You're Just In Time

When I'm Falling to the Bathroom Floor

I rolled my eyes upward, trying to drowned mom’s voice out with my iPod. I pulled my feet onto the couch, resting my chin on my knees, as I hugged my legs. I rubbed at my eyes, as her stern look brought my eyes to hers and forced me to take my earbuds out, “Huh?”

“Are you even listening?” she sighed, running her hands through her hair, “Kaleb’s going to be here shortly, along with Ronnie. We’re heading into the study to start working on that song we wrote in memory of Monroe.”

I nodded once, going to put the buds back into my ears, when she stopped me.

“That means you and Blaise are going to be here. Your dad and the boys were going to eat, and then to the studio. I want you to behave yourselves.”

“Mom,” I rolled my eyes once more, “what are we going to do? Throw a wild party for all of your fans and dad’s? Maybe we’ll let them ransack the house and steal all your guys’ clothes. Oh that one sounds good,” sarcasm poured thickly onto my words.

She shot me a dirty look, “I mean it, Melody. Last time we left you and Blaise alone, the house was trashed.”

“I was looking for my shoes,” I spat, getting to my feet, “and I cleaned it up, when you got home. It wasn’t like I left it that way.”

She sighed, shaking her head, “Just be good, alright?”

I nodded, after rolling my eyes. I stormed up the stairs and into my room, seeing Blaise perched on my bed and smiled.

My mom and I had never really gotten along, I guess you could say. We fought a ton and never saw eye-to-eye on anything. Dad always had to step in and break up our near-fist fights, even though he never wanted to take sides. The way mom tried to keep treating me like a child was the major thing that set me off half the time.

So much for her wanting to be unlike grandpa, yeah?

I sat down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. His arm was immediately around my shoulder, pulling me back onto the bed and against him. I giggled softly, wrapping my arm around his waist and shifted my head to his chest.

You see, I had known for the longest time that Blaise and I were in no way related, even if my mom still wanted to believe otherwise. Due to knowing that, Blaise and I got closer, almost too close. I just was afraid to tell him how I truly felt.

I was sort of scared to get too close to anyone, I guess. I mean, Blaise was in the same situation with me with both parents as rockstars, but something still just forced me to refrain from getting too close. You never could really trust people because they could just want to hang out with you to get closer to your mom or dad.

Blaise kissed my forehead, a grin locked on his lips, “I love you, Melody.”

I giggled once more, “I love you too, Blaise.”

Even if it was true, he didn’t need to know how true it really was.

- - - -

I giggled wildly, pressing my face into Blaise’s chest light. I gripped the material of his shirt between my fingers, trying to suppress my drunken giggles. I glanced up at Blaise, pressing my lips against his cheek and grinned goofily.

“You’re such a weirdo,” he laughed, shaking his head.

“Aw,” I pouted, crawling into his lap like a small child would their father. I curled up against him, “I thought you loved me. Now you think I’m weird.”

“You’ve always been weird, Mellow.”

I gasped, surprised at the nickname I hadn’t heard in ages. He had been the first to start calling me it and everyone else just sort of tagged along, even if I was anything but mellow.

I licked his cheek, after sticking my tongue out and clung onto him as he started tickling me aimlessly. I giggled, squirming in his arms, “I-I’m sorry!”

“Liar,” he bent down, pecking my cheek, “but I forgive you.”

“Yay,” I squeaked, throwing my arms around his neck.

He was indeed my favorite person, and I was very much in love with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
<3 Sorry I haven't updated, lovelies.
