Let It Shine

Baby You're a Firework

Just another normal day in the Cumiskey household in Colorado, well except for the part where I am laying on the sofa with our 1 year old Siberian husky, Chip. Usually at this time I am sitting behind my desk at the office taking calls, getting coffee and taking notes and everything else a secretary does for the boss. Well it just so happened that I had it with all the bullshit that the boss was putting me through and how much of a bitch she was to everyone that I put in an anonymous tip to the bigger boss to see if they would do something. Well they did, I came into work today only to find out I had to clear off my desk and get the hell out of there. I was surprised and it really hasn’t hit me yet that I am fired. I did not even call Kyle, even though he was in practice. It just feels like a Sunday when I don’t have to go in.

Hearing the door unlock and the keys being set down Chip jumps off of the sofa and runs over to the front door.

“Hey there buddy.”

Looking away from the TV I turn to the doorway and see him walk by, and then he appears back in the door way with a puzzled look on his face.

“Hey babe. Are you sick?” Walking into the room I turn back to the TV and shake my head pulling the blanket closer to me I sit up a bit. “Ooh, well what are you doing home aren’t you late for work?” sitting down next to me he pulls me into his lap.

“They fired me.” Sighing I burying my head into his neck, now starting to feel the hurt from this.

“Now why the hell would they do that?” Kissing my head he pulls me closer and rubs my back as the tears start to flow down my face falling on to his shirt. “Hey shh it is okay. Calm down babe.”

Feeling him sift he leans back against the arm rest with one leg hanging of and the other stretched out pulling me between his legs he rubs my back and kisses my head. “Let it out let it out.” Placing his head on top of mine he holds me close till I calm down. “Much better babe?”

Nodding my head and wipe my eyes. “I’m sorry I thought I was okay with it.” Looking down I notice that Chip is laying at the other end of the sofa and is watching us carefully.

“Babe its okay they didn’t treat you with respect. You are more then what they made you. And now you can go out into the world and show them you are much better.” Kissing my head and pulls me closer and closes his eyes. “Well I was planning to go out with the boys for lunch but I think I might stay here with my beautiful girl.”

“Thanks babe but you should go out. I don’t need to ruin your time with your guys.”

Shaking his head he smiles. “Nah I would rather be here with you. I haven’t gotten to sit like with you for ever now.”

Rolling my eyes I shit and look up at him. “How about if you go to lunch with the boys we can go and take a nap together and then I will cook you your favorite dinner.”

Seeing his eyes light up in enjoyment he nodds his head and places a kisses to my cheek. “Sounds perfect I will see you when I get back. Don’t stress over anything babe. It is all fine.”

Moving out from under me he kisses me once more before heading out the door to meet up with the guys. Looking over I smile as Chip moves to rest his head in my lap.

“I just wish that I could just do something right. First the news job, then the paper and now this. Anything I do is wrong.” After a few moments of silence I get up and head to the bedroom deciding to take a nap. Yet before I reach it the phone rings. “god always when I am going to take a nap.” Redirecting my way I head to the kitchen picking up the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello dear.” With out even reading the name off of caller id I roll my eyes.

“What do you want mother?”

"I am just letting you know your father and I will be in town. Also I am bring a friend along so make sure you are all cleaned up and not look like a whore and your house is in good condition I don't want my friend to think I raised you to be a whore."

"Mother I live with someone now okay you can not do this! And I am not a whore!"

"Do not use that tone with me young lady. Now as for your friend you will have to kick them out I do not want them to talk about you as being a lesbian slut."

"Mom I live with my boyfriend! I can not kick him out of our place! And why do you keep calling me that?"

"Well I heard through the grape vine about your little surprise. And I hear it may not be your boyfriends. How many guys could it possibly be I hear about 3 different ones.”

"How did u hear about that......?”

Hearing her laugh sends a shiver down my spine.

"Mothers have there way. Now we are going to be there by tonight and staying for two days. Goodbye."

Before I am able to replay the dial tone rings through out my ears. While silent tears stain my face.

"Why can't my mother love me? Am I that much of a fuck up."

Hanging the phone up and fall to the floor and pull my knees close to my body as I start to shake. After a while Chip comes over and licks my face and just sits there with me.

It felt like days of being alone but only an hour until I heard the door unlock and the laugh of my boyfriend and a few others enter our place.

"Dude she was so trying to jump you right there in the place."

Hearing the laughter getting closer I pull my legs closer and bury my face into Chips fur.

"Yea well I got my eyes set on another sexy brunet." Jonas replies.

"Haha and she does not have her eyes on you. You know she is going for
Matt. You have no-"hearing everyone stop I pull Chip closer.

"Babe?" Hearing the guys say they will be in the living room Kyle gets down to my level and places his hand on my knee. "Look at me Ali."

Shaking my head he places his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.

"What happened?"

Glancing into his eyes I see concern. Which then my chest starts to shake again as the tears start falling down my face dropping onto Chips head.

“Do not cry please Ali.” Using his thumb he wipes it gently across my face and pulls me into his chest.

“My mom called. She wants me to kick you out. She is coming with my dad and a friend.” Wrapping my arms around him I feel myself slowly calming down. “she also called me a whore.” Whispering the last part more to myself I knew he still heard me when his body tensed.

“Why would she do that? And I wouldn’t care if you kicked me out for a few days I can hang out with the guys.”

Placing my hand on my stomach I can not lift my head up to look at him going over in my head the possibilities of what would happen if I told him

“Ali come on something else is bothering you and I need to know what it is so I can help. I hate when you keep everything bottled up.” Rubbing my back he tries to get me to look up.

“I can not tell you. It will mess up your life.”

“Ali stop talking this way tell me now I don’t care what it is as along as I am not going to lose you.

Finally looking up at him I stair into his eyes. “I am pregnant.” Looking for any signs of fear or resentment I find none and sigh in relief.

“You’re….pregnant…..” Blinking a few times he places his hand onto of my on my stomach. “But we were always….”

“I know we were I do not know what happened. But that’s why my mother called me a whore, and a slut and everything else. She found out somehow and she thinks that I have slept around with other guys while with you but I haven’t this baby is yours I am 100 percent sure. But I can never seem to do anything right for her even when I do what she says. I am just a plain failure who will always be a nothing”

Linking our hands together he pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

“Don’t you ever dare think that, you are a firework. You are worth so much more tehn what they are saying. You are my world and I don’t want to ever hear you way that will are nothing because you are my something.” Pulling me closer and leans down and kisses me, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me close I wrap my arms around his neck and play with the hair around the base of his neck.

After our little make-put session he breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against mine.

“I am going to be a daddy!”

Watching his eyes light up like a five year old running down stairs to see what Santa brought him I can not help but giggle and give a small smile.

“There is my girl I know. Come on lets forget about your mom and go tell the guys that my beautiful, sexy, amazing, girl, who is brighter then the moon when she smiles, is going to have my baby!! Then we can pig out and play video games!”

Smiling as he pulls me up we laugh as Chip growls and runs into the living room and go back to sleep. Kyle is right I am a firework, now is the time to burst and show everyone that I am worth everything and that my life is perfect and no one can change that but me.
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so maybe not as good as i thought it would turn out> but anyway please leave me comments so i know how i am doing with writing. thank you and wish me luck.