Incolore Lumière - Colorless Light

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Its December 22, 1792 like Emily said breakfast starts at 7:30 but we arrive at the table at 8:00 I walk down the first floor hallway I was dressed in a pearl and navy blue corset Victorian dress with long royal sleeves which were adorned with lace on the sides as well as the lower back my hair was pinned up in tight curls which lightly draped down to touch the back of my neck lightly. It is only three days before the Christmas ball and also for me to meet my arranged husband Tristan whom I have no deep feelings for. How can I love someone I truly do not wish to love?

I do not wish to ponder the thought as the butlers open the entrance of the dining room for me to dine with my papa and soeur. I sit down at the grand table and Emily comes up and fills my cup with milk tea.

“Thank you Emily.” I say quietly, she smiles and steps back and stands waiting for my next command.
I desperately scan around the room for Nate in a calm manner. I have not dreamt all of last night. I ran so fast last night back to my room my heart raced, what felt like it would never stop. I gather my thoughts and breathe softly. I look down at my breakfast which is bread and cheese with a side of black coffee. I stare at my sister who had her bangs pinned to the side with a ruby hair broach and a ruby corset dress with black lace and her bosom out for all of France to see. I know when she’s up to something when the corners of her mouth are turned up into that crooked smile. She had the same smile when I found a pile of hair on the side of my bed, she had cut all the hair off my collectors dolls just because papa gave me the Russian dolls and her the regular Parisian dolls .

“Papa the ball is in three days, has the seamstress finished my gown? I have to look better than Elise!” my sister said in an uninterested tone as if she was distracted by something...”
“Yes my dear she told me she will bring it over this evening, Colette have you decided on your gown?”

I looked at my father and replied. “I am afraid not papa. I choose to wear what I have and nothing more as well as nothing less.”
My father looks at me and says something that I would never in my lifetime would have ever have come out of his mouth.

“I think it is time my sweet; Emily.” At that moment Emily and a couple of other maids go out and bring in the most beautiful dress that has ever been worn, my mother’s dress.
“This dress was worn by your mother when we met during the Christmas ball of our engagement.”

Then Cecil let out a horrifying gasp. The glow of mere’s presences was still adorned in the dress, you could tell because it always had a certain glow. The dress was a combination of a gown with an A line figure. It was off white and a light rose color, the back had a lace to tie the back and classic white and pink roses was patterned everywhere on the dress and the neck line had ruffles and a pearl necklace broach. It was tight sleeved and the off shoulder made the dress look like when you put it on you could float.

I stand up slowly; I could not breath I walk up to the dress and my hands shook as I reach to touch it. I turn to my father and whisper “I cannot wear this dress” I step back and look down at the floor. I then look up to see my father’s disappointed face and my sisters gleaming eyes just like a cats when they find a mouse.

“Well I understand it is your choice. If you do not wish to where it than-“
“I will wear it!” Cecil jumped up with excitement. She went straight for the dress; I watched her and my heart sank. Why couldn’t I say I wanted to wear the dress but I knew it would not be right?

“Dear sister thank you for giving up mothers dress. It did not suit you but do not worry I will make good of its use.” She then snapped for the maids to follow her. Emily looked back at me and frowned. I held the tears back, I promised myself I would never let my sister witness me cry.

* * *

“Why won’t it fit?!” I heard my sister yell upstairs in a frustrated tone. I was in the library at the time drinking a cup of coffee while reading a good book. I saw most of our maids rush up to her room and my mind wondered at the thought and I just smiled lightly.
“What you get you shall reap.”

“I believe the term is you reap what you sow milady.” Nathan said in a soft sarcastic tone. I bit my lower lip and looked at my book as if I never jumped.”
“You should not sneak up on people like a crow and then make a loud noise.”
“Hm, my apologies to speak out of turn.” He then lowered down with a tea pot in his hand and filled my tea cup. He stared straight into my eyes and as well I stared straight back. Why must you torcher me with your mysterious eyes?

“Thank you.”
“The pleasure is all mine milady.” He takes a short bow putting his hand over his heart never leaving his gaze from mine.

After Nathan leaves I walk to my father’s corridors he was at his desk writing an important message as he always does, I sit on his desk and he looks up at me.
“Is there something on your mind my sweet?” He looks up at me and sets his glass of wine down.

“When will Tristan arrive father?” I was scared to ask for Tristan was a very wholesome man who owned the biggest merchants port there was. I have heard much about him, that he was a powerful man and who used women just to have them laid in bed.
“Ah, he will arrive the first thing tomorrow morning. He has written to me several times of how he cannot wait to meet his new wife.” I smile and tell my father goodnight as I close the door behind me.

“I do not wish to marry him.” I whisper and walk to my room. The candles were already lit in my room as I walked in. I look on the bed and saw mothers dress. I rush to it and the door opens. It was just Angelia, the newest maid.

“I am sorry to bother you milady, but Cecil threw it on the floor claiming it was not of use, I brought it up to your room because I thought you should give it another chance.” She bowed. I nodded for her to fit me in the dress. I stepped in front of the mirror and it fitted me perfectly. I looked in the corner of the mirror and saw someone sitting on my bed smiling at me.
I turned around as quickly as I could to see who was there…but there was no one.