Status: Done:) A Prequel of This is Us

This Would Be Us

Playing Both Sides

diana says:
hey, aly, sooo, I just got done talking to him.

aly says:
yeah? so what did he say?

diana says:
well, uh. I guess. he’s just pretty upset.
more at the fact that he just completely walked out though.
not mad at you. he said he just didn’t know what to do.

aly says:
I just...I don't even know what to do.
I don't want to be the first to call him.
I think he needs his space right now.
But I need to know, are we still together?
I mean, he told me "we're done" and left.
what do I do?

diana says:
trust me, you won’t have to be the first to call him.
give him a few minutes, i should say, haha
are you still together? I don’t know.
thats up to both of you. and there is only one way to answer that question. which involves you both talking.
about both of your wrongs and deciding what really matters to both of you.

aly says:
well obviously he is what really matters to me.
I don't want him out of my life, I know that for a damn fact

diana says:
I’m pretty sure that you matter a hell whole lot to him too.
aly, I know patrick, and jon knows patrick. we both agree that you guys are perfect for each other.
but we also know that both of you can be idiots some times. you guys just are. both type A personalities.

aly says:
At this point I just don't even know what to say anymore.
I've been getting texts and stuff from Sid and Geno
asking me what happened with jordan.
and I got bitched out on the phone by Seabrook.
This whole thing has turned into a fucking mess.
All for what?
something that was so stupid and pointless

diana says:
can’t say you didn’t ask for it. aly, I really don’t know what the hell you were thinking in the first place.

aly says:

diana says:
you’re my friend, and as a friend, I feel for you. i hate seeing you upset.
I’ll try to help you, as best I can. and you know that.

aly says:
I just missed pat when he was away. and jordan was there

diana says:
but from there, it’s up to you.

aly says:
but that was the biggest mistake I could have ever made.
oh my god. my phone just vibrated and I don’t even wanna look at it.

diana says:
I know. and jon knows. and you know. and because you now know, patrick knows. and he understands. a mistake is a mistake. no matter how big or small.
like text vibration?
or call vibration?

aly says:
text message.
....from Pat

diana says:
look at it:)

aly says: goes nothing.
it says...
"Aly we really need to talk. Meet me at the arena at 10 am tomorrow. We'll talk after practice."

diana says:
are you kidding me? jesus. fucking douche. he walks out and then expects you to find him?
I guess, that’s what he feels is necessary, oh well.
are you going?
feeling confident enough?

aly says:
but all of the guys are going to be there!

diana says:
yeah. they are. but if the know, I’m sure they won’t exactly be on your side here.

aly says:
well they have to know by now.
you know that once Seabrook knows shit, that everyone on the team knows it.
cause he's always the last one to hear whatever "gossip" is going around

diana says:
that guys a little bitch. I swear.
but it’s nice, when you want to know stuff about other people:)
..not helping, I guess. but okay,,

aly says:
not really!
but I texted him back "I’ll be there. where do you want to meet?"

diana says:
I’m really glad you’re going. this could be what saves your guys' relationship.

aly says:
or what breaks it.

diana says:
don’t look at it that way!

aly says:
well he texted me back.

diana says:
what’d it say?

aly says:
"just come down to the locker rooms."
WHAT THE FUCK. does he want me to get mauled by scary fucking hockey players?

diana says:
oh please, jon will be there:)
he'll protect you, I’ll make him promise me he will:)

aly says:
I’ll just sit on the benches outside and wait for them to clear out.
that’s EXACTLY what I’m gonna do.

diana says:
good thinking smart cookie. alright, aly, well, jon's home and I think he brought home a really late dinner, so I’ll catch you later. well, I’m sure I’ll hear about from jon

aly says:
alrighty. thanks for talking with me. makes we feel somewhat better.
and thanks for talking to him.

diana says:
you betcha;)

aly says:
I’ll text you tomorrow after my talk with pat.
enjoy mr. captain serious and that dinner (:

diana says:
fer sure.

aly says:
later :)

diana says:
:O hahah:)
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought I'd get this out before the weekend (:
SO!! this is coming to an in the next five or so chapters.
Diana and I have all of this planned out. It's pretty brilliant if you ask me.

Please Comment and Subscribe! (:
And cause he's so damn's mah man<3
this was like right after he gave me a puck.