Status: active

Scars of my past...

Marcos. #3

Marcos #3

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

I hear the small alarm sound. I turn over and hit the snooze button, hoping to get a few extra minutes of sleep. I mean it's a fucking Saturday! Then reality hit me. I have to get up so I can make it to O.U.T on time.

I've been working there for a total of 5 days and I know that if I'm a second late my councilor (Eric Coral) will freak out. On wednesday I was 5 minutes ate and I got a lecture on the importance o responsibility. This place is a fucking joke!

I reluctantly get out of bed, take a shower, get a dressed, and head out. O.U.T is about 20 min drive from my house. When I arrive I see Eric waiting outside for me.

"What is this for?" I ask, approaching him. "I'm not even late."

"I know your not late and your not in trouble. I'm here to ask you if you would be willing to joining the 'Buddy Program'?" he asked.

"What the hell is a buddy program?"

"It's a program where you go to various hospitals and help around. Sometimes with chores, and other times to just be with the kids, as there buddy." he replied.

"And why would I want to do that? " I asked.

"If you participate in the buddy program you will gain extra points." he replied.

Ahh yes points. He explained that you need a certain number of points to "graduate" O.U.T. Points are given for being 'good' and can be taken away if you are 'bad'.

"Count me in." I said.

"Okay thats good, because I already signed you in." he said with a smile.

"So what do I have to do?" I asked.

"Well we have 2 hospitals on the list, St. Emmers Children's Hospital and Iron Oaks Recovery Hospital." he said.

"Woah what do you mean by 'recovery hospital'?" I asked.

"Well it's a place for teens ages from 13-18 that have had.. problems during there lives."he said.

"Okay stop being evasive and tell me what the hell I'm signing up for." I demanded.

"Iron Oaks in a facility for kids that have or have had mental break downs." he said.

"What, No, count me out! I don't want to deal with a bunch of winey kids that have mental problems. Sorry, but NO!" I said.

"Well thats to bad because your in whether you like it or not. " he said in a tone that means no arguments.

"What ever!" I said.

"Oaky, well it's a 4 week course. So the first 2 weeks is going to be at the children's hospital and then the next to weeks at Iron Oaks. After the 4 weeks are up, you are able to choose which hospital you would like to work at for a more long term period." he explained.

"How many people have signed up for this buddy program?" I asked.

"So far there are 16 people signed up. The program will start Monday. Make sure you are here on time! We are leaving as soon as everyone is here." He said.

"Well then it doesn't matter if I get hear on time does it? You can't leave without me." I replied smugly.

"Just get here on time, smart ass."
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Two chapters in ! day. YAY! comment! PLEASE!