Status: active

Scars of my past...

Sarah. #2

As Amy opened up the double doors, I gasped at the sight. And let me assure you I don't gasp regularly.
In front of me is one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen.
Ever since I was small I loved gardens, because of the feeling of life and freedom all around you.

Our garden at home couldn't be more than 4x 7x feet. I held only about 6 different kinds of flowers, but i loved it anyway.

This garden was huge, if you could call it a garden. It looked more like a nature preserve to me. "Mrs. do you like it?" asked Amy. "Yes, it is beautiful and my name is Sarah not Mrs. " I replied.

This place can't be all that bad if it has something this beautiful, could it?

Roses, lilies, daffodils, pansies,and orchards all together.

"Mrs. we must be getting back toy our mother and father, they will be departing soon." says Amy.

"Okay." I reply as we head back to where my parents are. "Oh there you are. I was about to send someone to fetch you" says Amilia.

"Well honey, we have to go be going. But we will be coming to visit you next weekend. I'm sure you will like it here. I know you don't want to be here but we just want you to get better. I love you so much." my mom said, as she rushed to give me a hug. A hug I did not return.

Next was my dad. "I'm sorry kido but this is the best." he said giving me an awkward one armed hug.

"Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Green, Sarah will be safe with use" Amilia said, coming to stand behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders. I quickly shook her hands off my shoulder.

"Okay Sarah, here are the rules.
*You do not disturb other children that are here.
*You do not ask why they are here.
*You will not start fights.
*There will be no drugs or alcohol of any kind on the premisses.
*You will treat all staff including myself with respect.
If you stick to the rules we will get along great." She said authoritatively.
"Now Amy will escort you to your room."

I picked up my bags not saying anything as Amy led me to my room. "oOkay, I should tell you the rooms don't lock for obvious reasons and you will get a daily schedule every morning. You must attend all classes unless told other wise. Any questions?" she finished.

I kept my face expressionless as she talked. When I didn't respond, she opened the door and allowed me to step inside. It was a small room. ABout the size of a college dorm. There were 2 windows, both with the same small bars covering the, 2 beds, 2 small dressers, 2 night stands, and 1 small bathroom with no shower. I did a double take and realized that the 2 of everything meant that I had a room mate.

"Well I'll let you get settled in. Dinner is at 6:00 sharp." I sat down and looked at the clock, which read read 4:37 on it. Maybe I'll just take a nap, and wake up and have this all be a bad dream.


Mhmm.. that was a good nap. I was so tired. I look outside to see the sun setting, what time is it? I turn to look at the clock, which now reads 6:07. I get up and start to walk down the hall, until I find a pair of large double doors labeled cafeteria.

I walked up to the doors to find them locked. I tried again, thinking maybe I didn't put enough pressure on them.
Nope they were defiantly locked. I knocked on the door with my fists, hoping to someone would hear me.
To my delight an old man about 60 opened up the door.

I took a step forward to enter, only to have that an blocking my path. "Sorry Mrs. but you can not enter the dinning hall." he said.
"And why the hell not?" I asked calmly.

"Dinner starts at 6;00 sharp. You are,"- he looked down at a watch set on his wrist- "8 minutes late. I'm afraid I cannot let you in."

"Come on! I'm new hear and I fell asleep. give me a break! mY parents drop me here to help me "recover" and you won't even let me eat dinner!" I yell.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help but those are the rules." he said about to close the door in my face.

I put my hand out grasping the door. "You could do something. You could open the damn door and let me in." I yelled.

" Again, I'm sorry but I can't. Now if you do not let go and quietly go back to your room, I'm going to have to call security." he replied.

I let me hand fall to my side. The last thing I want is for me to be dragged away. I walk back to my room sitting on my cot. I listen to my stomach make a growling noise.

"I know your hungry, I'm sorry but they won't let me eat."I say to my stomach.

I'm lying on my back thinking o noting imperticuler, when I hear the door open. A a girl not much older than I am walks into the room. She gives me a quick glance sizing me up.

"Hello." I say simply. The girl turns her head away clearly indicating that she doesn't want to talk. This decision is fine for me. I decide to go back to sleep and take what ever lies ahead of me tomorrow.
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Here you go. I'm trying to put them up fast. Message and comment please!