Sequel: Currency Exchange
Status: ongoing~ updated most of all.


Chapter 3: Some people just don't know when to quit...

As Amelie walked into classroom 2-B the next morning, she was greeted by the prospect of something very important going missing.

"... Where's my desk...?", she muttered to herself. There was a blank spot where her assigned seat had been, and she heard snickers echoing behind herself.

"...Where the hell is my desk?!", she spoke hastily as she turned to face the source of the mocking laughter; Sure enough, and not to her surprise, It was Kairi, Emi, and Ayane.

"I don't know~", the smallest girl sang out; she laughed as Kairi put in her own stabbing comment:

"Me neither~ Why don't you go look for it, gaijin?", she said, pointing her expertly manicured finger at the blonde foreign girl.

"How foolish, losing your desk like that... So irresponsible.", Ayane spoke as if it was the final blow to Amelie's pride.

"This can't possibly get any worse...", the blonde foreigner muttered to herself; The three kept up with their taunting words:

"Hurry, gaijin~ Sensei won't tolerate tardiness, ne~?", spoke the smallest one.

"Hurry, gaijin~ That desk won't find itself~", Ayane called out.

"...Goddamnit..", she cursed and ran out of the classroom.

"This is going to be fun~", Emi said with a smirk.

"Very, very fun~", Ayane said with a grin. The three girls looked at each other and laughed at the thought of the misery they were soon to put the poor girl through.


"Dammit, what the hell is this?! It's like he's a king and they're all his royal subjects.."

Amelie fumed more as she stalked over to the dumpster. She tilted her head as she spotted something familiar; Her facial expression numbed.

"REALLY?! This is unreasonable...!!", she yelled out, about to grab her desk from the garbage heap.

"You're not actually going to touch that, are you...?", a familiar voice; the blonde girl stopped in her tracks to locate the source. She saw Yasu, leaning over the fire escape ledge with a magazine in hand.

"... I can clean it off...", the blonde girl resolved, "Somehow...", she muttered, furrowing her brow and looking up at the tall, blond male. "Is he supposed to be like an Ou-sama or something?"

"Who...?", asked Yasu.

"Ma... da...u... That idiot.", she replied.

"Oh, you mean Ma-kun? Well... he's more like ... an ouji... I suppose..."

Amelie couldn't contain the bubbling laughter in her throat.

"Well, he wouldn't be my Ouji-sama, that's for sure~", she sang, not even really caring if the male actually understood the joke. "What are you doing up there, Yasu??"

"Ah, I was sleeping...", he said with a stifled yawn.

"Do you always take naps there?", Amelie asked, gesturing toward the fire escape.

"Sometimes...", he replied, looking down at the magazine in his hands. "Sometimes... I come think..."

"To think..? Interesting... Why..?"

"Because it's quiet here... or at least it was..."

"Ah, sorry...!", Amelie shouted up at the male with an apologetic smile. "I guess... I'll just leave this here...", she spoke softly, looking at the distressed, stacked with rubbish desk.

"I see... You should.. ask your sensei.. to get you a new desk from storage.", Yasu suggested.

"Wait, he'd do that?? I-- I mean-- Thank you!!", Amelie shouted her gratitude as she ran off toward the front door of her classroom building.

Yasu shook his head, and sat back down on the ground, touching his fingers to the glossy cover of the magazine; The picture of a young model with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes stared back at him. He half-smiled and touched his fingertips to the model's cheek, sighing wistfully.

"I want to see you..."
