Sequel: Just Sleep
Status: DONE. But there'll be a sequel soon, my friends.

Keep Running

Chapter Sixty-Three

It’d been a few days since Mikey slept over. Me and Gerard had decided at some point during that night to make Mikey uncomfortable. So we went in to the bathroom and made really loud sex noise for like an hour. When we came out, Mikey looked like he was scarred for life. Poor boy.

It was Sunday not and all was well. Me and Gerard were sat on the couch watching Jerry Springer. For some reason I found it hilarious and chanted along. I don’t even know whats wrong with me. It’s just so god damn funny. Then my mom came in.

“Frank. I need to speak with you. Kitchen now.” My mom left and went to wait in the kitchen. Gerard gave me a look that said “What the fuck?” I shrugged my shoulders and got up. Thinking I shouldn’t keep her waiting.

“What’s up ma?” I asked as I entered the kitchen. She was sat on a chair looking quite mad. I noticed an half empty bottle of vodka. Well. This should be fun.

“I don’t want you seeing that boy” she slurred slightly. I raised an eyebrow.

“Mother. Your extremely drunk. Talk to me when your sober.” I slit my eyes.

“NO! your-YOUR wrong! I’m fine! Your being stupid! Stupid! He’s killed you! Monster! Your sick and wrong if you like him!” she hissed at me.

“Fuck you! You call yourself a mother? You make me fucking sick! He may of ‘killed’ me! But he fuckin’ love me!”

“He doesn’t love you! He loves having sex with you! Although I don’t know why! Look at you! Disgusting!” I was about to started screaming that I hated her, but them Gerard came in. He leant down and whispered in my ear:

“Don’t say anything you’ll regret” He them looked at my mother. “Mrs Iero, I mean no disrespect, but I do love your son. He’s beautiful. If it wasn’t for him, I’d be rotting in the streets. I think he’s amazing. I’ll never be able to repay you or your son for what you’ve done for me.” My mother stared at him for a minute.

“Your fuckin’ disgusting. I hate you! I hate you!” she screamed. She stood up slowly and turned to me. She took few wobbly steps in my direction. “And you, your vile. I am ashamed to call you my son” then she jumped on me. She was hitting me. Gerard tried to pull her off but she just pushed him back, making him hit his head on the kitchen drawer.

Her fist just keep coming down. I was crying by this time. Gerard had tried to pull her off again, but she’d over powered him. Just as she went to punch me, Gerard pushed her away and stood in front of me.

“No. No more. This is your son and he doesn’t deserve this” There was a power in his voice that made her suddenly stop and stare. She even looked a bit scared. “You’re the only disgusting person here.” He turned to me “Look at him!” he shouted “Look at your son! Look what you’ve done to him!”

For the first time since I’d gone into the kitchen, my mother actually looked ashamed of herself. Her head dropped and she had a few tear rolling down her face. Then, out of no where:

“You’re the disgusting one” she spat “you killed him.” Her fist swung at Gerard connecting with his face before she walked out.

I ran up to Gerard and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. I let a few tears drop from my eyes and sniffed. I looked up and kissed his lips.

“I so sorry Gerard. I so sorry. Forgive me?” I cried into his chest. He put his face in my hair and sniffed deeply.

“Always Bunny”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate frank mum.

Also, this maybe my last chapter >.> dont hate me.

to the person who left the long comment who's name i forgot O.o

All the comments?!
you beast!
Awh! thank you!
Ha! fuck you miss white!
wanna know somethin' i know a teacher called miss white o.O

orange xD miss white, orange xD
OMG, Hey miss white, your dad bang a wotsit?
i found it funny xD

A BUCKET!...for souls.
I feel late now too xD

There is your reply xD

Anyways, Over and out
Tata Xo