Status: active

Scars of my past...

Marcos. #2

"Marcos mama said to get up so you aren't late for school." came Carla's small voice.

"Okay" I replied.

As I got up I felt my bones crack form the stiffness in them. the nightmares that racked my body, made my body tireder when I wake up then when I went to bed.

I take a quick shower, and dressed in some jeans and a blue band T- shirt.

"Nino come down for breakfast." my aunt calls.

Walking down stairs, I see carla and Jose sitting on the couch watching Dora and eating some left over enchiladas.

I grab my plate and sit down stuffing my face with Marina's homemade enchiladas.

As soon as I finish I was my plate, give mi tia a kiss, and rush out for school.

School went by fast, faster than I would have liked. Today was my first day of O.U.T, and I was dreading every second.

The teachers even seemed to be in a very good mood, like they knew what was going to be facing after I left.

Oh shit! Could they know that I got caught?No. No thats impossible..

I walked into O.U.T's maine office and handed a short woman in her later 30's my ID sheet. She had a big smile on her face as she told me to wait over there -pointing to a row of chairs- while i wait for the camera lady to set up.

I went and sat in one of the smelly chairs only to be called back over within a few seconds.

"Okay smile!" said an energetic woman with a camera in her hand. Why are all these people so damn happy. Does it fill there empty lives to see kids forced to be here?

I kept the annoyed scowl on my face as the camera flashed. Once that was over I went back to the desk and showed the lady my ID so I could go find my councilor. She gave me the name of my councilor and the room where i could find him.

I started to stroll down the hallway looking at the poorly colored walls and the pictures, which again also looked very happy.

I found the room I was looking for and raised my hand to knock, when I herd a voice say, "Come in."

"How did you know I was there?" I asked slightly perplexed.
"Boy when you are in the US intelligence squad, you learn how to figure out someone is approaching without them having to knock." he replied still looking down at the papers he was reading.

"So who would you be and why are you here?" he asked bluntly.

I thought about lying but figured I was to tired to dance around with him. "My name is Marcos Allves. I was caught with possession of illegal weapons and suspected of being involved with the Demonious Carmesi." I said.

"Okay well at least you didn't lie. I have your file right here, I was just looking at it.

"Answering that question right there, was your first test. And oddly enough you passed." he said

"So does that mean I can go?"I asked hopefully.

"No kid, not by a long shot." he said laughing. "But nice try."
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Yay! 2 updates in 1 day.