Status: Active<3

No Fairytale Ending


It never took me to long to get ready, most of them time I just chucked whatever I could find on, when I had finally found it. I decided to do the smallest amount of mascara, because there was no doubt it wouldn't run down my face if my head went underwater, not that it would. I still chucked it into my bag, along side my foundation and bronzer so I could use them afterwards if we were still up for going to town. I chucked in a towel, my tankini, a hairbrush, make up, my phone, money and earphones into my bag, and headed out to leave.

It took all of ten minutes to get to the swimming baths by bus, and Sophie and Alex were already waiting outside for me. We headed inside, and we could instantly smell the chlorine from the pool. We payed, then got ourselves changed and showered ready to go swimming.
'Come in the little kids pool with me, It's freezing in there!' I complained.
Alex and Sophie shook their heads and dived into the adult pool, which I knew was freezing cold. I decided to sit on the side of the adult pool, and just paddle my feet, but ended up paddling half my legs. I was so glad I had a tankini on, I dreaded to think how cold and self conscious I would have been without it.

Alex and Sophie were messing around underwater, and every so often I saw the bottom of their feet poking up from the water. I assumed they were having a handstand competition. However, my attention was drawn to a group of boys throwing a small ball around. They weren't to far away from me, so I didn't want to be caught staring, but from what I could see they were hot!

'Who you staring at missy?' Alex asked, scaring me, as she had just suddenly appeared from underwater.
'Look.' I replied, pointing to the one furthest away who saw me pointing.
He started pointing at himself, while looking at me, but I just looked away and acted like I hadn't seen him point.
'Wow! They are hot! And.. Isn't that one staring at you?' Alex said. 'Come on lets go over! We might have found ourselves hotties!'
'I'll stay here.' I replied, even though I wanted to go over there. I was shy.
'Fine, me and Sophie will go.' Alex snapped and she started swimming over.
The boys face dropped, but he still used hand gestures suggesting I came over to, but I ignored them. I looked down, trying to think of something to take my mind off them, so I decided to do some lengths of the pool. I must of only down ten before someone started swimming beside me. It was the guy who was telling me to go over to them. He was even hotter close up, and I nearly fainted when I realized who this guy was... It was Justin Bieber.

Luckily I didn't faint when I saw Justin close up, because I could of died being surrounded in water.
'Hey!' Justin said.
'Hey!' I replied, a little shyly.
'So what's your name?' Justin asked.
'I'm Lauren.' I replied.
'And I'm...'
'Justin.' I said finishing his sentence.
'So, err, Why didn't you come over earlier?' Justin asked, trying to make conversation.
'Oh...well, I actually have no idea. I felt kind of embarrassed, I suppose.' I replied.
'Ah, you're cute. Your friends are really getting on with my friends, so I thought I'd come and see you been as you were being left out.' Justin explained.
'Thanks.' I replied shyly, hiding my face.
Justin turned it back round to meet his, and my eyes locked on his. I think I just melted.
'Hey, no need to be shy.'
'You have amazing eyes.' I replied randomly.
'Thank you, I can say that to you to! I love a girl with blue eyes.' Justin said.
I giggled. 'I didn't know you were here in the UK.'
'I didn't know either till yesterday. Scooter said I could have a break for a week or two before my tour kick starts, plus I love this country, and the girls.' Justin said winking.
'You and girls!' I replied. 'So what you up to for the rest of your break then?'
'Nothing that I know off, just chill with the guys.' Justin replied. 'Hey, how about if you and your friends come over, later and maybe later in the week to! I'm sure the guys won't mind being with the girls, and I could get to know you.'
I blushed. 'They would love it! Thanks Justin.'
Justin smiled.

And damn, I just melted again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter re-done, and more to come!

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LaurenBieber2010 x