Status: Incomplete

Use Me


Green eyes were calm, serene, relaxed. The spark of hate on his orbs was gone and his whole body relaxed after being released of cuffs and taken off of that horrible cage. Sipping slightly his cup of hot coffee, tricky eyes looked at me, a little smile lightening his adorable face; a question clearly left in the air after we were alone in the room, just me and him. Sweat pants and a thin blanket was everything he had around his body to protect his fragile frame from the cold in the room. My hand slipped to reach his, in an affectionate way of trying to show to him everything was all right, that he had nothing to fear about, even if deep down we both knew that nothing was all right and he had a lot to fear, but our minds just refused to think about the future, like everyone else sometimes.

“How’s the coffee?” He looked at me, his smile growing up at my words.

“Wonderful. Why aren’t you drinking something too? Oh, there is some kind of drug to let me down here, right? I understand now why you aren’t drinking.” I never thought words could hurt so bad like his words were hurting me right now. I was trying my best to be kind, nice and gentle with him, but despite all this love coming from him, he was still a scared rat in a cage, he still didn’t trust on me completely, and even after we had sex, this fact hurt like a motherfucker. He will never change, Dirnt, it’s on his nature, it’s who he is, you can’t control. Billie noticed he had upset me but his eyes didn’t change; he kept the smile and the shivering orbs.

“Oh, did I upset you mister? I’m calling you mister because you forgot your manners somewhere in the world and you still haven’t told me your name. We fucked and you didn’t even bother to tell me your name… You fucking prick… Usually when I fuck my clients, they pay and they tell me their names.” I could smell the venom dripping from his mouth, the sarcastic present in every word he said. The betrayal was stronger than I thought and I wondered why Oakland meant so much to him. He didn’t have a house or anyone to look after him, just the man he refused to pronounce his name, the man he ‘owned his life’, the reason he couldn’t leave that city.

“Fuck you, okay? If you wanna play hardball, hardball we will play them.” Somewhere inside of me, Billie’s words had lightened a flame on my chest, making me remember the days I had to go to an anger control program. “I don’t know if you noticed but I can do whatever the fuck when I want with you.” He glared at me, green eyes static on my blues, the third world war about to explode on the room. “Do you think, you can keep this fucking arrogant personality? You’re so fucking wrong Mr. Armstrong, and do you know why?” He put the cup down, his eyes stil locked on mine. “Because now you’re a fucking sex slave. People will pay us to fuck you and do whatever the fuck they want with your fucking tiny body. If you think the cuffs, the restraints and the fucking cage were enough, you can’t wait until you start working, and you’ll do a good job otherwise they will give a fucking special treatment: no food, no water, locked up in a fucking dark room. You better remember your manners before I get pissed and I end up throwing you at where is your place, slut.” His eyes where now a shivering green and I could see he was defensive, not scared.

“And for the record, my name is Michael, Mr. Dirnt or Sir for you.”


“Mike—“ My eyes went quickly from the wall behind him to his eyes, blue piercing green. “It’s sir. One more strike and you’re out, and trust me when I say being out is a bad thing.” He recoiled from me, giving one step back. “Where is all the love you had when you fucked me?” I felt the grip get tighter around the collar I was picking up and he turned around just to see my reaction. Judging by his face, he didn’t like it. Sometimes my angry side takes the control over my normal side, and this was just happening right now. In front of me there was a wall full of collars and sex toys, from simple dildos to fucking full sensory-deprivation masks.

A bondage fan would feel extremely happy with the sight of this wall. My first task on preparing Billie was choosing a collar that would fit him perfectly, that would make him sound totally submissive. I was still pissed with him but some unknown part of me told me to try and take as easy as I could with him. Those green eyes hid way more than he showed and it wasn’t fair playing mean with him, even more after he was about to find out what he would have to do just for a fucking meal. I was going to pick a small collar, but as I said before, something the old me took the control and I wasn’t speaking for myself anymore when I decided to pick the larger collar I could find on the wall, a collar that would make him lose all of his power as soon the I closed the buckle around his neck.

Once I turned back to face him the despair was clearly visible on his eyes, Billie Joe stepping back trying to run away from me, just to suddenly fall in the bed his feet had found. My body was following his when I seated on his top, my weight pinning him down, the huge collar dancing on my left hand as my right flew to his neck to hold him still. “Mi—Sir, w-what are you doing?” Blue pierced green once more, our lips just an inch away from each other; I had him completely under my control. “You are going to be a sex slave and here our sex slaves are obligated to use this pretty thing around their necks.” I watched his expression, green eyes set in the collar in my hand. “Do you like it? I think this one will fit your perfectly, leather covering your whole neck, draining every strength you have while someone fucks you so hard that you can barely breathe.” He was sinking his head onto the mattress as he heard my voice, my words sounding colder and darker than I planned, my tone leaving my words more like a hiss than my normal voice.

