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A Little Piece of Heaven

Ch. 5 - Planning

~~~~ Two Days Later – Dec. 18th, 2009 ~~~~

I was waiting in my house for everyone to show up. We were going over the dates and times for everything that were going on. We were working on new songs, Christmas was coming, so was new year’s eve, and my son was coming home.

I had received the call yesterday. I could go to pick him up any day after the 20th of December. I was sitting on my couch channel surfing until they all got here. Everything we needed was in the dining room. Or rather everything the girls said would be needed.

I heard cars outside but before I could get up to answer the door I heard Catherine. She was yelling at someone, most likely her cousin, Brian.

The door opened has I started walking over to open it. Catherine came in backwards yelling at…Brian! I was right!

“Oh come on Brian! You are always talking shit, like a cocky bastard. You live in this fucking huge house with this little tiny dog! If no one knew better, they’d think you were gay!?”

At that point Kaydence, Matt, and I busted out laughing while Brian just glared at Catherine and Catherine simply smiled at him.

“Woah what’s going on?”

Everyone looked at the door to see Johnny and Dayna standing there.

“Syn was just getting his ass kicked by his cousin!”

“We weren’t fighting!”


“Okay so Syn was just getting his mental ass kicked by his cousin”

“Man and we missed it?”

“Yes you did. Sorry hun”

Kaydence went over to hug Dayna then drag Catherine away before Brian could do any harm to her.

Kaydence plopped down sideways on the couch and pulled out a phone and started tapping away at it, cussing every couple seconds. Touch phones and her don’t get along.

Which is why she never owns one…wait…

“Kay who’s phone is that?”

“Brian’s but shhhhh he doesn’t know I have it”

“You’re in deep shit with him when he finds out”

Kaydence just looked up with a wicked smirk on her face.

“It’ll be too late then”

“Oh boy”

Kaydence just laughed and put Brian’s phone in her pocket.

“Don’t worry I learned my lesson that one time. Nothing TOO traumatic or embarrassing to him OR the band in any way shape or form.”


I heard another car out front and walked over to open the door. Zacky and Kaileigh were getting out of the car and heading towards the house. I waved and Zacky waved back while Kaileigh waved her bag of Milano cookies at me.

That girl was ALWAYS eating.

I stood back to let them in and Kaileigh started over to where Kaydence was leaning over the back of my couch waving to them. Kaileigh picked up speed and tripped over nothing sending her to the ground. Resulting in Milano cookies and the contents of a full Pepsi bottle all over my hardwood floor.

Kaileigh got up and sat back on her heels staring at what had become of her food and drink.

“Nice going Short Shit! Now clean it up!!!”

Kaileigh just flipped Kaydence the bird and stood up wiping off her jeans.

“Sorry Jimmy”

“Well I guess I should be getting used to it. After all I’m gonna have a baby in the house soon”

“I’m so excited for the baby!”

We all looked over at the dining room to see Dayna bouncing on the balls of her feet.

That little girl held so much energy. We didn’t know where it came from or how Johnny put up with it when he’s so mellow.

Zacky helped Kaileigh clean up her mess. After which we all crammed around my dining room table. I banged my fist on the table.

“The dining room of James Owen Sullivan is now in session”

“Really Jimmy really?”

“My house”


I busted out laughing at that.

“Okay Jimbo calm down”

“Okay good to go. What’s first?”

“Well, when are you going to pick up your son?”

“Yeah because everything else will fall after all of that.”

“Well, I want him home for Christmas”

All of the girls awed together.

“That’s so sweet Jimmy!”

“Well…it’s true. I want my son to be home already”

“Okay so any day after the 20th. Well that leaves 4 days before Christmas”

“I know”

“Are you flying down there?”

“No way. It’ll be easier to drive down there and back”

“Then I’m coming with to make sure you stay awake. It’s a day drive”

“Thanks Brian”

“Then I’m coming with! Remember the last time you guys took a road trip together?”


Kaydence just sat back in her chair and stared at Brian and me.

“Fine Kay’s in. Anyone else? And the car will most likely be full of his stuff so…”

“I think that’s enough.”

“Probably. So what day are we living Jimmy?”

I looked over at Brian, then down the table at Kaydence sitting on Catherine’s lap, then at the calendar in my hands.

