Status: Done:) A Prequel of This is Us

This Would Be Us

The Other Side

Diana says:
well hey there pat!

Patrick says:
heeyy. whats up?

Diana says:
at home. waiting for jon to get home from practice. how was practice btw? jon always gives
me one worded replies about it.

Patrick says;
why do you ask?

Patrick says:
cause im interested? idk. do i have to have a reason?
no. no, i guess not. its just idk. no one really ever asks.
and if they do, you can tell they dont really care, y'know?

Diana says
well i care pat (: y'know i do. so what happened? anything newsworthy?

Patrick says
you meant at practice?
no, not really. that boyfriend of yours is such a dick sometimes.
in a joking way, of course

Diana says:
haha. yeah, but i love him all the same. so i know that aly planned on surprising you with lunch when you got home. how'd that go? i havent heard from her all day.

Patrick says:
well, the lunch itself was good. but thats about the only good thing.

Diana says:
uhh. say what? what the hell happened?

Patrick says:
if she hasnt told you about it then, i guess i shouldnt say anything.
wouldnt want to make things worse.

Diana says:
pat, did you guys get into a fight?

Patrick says:
who? me and aly?

Diana says:
well duh! who else are we talking about here?

Patrick say:
alright. alright. you're acting almost as if you knew something...
have you talked to her all day?

Diana says:
i told you earlier Pat, I havent heard a word from her...which is kinda strange considering the fact that we talk to each other like every second of the day.

Patrick says:
yeah. same here. well, if i tell you, you gotta promise hear me out. and not automatically side with her, alright?

Diana says:
yeah, sure. so what happened?

Patrick says:
well, like after practice im heading back home and i get a text from here. it says "cooking you lunch:)" so naturally i get all excited. its nice when she does small stuff like that for me.
and so i walk in and i can already smell the food. we eat (surprising?). and then when we're done and i tell her i have something to tell her.
you know, what we had talked about?
i was pretty nervous, about asking her finally to move in like in a serious way.
but she said she had something else to tell me. and i thought it was gonna be something dumb or idk, whatever you two always do thats only really amazing to both or you tards:)
but its not like that at all.

Diana says:
well, what was it pat?

Patrick says:

Diana says:

Patrick says:
goddamnit, its so embarrassing.
i cant believe she would do that. of all people. and to me.
it just hurt so much.

Diana Says:
pat, you're starting to scare me here. what the hell did she do?

Patrick says:
aly confessed to me. she told me that she had kissed Staal. from the penguins, you know the guy? or have at least heard of him, im sure you have.
i didnt even know how to comprehend that.
so i just left

Diana says:
yeah, i know who you're talkig about. I've heard his name once or twice.
and pat, you did what?!?
please tell me you actually said something to her before you left.

Patrick says:
no. i couldnt. i just left.
i couldnt even yell at her, which is probably what i wanted to do the most.
there werent any emotion in me at all. its almost as if my feet just walked without getting any instructions to do so.

Diana says:
oh my god.

Patrick says:
maybe one of those flight or fight things?

Diana says:
i-i dont even know what to say to this.

Patrick says:
neither did i, at the moment.
but, did you know? about the Staal thing?
did you diana?

Diana says:
no pat, i didnt know a thing about this.

Patrick says:
wait, i remember now, i think, i think i might have said something, before walking out.
i think it was "We're done"

Diana says:
wow pat.

Patrick says
just like that. i think i might have meant it at the time too.

Diana says:
so are you really done then? because of one little mistake?

Patrick says:

Diana says:
y'know i seem to recall hearing a story about a guy who almost slept with some random chick because he felt the need to prove that he wasnt whipped

Patrick says:
are you fucking kidding me here diana?

Diana says:
and did he ever tell his girlfriend that? i dont think so.

Patrick says:
would you consider it a LITTLE MISTAKE if jon kissed another girl?

Diana says:
he already did. i heard the fucking story pat.

Patrick says:
well then did you consider it LITTLE?
besides, it doesnt count if he didnt want to cause you know that whore pushed himself on her
SO answer my damn question.

Diana says:
if he meant the kiss, then no, it wouldnt be just a little mistake
but i wouldnt end my relationship with him because of it
i love him too much to do that
plus i wouldnt walk out on him either
But you're seeming to forget that you fucked up too pat
that you almost ruined your fucking relationship with her because of some ego trip and trying to make yourself look more manly to all of the guys on the team.
did YOU ever tell her about that?

Patrick says:
theres a difference there. i didnt go through with that.

Diana says:
you fucking THOUGHT about it pat. you were in the same room with her.
you almost went through with it.
which still fucking floors me.
you would have given up the best thing in your life just so your friends would stop bagging on you.

Patrick says:
but i didnt, okay? i didnt go through with it. how many times must i tell you that?
aly knew what she was doing and still went though with it.

Diana says:
you knew what you were doing when you brought that skank back to your hotel room
shit happens pat. you made a mistake. she made a mistake.
and your ready to give it all up
years of friendship

Patrick says:
who said i was ready to give it all up, huh?
i said i meant it at the moment.
but dont you think i regret it?

