The Hands of Men.

You can tell who a person is by his hand. What kind of life they lead, what kind of work they do, if they are spoiled, if they are hurt. If eyes are the mirror to your soul, your hands are the reflection of your body: rough, soft, small, big or with broken nails and tremors and endless freckless and scars.
You can never change your hands. And I can tell who you are just by holding it whether you like me, want me or just plain hate me. Your hand is how I know you and get your affection and I want it. So:
"Lend a brother a hand?"


Word count: 804.
Done as an entry for the When a Man Loves a Man contest and based on this picture here.
(And the R warning is due to the language rather than the content.)
  1. The Hands of Men.
    Are different than the hands of boys.