“Sir, I… Please…” I tightened the grip around his throat, making one of his hands run to reach mine, his green eyes sparking with fear, despair and utter confusion. “Oh, so now you remember to call me sir? And tell me, what happened to the tough and fucking prick Billie Joe I met before? Where’s all your courage now?" The tears start forming in the back of his eyes as he said the words I was willing to hear so badly. “H-he’s gone.” My lips formed a huge grin, making him try sinking onto the bed harder.

The light in his eyes was gone but I could still see those emotions in his orbs. When a pair of hands started to hit mine and eyelids get closed, I realized I was suffocating the tiny man beneath me. Billie tried to take a deep breath and coughed when I loosened the grip a little bit around his neck, but still managing to hold him still. “So you do understand if you don’t do as you’re told you might die of starvation or be beaten up to death here?” Billie tried to look away and I could feel him losing his strength, that feeling of superior dissipating into the tense air surrounding us. I never thought it could be this easy to turn him into a submissive person and the doubt of slowly me penetrating his shell popped out in my mind
“Yes… Sir… I do understand.” My nose touched his cheek, his essence filling my whole being, driving part of my mind insane. “So… I think it’s time to put this around your neck, don’t you think?” I buried my mouth on his neck, drawing a moan from his half parted lips, my hand still tight around his throat. “Answer me.” My tongue licked his skin just to tease him, just to make everything more difficult for him and when he took long enough for my short patience to answer my fingers tightened the grip on his throat again. Tiny hands wrapped around mine once again, this time trying harder to push me away, long and loud moans coming from him. “Ugh… Yeees… Sir…” My hand left his throat at the same time I had my answer, my mouth going away from his neck as well. I left the bed, preparing the collar to be put on my hand. “Get up. I want you on your knees facing the headboard.” Billie looked at me, green eyes looking at me in utter surprise while his hands patted his throat.

He immediately did as he was told, slowly turning around to first give me his ass to then finally standing on his knees. I gave one step just to feel his body shiver in anxiety, his chest clearly rising and falling in an attempt of pulling air inside of his boy as he saw my hands wrap around his neck, slowly positioning the collar on his throat. He gasped as the leather covered his skin, knowing that from the moment I closed the buckle he would have to give up of his freedom, of everything he believed. I think by the way his body was trembling he realized what this moment meant, mostly for him. If someday he was an imposing man, now he would turn into just someone else, just another employee of the House.

When I started to close the buckle I heard him sob, his fingers moving as he tried desperately to stay still. “Is… Is the collar too tight?” He sobbed again, a drop of tear falling on my hand. “I-I’m fine. J-just do it already.” My fingers ran through the leather around his throat and my lips got closer to his ear. “I will keep my promise. No one is going to hurt you.” He cried in silence as I quickly closed the buckle, sealing his destiny as another sex slave of this place. My two personalities were fighting inside, one of them telling me to fuck him hard and merciless, just like a client would to do with him, while my other side was telling me to be nice, to talk to him and try to make his transition as easier as I could.

Billie Joe was now one of our sex slaves. One of the people paid for pleasing and satisfying rich, old and boring people. If he had an idea, if he could see just the top of the iceberg, he would’ve ran away in the first chance he had. But now it was too late, for me and for him. He could have protested, struggled; he could have done anything to stop me, but now that the collar was on his neck, it was too fucking late. He was still on the bed and I could see by his back his chest rise and fall of breathing. Based in what my eyes could scan, he was now ready for the second part, he was now ready for me.

“You belong to each client you have from now on, you’re their toy, their puppet, you are whatever they want. You do as they said and everything will be all right. You call them sir or how they want you to call them, and no struggling. It only makes worse for you and for me and if you want food after your work, you better do a nice job. Questions?” I watched him carefully, every inch of his body moving and causing a sensation to echoe in the air. He was shaking, hesitative or scared, he was cold, distant; the man I met before was now gone or hidden in somewhere deep down in himself and I wasn’t sure if he was doing it to protect himself or of the tough man inside of him had really gone forever.

“Yes, I do have one question sir.” My feet drove me to a point that I could finally see his eyes, green flickering in excitement as tears started to form in the back of his eyes as his orbs saw my frame, still looking awkwardly to the headboard. “You may ask Billie Joe, I’m not a client for Fuck’s sake.” His head turned slowly to meet my eyes, cold green meeting piercing blue. “When is my first appointment?”