touch me and find out."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah. I forgot. Guys wake up horny."

"Guys wake up hard," Zacky corrected. "I'm only horny because you drive me fucking crazy."

I blushed. Zacky chuckled and pulled me into the house.


The morning was perfect. Brian and I made it home just as Dad was getting up. Brent showed up about ten minutes later. We ate breakfast, then opened presents. Dad got me two movies I'd been trying to find since forever: Pink Floyd's The Wall and The Beatles' Yellow Submarine. Brent bought me a new pair of Adio Bams. Brian gave me a special Syn Gates Clothing tee he wasn't going to sell to the public and the first three seasons of "House" on DVD.

We went to Dad's parents' for dinner. When we got back to the house, Dad, Brent, Brian, and I played Rock Band until Dad decided to go to bed at eleven-thirty. Brent chose to go home instead of hanging around to see Brian's bandmates. Jimmy, Johnny, Shads, Zacky, Matt, and Jeanie showed up right after midnight. I greeted Zacky with a kiss, glad to be able to do that.

"Baby Gates!" Jimmy scooped me up and kissed me on the cheek. "Guess what we got you."

"And by 'we,' he means him, Shads, and me," Johnny said. "Zacky didn't pitch in."

"Zacky's been giving her a gift every day since his birthday," Jimmy remarked.

"ANYWAY," Johnny said loudly. "Guess, Baby Gates."

I shrugged. "I don't know. What?"

Shads held up a cell phone.

"Seriously?" I looked at Jimmy and Johnny. They both nodded.

"We're tired of having to talk to your brother to get through to you," Jimmy explained, flashing Brian a teasing grin. "We never really want to talk to him on the phone, and now we don't have to."

"Besides, this way Zacky can send you dirty messages without scarring your brother," Johnny joked.

Brian glared.

"But I don't have a job and—" I tried to protest.

"Don't worry about it," Shads interrupted. "We'll take care of it as long as you need us to." He met my eyes briefly and looked away.

"Open my gift next!" Jeanie urged, handing me a box wrapped in Garfield paper. I tore off the paper and lifted the lid off the box. Inside was an article of clothing made mostly of black lace. Zacky and I exchanged a glance.

Jeanie giggled. "That's your present, too, Mr. Vengeance."

"I want pictures," Jimmy stage-whispered to Zacky, setting me down.

I swatted at him. "Pervert."

Everyone started for the kitchen, where there was alcohol. Zacky held me back. "I've got something for you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Here? Now?"

He rolled his eyes. "Not that, you nympho." He reached in his pocket and dug out a small box.

"Zacky, you didn't—" I started.

"Shh." He silenced me. "Open it."

Fingers trembling a little, I did. A silver chain met my gaze. Zacky picked it up to reveal the pair of dog tags hanging from it. They were identical to the ones he always wore. "Nobody else has these," he said softly, slipping the chain around my neck. "Just me and you."

My eyes burned with tears and I kissed him. He was so sweet and perfect. I didn't know what I would do if Dad didn't let me go back on the road with them. How could I stand six months away from Zacky?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this chapter is, for the most part, filler. I had to keep y'all on edge about the whole telling-Papa-Gates thing for another couple of days. LOL!