Status: Active<3

No Fairytale Ending


That Saturday wasn't the typical Saturday for me. Usually I was at dancing at that time, but I had only just rolled out of bed when the clock hit 10. My friends had seized the opportunity to spend the whole weekend with me, been as my weekends were usually taken up with dancing. For once, my dance teacher had decided to go abroad for the weekend, which gave all the dancers the chance to have a weekend to themselves, and let all our muscles relax for a change.

Alex and Sophie are my best friends, and when I told them I was free all weekend they were non stop talking about what we could do this weekend. After all the options, they finally suggested that we go swimming for the morning and maybe go into town later on in the day. Of course I wasn't to fond on the swimming idea, but they both persuaded me to go with them. So basically I had no choice.

If I hadn't have gone though, I wouldn't have met him now would I?
♠ ♠ ♠
Haven't updated in soooooo long, but my writing style has changed since I wrote this so I'm jazzing this story up a bit so that I can keep it in the same style when I update :)

For those who have never read this, sorry I left you on a cliffhanger ;)

LaurenBieber2010 xxxxx