“The 21st”

“Woah that’s really fast Jimmy”

“I want my son home”

“Okay. So we drive down on the 21st. We get your son on the 22nd and stay for the day and start back on the 23rd?”

“Why can’t we start back on the 22nd?”

“Because we’ll have a baby. And we’ll all need some sleep before we start heading back with a baby. And his family there is going to want one last day with him. To them you’re taking him away”

“They can see him whenever they want”

“They’re not like you Jimmy. They can’t just book a flight and hop on a plane out here. Everyone doesn’t have it as easy”

“I hate when you make sense Kaydence. You spoil the fun of knowing you”

“Hey blame Brian for keeping me around”

“Brian I hate you”

Kaydence busted out laughing and ended up sliding off Catherine’s lap.

“Okay so we leave on the 21st. Arrive that night or the next morning. See my son, visit with his family. Give them that extra day, then head out on the 23rd. We should be back by Christmas Eve then!”

“Sounds perfect”

“We can plan a Christmas party!”

“We ALWAYS have a Christmas party Kaileigh”

“Shut-up Dayna. It’s going to be different though. We’re gonna have a baby here. His first Christmas!!!”

“Yeah you’re right sweetie. It’s going to be different”

“If you two kiss I’m going to puke”

“Shut-up Kaydence!”

“Jimmy you need a tree!!!”

“Oh shit I do!”

“Relax Jimbo. We can get the tree before you leave or after you leave and then everyone can decorate it before you get home. We can have the party Christmas Eve or Christmas Day depending on when you get back. Then you’ll have some time with your son alone. Then we have our New Year’s Eve party but at least one of us will need to stay sober at the party to make sure his son isn’t neglected.”

“You got it Captain Matt”

“Shut-up Brian”

Everyone started laughing.

A little while later we had everything all planned out. The girls would plan the menu and everything and decide who was going to make what. Kaydence would make her famous lasagna the day before we left and then Catherine would bake it for the party. Brian was on buying some of the decorations before he left so that everyone else could decorate before we got back.

Everything was set in motion.

The only thing missing…my son

~~~~ Three Days Later – Dec. 21st, 2009 ~~~~

~~~~ 10 a.m. ~~~~

I honked the horn on my big SUV loudly, which caused Kaydence to jump in her seat. She simply glared at me and reached over smacking my leg.

I just laughed. I had stopped to pick up Kaydence on my way over to Brian’s house to pick him up. I honestly don’t know why she hasn’t moved in with him already. The two were practically married. And from what I heard correctly, she was over at his place most of the time anyway. That or he was at hers.

A sluggish Brian walked out of his house, locked the door, and headed towards the car. He stopped when he saw Kaydence in the front passenger seat. He opened the back door and tossed his duffel bag in.

“Since when does she get shot gun?”

“Since she texted me at 8am this morning”

“You can’t text shot gun!”

“Then why’d you text me SHOTGUN! At 8:15am?”

Kaydence turned in her seat and stuck her tongue out at Brian. He simply replied by grabbing her hand and biting it.


Brian just laughed and climbed in shutting the door behind him. He kicked our bags over and buckled up stretching out across the seats. He pulled his fedora over his eyes even further and fell asleep.

Kaydence just glared at him before throwing her empty Starbucks bottle at him. He just smiled from under his hat. She turned around and turned the cd we had been rocking out to back on.

I just smiled and we headed off for Dallas, Texas.

I’m coming son, I’m coming
♠ ♠ ♠
Credit for Catherine's calling Brian out line goes to hannerbananer here on mibba. I simply took the line she had written and we phrashed it to fit Catherine. Thanks hannerbananer!!!! <3<3

Sooooooo i'm glad with this update. I'm just trucking along. Nooooow i'd like 3 comments again before i update. But who knows I may end up updating sooner I don't really know.

Hope you all enjoyed and much love to all my subscribers and commentors. I love you all!!!!

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OH! I saw a7x's nightmare after christmas concert last night and i LOVED it. It was amazing. I'm proud to say I cried during so far away and fiction, because hey Fiction saved my life. which is EXACTLy what my homemade shirt said. it was amazing and if you get the change to go to a concert then go. Jimmy's presence was felt during Fiction. R.I.P. my saving grace.
