Status: on hiatus.

Bettering The Bruises

Jenna Bush | Mercedes Jones | Finn Hudson | Noah Puckerman | Emma Bush | Jake Lawson

Love is quite a funny thing. People claim to have feelings for you, that they want you to be in their life forever. Yet they'll hurt you and treat you like nothing. Sometimes people get lucky, and they have someone who really wants them. Someone who would kill for them, or even die for them. But finding that person takes a lot of work. Though it seems hard, it can be achieved. Jenana learns that, by one person. It's amazing how that one person can change a persons' life. And that is what happens to Jenna Bush.

the sailor's anchor edited a few of the chapters :).

This wonderful banner was made by EffieXSteffie.

Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape or form, own Glee. Though I wish I did I do not. And if I did, I'd be hanging out with the cast right now.