Diana says:
you told her you were fucking DONE. pat you know how much that probably fucking hurt her

Patrick says:
because i do. i regret it so fucking much.

Diana says:
you left her there! all alone in your fucking apartment.

Patrick says
did you read what i said? i said i regret it.
and i do.
so fucking much.

Diana says:
well it's not like you can take it all back now
whats done is done.

Patrick says:
it hurts me too. it hurts me to know that i probably hurt her a helluva lot just by saying it.
okay, being a little dramatic there, arent you? whats done is done?
so youre saying that your bestfriend is done with me. that im done with your bestfriend? thats there is no going back? that there is no taking any of this back?

Diana says:
pat, its a little hard to take those words back. i'm just saying that after what she just expressed to you, and the way you just turned right around and told her you were done...girls give up all hope after that. i know that if i were in her place right now, i'd start the process of getting rid of anything that reminds me of you.
you of all people know how her past relationships have been. anytime a guy has said "we're done" they've meant it
i'm sure she thinks that this is the same.
but its not the same. shes never dated a Patrick Timothy Kane Jr. before :)?
this is serious here pat. you can joke around all you want to try and avoid talking about it.
i just dont know if you can come back from this one, and things are gonna be the same
but try and view things from her standpoint
what the hell is she supposed to think when you tell her "we're done"?

Patrick says:
ive tried. what do you think ive been doing for the past 4 hours or so?
i know i screwed up.
i would take it all back if i could.
you know she means a lot to me. and you know thats an understatement in itself right there.

Diana says:
do you love her enough to look past her mistake?

Patrick says:
i dont know, do i?
how do you know when you love someone enough?
because if what i feel right now is love,
then there is no other option.

Diana says:
have you ever told her that you loved her pat?

Patrick says:
i have.
but maybe she didnt believe me?
or maybe i didnt say it enough

Diana says:
oh i'm sure she believed you.
and im sure she knows that you love her.
now im not exactly sure what she's thinking
but she loves you a whole hell of alot pat.
y'know shes
expressed her concern about you being so distant lately
she thinks she's done something wrong.

Patrick says:
oh god.
no. you have to be kidding?
i just couldnt let her know what we had been planning for a while now.
and i knew that the more i was with her, the easier it would have been for her to figure it out.

Diana says:
for her to figure what out? that you wanted her to move in with you?

Patrick says:
yes! that i wanted her to finally move in!
we've only talked about for a like foever now!!

Diana says:
yeah, ME and you have. You told me that you and aly have only talked about moving in together like once or twice..and that SHE was the one to bring it up.
she just gave up on it because she thought that you werent ready too...or that you still wanted to be the "independent boyfriend"

Patrick says:
you know, you can be a real bitch sometimes.
dont i get any credit for coming up with this brilliat scheme?

Diana says:
pat we've gone way off topic here

Patrick says:

Diana says:
you and aly. what the fuck are you gonna do here? do i need go get a tub of cookie dough ice cream and go comfort her?
or what.

Patrick says:
why? is that what i should do?
cause, cookie dough isnt the healthies option. and we are in season.

Diana says:
you are so fucking stupid sometimes pat, really.
the ice cream would be for her.
cause as of right now you two "arent together"

Patrick says:
i know i know.
help me, then.
i go, but ice cream.
and then just show up at her place?

Diana says:
only bestfriends do shit like that
pat, call jon.
ask him what to do.

Patrick says:
why the fuck would you think that jon has any better idea?
if you cant help me, he surely wont be able to.

Diana says:
i dont know what to tell you here.
have you even really fought with her before?

Patrick says:
no, well there was that one time. but it wasnt a fight i just told her she was stupid for feeding ruffles the wrong type of dog food but i caught her before she left. and lets just say that was a great night;)

Diana says:
oh my lord. i do not need to know what the fuck goes on after hours at the kaner house.
but she told me you werent all that great anyway :P

Patrick says:
haha. she wished i wasnt all that great.

Diana says:
pshhh you're one overconfident son of a bitch. you know that?

Patrick says:
i mightve been told that once or twice.
but whatever. are you gonna tell me

Diana says:
what to do?

Patrick says:
yeah. as in with like aly?
you know, yourrrr best friend
and more importantly,
my girlfriend

Diana says:
i think that you might be on your own here kid.
not to sound like a bitch or anything, but you need to fix that mess you made so to speak
and i honestly dont want to get involved with this.

Patrick says:
okay. well thanks for talking to me. i really needed that. now, im off. dont tell her we talked, yeah?
and thanks again, im sure you'll hear from here how things work out. and if not, youll hear from jon about how i was balling my eyes out on his shoulder and got his jersey all wet and salty.

Diana says:
ahah either way I'll find out.
goodluck kid (:

Patrick says:
see ya later.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to thank Microsoft Word for being a bitch and deleting four rough drafts of this.
Anywho, there isn't really that much after this, right Al'?
We have the sequel planned though:D Ohh, the excitment.
If only you guys could get ahold of the notes we take in AP Environmental Science (not for the class, but for this story).

Aly promised you guys something different for this chapter, and we delivered, soo
Comments & Subscriptions would be appreciated:)